Sunday, August 21, 2011


Priorities were not right today, but witnessed a few pic moments during STGCC today, so was quite all right. Work is still there though, and now I've got vlog footage to edit underneath all that.

In the meantime, before I upload the full, edited vlog, here's a teeny short clip of me high fiving a Predator (nothing much, really. It just is me asking a Predator for a high five and then scoring big time). I also high fived a stormtrooper, but it was really awkward and now I'm started to doubt my shamelessness. I might actually have shame.

Saw a panel of Marvel artists and writers, which was seriously awesome. So much awesomeness in one area. It's funny how despite they've probably got dream jobs, quite a few of them act as if they've never gotten girls before (or guys, depending how they swing). There was this one guy who pretty much included the word "boobs" in all his answers. For example, which superhero would you like to be and why, and he went, "Which one gets the most ladies? Oh Ironman. I want to be Ironman." And another guy went "Cyclops. Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Psylocke."

And one of the guys mentioned he "saw Psylocke and became a true man." Whoa there.

Oh they're only human, and great people. That's so cool.

Unleash your inner nerd. It's totally okay, because there are tonnes of other people out there who're as nerdy, or worse.

Managed to get my hands on a copy of 'The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite', and I'm really glad, although I haven't started reading yet. Been wanting it since its release, but it's been hard to find. I love how Gerard Way's short biography at the back says, "He's also in a band." He obviously doesn't want to sell his comic on the basis of him being in MCR and already totally famous and loved by thousands, but it can't be helped that that's how I discovered it.

Good stuff though, yeah.

And saw really really expensive collector's items and ridiculously good paintings of Marvel characters and scenes. Pregnant Mystique was brilliant.

Yeah, comics.

And plenty of cosplaying, too.

Okay good night.

P.S. Oh, and there were mini TARDISes. So cute.

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