Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Don't you just hate it when people aren't specific enough?
And then when you ask a few more questions they start repeating themselves over and over s-l-o-w-ly like you're some dumb.....dum-dum.

But in some instances, it can actually be fun. 
The unspecific part, I meant.

"Try to complete as much as possible," said our Geo teacher.
Syaz picks up a pen and pretends to scribble in an answer. "I'm done!" she declares.
I can do exactly the same thing. Only that we know she knows we know what she's trying to tell us. So no can do, sadly.

I told Syaz I could finish the book she borrowed from the reading room before she had to return it, but by 12.30 pm I still had about thirty pages to go so I skipped to the ending and skimmed through a few paragraphs. It was a happy ending, I guess. Didn't get it much though. Bad thing about speed-reading. Tsk tsk tsk.

I'm supposed to attend some dinner tonight. Just because my dad's cousin had a "leftover table" from her wedding party last year. I didn't know you could keep it for that long. But whatever. Free food. Good. Yum. Please no extra MSG, thank you.

I've got work to do *cough yeah right*. 


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