Saturday, July 07, 2012


Before I start this post, I think this will explain the current Andrew Garfield craze running through circles of teenage girls (actually I think it affects females of all age groups). Goodness, I don't understand how this is all it takes to make one's insides stir, but it is.

Perhaps one day I'll conduct research on this effect and find out. Interesting.

Anyway, it's been a long and tiring week, and this was almost a non-weekend, but thankfully it's not, because tomorrow's busking session is cancelled due to licensing issues (so grateful). So now I can do work and be productive and stuff.

Monday was a Youth Day holiday, so we didn't do any learning or anything in order to help us feel more youthful or something. I remember staying in the hostel doing work, and cleaning our room, and avoiding work, and then doing work, and then complaining about our school's English syllabus while conveniently not doing the AQ Ms Dass wanted us to do.

Found out on Tuesday that hardly anyone did the AQ anyway, then spent English just feeling demoralised and clueless as to how answering 'Application Questions' worked. Had Math, and I was glad I did the tutorials beforehand because then I could totally afford to daydream.

And goodness, the weather conditions totally improved, too. It turned from horribly humid and unacceptable last week to a lovely, cool clouded over, rainy kind of weather, and it feels so refreshing to wake up to crisp, cold mornings.

Chem honours first thing Wednesday morning, followed by more Math tutorial-completing, followed by ACE, which everyone was looking forward too because it was a sex ed session. I really enjoy sex ed, because it makes the teachers feel awkward and uncomfortable, and it reminds you that they're only really human, too. Also it's funny when they address relationship issues and you're like, man, this is never going to apply to me because I might be destined to be single for the rest of my life.

But Ms Dass was quite good with dealing with the session, which required her to talk to us about AIDS and STDs in general and how we should not be pressurised into having sex with anyone if we don't know them well enough. If someone is telling you that they'll break up with you if you don't offer sexual favours, then they obviously don't love you, so you're better off without them, stupid. You won't die if you aren't in a relationship, and frankly, contracting STDs conversely increases your chances of dying. Whoa ironic much.

Well dealt with as it was, it wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be, because Ms Dass took it rather seriously. Unlike in 06, where their mentor turned sex ed into a Math session about probability. Epic.

Didn't have Math on Thursday, so we spent the first hour and a half of school in the Games Room playing pool and air hockey. The rest of the girls were at the basketball court with Deborah, I think, because she's one of the hosts for the Korean exchange group (ten Korean boys, which basically meant it was like, free flow). Hadn't played pool in a long time, and missed all my initial shots, but then I totally improved and it was awesome again. Brendan completely owned everyone (Pin, Ram, Sooraj, Muru, Aris, Jun Wei, Boon Chong and myself) in air hockey, which I theorised was a result of his inherited American tendencies towards violence.

Then had an hour of Chem majors, two hours of Ecology (quiz included, which was much easier than expected), and two hours of Chem honours (in-class assignment of which I hope very muchly to pass).

Body ached all throughout Friday because PE was vigorous (I mean, come on, I hadn't exercised in ages because I'm unfit and terribly ungainly when I do sports).

Speaking of Friday, CCA was great. Yeah.

Then went out to Holland Village to eat with KT, Kelvin and Wee Thean. Ate at some Japanese ramen restaurant, which was really good (I think we can factor in the fact that we were starving and it was a hot meal on a cold day). Talked some conspiracy theories, then had Cold Stone afterwards. Best ice cream I've had since The Hague.

Yeahp, long, eventful week. Also, had Sultan's Birthday practices at night with the Bruneians. Time is scarce.

P.S. I really need to blog more often, because I find myself referring to my tweets to help me remember what happened over the course of the week. But I've really been really occupied.

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