Thursday, March 06, 2008

Booing is gay

Sheng solved my cube in less than a minute this morning. The last layer is taking a toll on me. All those algorithms... 
It's all about understanding, but my mind is too lazy for that.

Today's cross-country wasn't that bad. Laksa didn't get last place, for once. Instead, my "ex-house" Hulu did. Isn't that great? Not. I wish Panglima and Pahlawan would stop being so great. Or is it just that we suck? I'd go with the former, but it means I'm actually admitting it. I'd go with the latter, but it means I'm admitting that too.
So...they just got lucky. For now.

Along the way, Wani and I almost got hit by a car, got free bottles of water, said "hi" to Hadi (who was standing along the road fanning people for some reason), had fun, and ended up seventy-second and seventy-third respectively.
The weather? Thank God it was cloudy. Even if it didn't rain.

Congrats to all those medal-winners. Come to think about it... 
To all those who managed to finish the cross-country without fainting too. Urm. Let me exclude those who walked all the way and didn't even bother to run. Okay.

Then this friend of my dad's had his first lesson yesterday. My dad told me he learnt "how to hug the guitar". 
I feel heartbroken. I mean, some random guy having intimate moments with my guitar? It's very disturbing.

This is an awfully random video, but I find it awfully funny.

I can't write much today. I'm tired. All that running does take a toll on you, ya know? 


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