Monday, February 11, 2008

Quick, before my head explodes!

After what seemed like an eternity and a half, I have finally finished reading my Geo textbook, chapters 1 and 2 only and those few pages of MIB. I suck at MIB. I don't even know why I care anymore. Anyway, on with my story of eternal (and a half) suffering and hell. 

Spending all my Commerce revision time to study for a test that has a slight chance of happening just annoys me. I mean, we already have three tests confirmed tomorrow, and our Geo teacher had to go and say she'd surprise us. ARGH.

My BM test was one hour of pure hell. I'm going to fail it, because one, I didn't have half a clue what I was doing, two, my vocab sucked, three, I had too many words, four, my BM is terrible. 

And if that wasn't enough, both my knees hurt, and so does my right elbow, which I have bandaged up at the moment so I'm finding it a bit hard to type right now. I'm sorta immobilised, and I limp in a funny way. I hope this all clears up by tomorrow. If not, I'm in deep deep trouble. As deep as that trench in the Pacific Ocean of which I had forgotten its name, but I know it's close to the Philippines and Japan. 

I think people are stalking me. Hm. People like Tira, and Effie. *looks around in suspicion* Big big HMM....

Oh and by the way, I'm going to fail my MIB, BM, Geo and etc. 
Also, I'm probably going through some mid-life crisis. 

List of things I want:

- More sleep.

- More time to study.

- To watch television.

- To play The Sims 2.

- To listen to Knockin' On Heaven's Door by Guns N' Roses over and over again.

- My Geo teacher to retire.

- To pass my BM.

- To relax.

- To not worry.

- To not be emo. Ever.

- The Geo test not to happen. And MIB, and IRK, and all the subjects I'm awful at.

I have to go now, to embark on an attempt to memorise the names you have to call the Sultan, the Royal family and all those important pee-pols when addressing them.

May post pictures some other time. When I'm less stressed. Now I bid you all, adieu.

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