Thursday, April 24, 2008

Charter Magic.

I cannot believe it. 
Jason Castro is still in American Idol after that craptastically hilarious performance. I'm sorry, Jason, but I laughed at you. Hahahah.

It's funny when people do stuff they aren't comfortable with. I'm so cruel.

My class is into writing emo poetry right now. It's all the same. I feel terrible, the sun rises, oh so beautiful, but it starts to rain, making me feel emo again, a rainbow comes, I feel loved, the sunset is even more beautiful, stars shine bright. 
Something along those lines.

What the hell are you people thinking??
Whatever happened to fun poetry? The teachers are going to be so depressed reading it all. 
Khairul's obsessed with this thing, and he keeps coming up with more and more emo poems every time he sees me so I can help him with it. 

Fatehah told me yesterday that her entire school was filled with air conditioners. Even the corridors. I am jealous. Completely, utterly envious. How come they get the aircon and we don't? I remember before I went to MS, they kept telling me stuff like this: "So good, got aircon." It's a lie. A big fat lie. 

Since I'm in the mood to rant endlessly, I'll talk about when we were asked to assemble in the Audi at half past seven sharp.
Cikgu Discipline Master Extraordinaire didn't even need a microphone to make herself heard among us Form 3 girls. Someone had scribbled on one of the toilet walls in Block D, so we got all the blame. She said if nobody owned up by two in the afternoon, she'd make us all clean the toilets. An interesting prospect.

But why pin the blame on us? How about the other people in school?

One other thing I don't get is why on earth would anyone write the names of the people they like on toilet walls? Why not somewhere more...respectable? Like a library or something (not that I'm encouraging this, of course). 
I find it a bit urgh-ish. Toilets, no, they're not the least appealing. Unless you're in a six-star hotel, where the toilet seats are gold-tinted, with the highest quality of toilet paper, soft white towels, good hygiene, a marble floor, hot water, dry floors and good-smelling scent things. 

I just described the ideal bathroom. Wow.

Who doesn't want good quality toilet paper?

I want a soft white towel. As soft as silk, but one that soaks up water. 

Mmm... Yeah.

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