Wednesday, August 17, 2011


iTunes is on shuffle, and I realise I really don't have all the time in the world to listen to all the songs I want to. I put my iTunes on shuffle because sometimes it knows best what I want to listen to, and I need reminding of some of the songs I have.

Oh memories.

Didn't post yesterday because I was utterly pooped, even though we did relatively little at school. Field trip was sort of interesting, and I liked the IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore) building, and it smelt quite new and fresh and the building was getting enough light even though it was kind of underground. Mm yeah.

Tax in Singapore is admittedly really well done. Back home, we don't get taxed, so we're sort of new to all this taxation because our parents don't have to sit and worry over paying taxes in time and calculating funds, which is good in a way. But then again, I think it'd be a good idea if taxes were implemented for the better part of the population who're well off, just so we can all contribute a bit more to our country's improvement.

We're ridiculously pampered, and I'm not sure if that's such a good thing, after all.

Then like, ate out with Wee Thean, Kelvin and Lee Ji Hyun. Baskin Robbins was a bad call because my voice cracked really badly afterwards.

Had a Math graded class task first thing in the morning, which was quite okay, apart from the part where there were numbers (I kid, it really was okay, actually).

So we're finally done with integration for the sem, and now we're onto other things.

Didn't have Malay so spent an hour in the student lounge helping Aisyah colour her art piece. Oh my goodness, I have the colouring skills of a six-year old.

Part of English was spent talking about Singaporean culture. I'm foreign. I don't really know what Singaporeans think of themselves, but I know what foreigners think. It's epic kiasu-ness and a strange love for acronyms and writing complaint letters all wrapped up neatly and systematically. Scary stuff, man.

And our NE quiz was on Singapore as well, because after all, it's National Education. Spent more time waiting for my computer to load than actually playing the game, which was glitchy and honestly way too easy for words.

I'm not offended that they're trying to inculcate feelings of loyalty towards this country. I'm all the more enlightened, and being knowledgeable doesn't hurt.

All right, going off now.


P.S. Whoa Raya is in less than two weeks. Freakishly fast, yes.

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