Thursday, April 30, 2009

X-Country cxl-ed.

Whee. The model we threw away last week after spending ages making. Don't you just love our trees?

Okay, way overdue post coming up.

Cross country was cancelled. Well, half of it, at least. 

Too bad though. I was like, a last-minute recruit to be on duty to record it. 

I was waiting with Michelle at station 4 for the competitive girl runners to run past so we could film 'em, but nobody came. So we waited. And waited. Then one of the teachers decided to make a call. Only then we realised it got cancelled.

The video cam was super cute. Like, really, really cute. Much smaller than the one we used during the concert, 'cause we were going to have to walk the trail. 

Then I went home with Fatinn. We took a bus to Clementi Central to eat. Noodles. Yum. Then we took another bus back to the hostel. 

The rest of my afternoon was spent sleeping, looking like a retard trying to learn how to play the piano in the Music Room, and then watched movies all night with Fatinn and Wardah. 

Now I know that Wardah has a whole stack of DVDs from Brunei. Cheap. 

They were trying to make me cry watching 'A Walk To Remember'. It's such a sweet movie. 

And no, I didn't cry.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


It's strange that when I'm awfully free and jobless, nobody chats with me on MSN and when I'm busy as hell and I need to go online to do some discussing, everybody suddenly decides to talk to me. 

I think it's kind of funny, actually. 

This morning, there were "lots of announcements", according to the announcement guy (who was going the announcements, besides the obvious). And he was right. There were loads

After flag-raising was temperature-taking (whee, hyphens). 

Okay, I just shocked my roommate for yelling out half of the word "REALLY??????" and stopping myself in time. Apparently Stella misread the headlines and thought McLaren was going to be suspended for three whole races, but then realised the punishment will only be carried out by the FIA only when there is "further breach by the team".


That's no fun. 

Anyway, out of current disappointment and back to temperature-taking and hyphens. 

We were made to bring our thermometers today and check our own temperatures to be recorded 'cause I think the school is being cautious about "flu babi". You know, it's hard to take anything with a name like that seriously, even when we know it's level with "very-fatal-disease-that-might-kill-you". 
Such a pity. Imagine if they had "blobfish flu" or something. Sorry, but I think I'd laugh my head off. 

Physics was weird. Ms Li tried to play that game with the styrofoam plates again. Meh. I think she needs to revise her methods. Not very efficient. People should stop arguing and get on with it. That way, life is so much easier. 

My Physics sucks.

FPS was kinda weird as well, 'cause we (Rania, MJ, Cheryl, Ivy and I) had this terribly impromptu presentation on Diabolo (actually the teachers-in-charge told us three weeks ago, but none of us were bothered). I think everyone else was unprepared as well. 

Oh, I just realised I've done three presentations in three days. The super easy Bio one on saving energy, the Mockingbird/Flies one, and the FPS one. Cool.

By the way, my phone is not a prank-call hotline. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ferrari finally have points (three) to their name this season after four races, but somehow deep inside me I'm completely, utterly unsatisfied. 

Whatever happened to them? They used to be an awesome team. Great strategy, great car, brilliant drivers (who are still brilliant, by the way). 

Now, the cars lack diffusers and recently took the KERS off Kimi's car and their strategy still sucks. 

You know about swine flu? They named it that way to avoid saying "pig flu". 
But I got a copy of yesterday's Malay paper and the headlines said "Flu Babi". Oh well. So much for not being rude.

My nose has been leaking all day and I can't stand it anymore.

Today's weather was particularly strange. I woke up, and there was thunder and lightning, but no rain and the sky was bright. Only afterwards it started raining. 

That's why we had PE in the hall today. Ran in circles for ten minutes continuously and we were dismissed. Cool.

Webcomics for the win.

I'm going off to take a look at my Physics file to see if I need to do anything for tomorrow's file check.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Typo error #1: The "aborption of water".

In case you're wondering, no, I haven't died over the weekend or anything like that. 

I've been busy as, well, I don't want to compare myself to an insect (as much as I love the dear things), but the bottom line is that I've been really busy. 

My mum and aunt (Chun Wee's mum) came over during the weekend. Stayed at a hotel with 'em for two nights. Air-conditioning is awesome. 
These two shop a lot, and I mean it. But I'm not complaining. 'Cause I has a new pair of shoes. Also, two James Morrison CDs and a LOTR (Lord of the Rings) soundtrack. Wheee. I'm listening to 'Songs For You, Truths For Me' now. 'Once When I Was Little' is such a sweet song. Now I'm trying to decide whether to sync my iPod with my Macbook iTunes 'cause I can't click and drag. Meh.

Time's been moving so fast, it's scaring me. Sure, it comes in handy during boring lessons and such, but what when we're enjoying ourselves? I wish it would slow down. Just a bit.

Miraculously, I think I'm going to pass my Geography test. At least I know I've got two marks out of twenty-five guaranteed. I hardly studied. But hey, whatever goes. 

Some of us spent all night finishing up our slides for the English To Kill A Mockingbird/Lord of the Flies/Lord of the Mockingbird/To Kill A Fly/whatever-you-want-to-call-it presentation. 
Our teacher didn't show up. 
Didn't know whether to cry or to laugh.

Today's the last day Cikgu Isa is teaching us, I think. 'Cause we've got cross country on Thursday and Friday is Labour Day (no classes. One good thing about studying here is that they've got all sorts of holidays we don't have in Brunei). I think I'm going to miss the old dude. 

Oh, and I refuse to accept the fact that I may have a slight cold. I'm healthy. Good. Brilliant. And in denial. 


I'm off to organise my (currently non-existent) Music file for tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Please Don't Stop The Rain -James Morrison

I really, really, really, need to download some songs. I've got a few on a list I'm keeping so I can remember to download them when I go home. 

Whoever has any James Morrison songs, please let me know. And it would be great if you could send them to me. Thanks. He's got a great voice (which he apparently owes to a great bout of whooping cough long long ago).

Spore is good. But The Sims is better. No simulation game can ever beat that. The Sims 3 is coming out in a month and a bit. Man, I so want it. Sim addict. I miss my simmies. My lovable little pixelated beings. My awesomely dumb animated creatures. My brilliantly epic creations. I need to sim. Like, honestly. 

Man, there are some things in life we won't know the answers to. Or we just aren't bothered to find out. 

Like why do we have to do so much work for Bio? What did we ever do to it to deserve such terrible fate? What's with all the presentations and reports and killing poor innocent creatures?

Why does YouTube still lag so much?

Why do I only know how to play one musical instrument? That's not cool. Diversity is cool. 

Why are people racist? Interracial babies are the answer to racism. This morning's racial harmony play was funny. Interracial babies for the win!

Why do I prefer guy songs over girl songs? 

Why did today's dinner taste nice? Salmon gooood. MMmmm.

Why can't I ever finish reading 'Watership Down'? It's been ages and I still haven't finished it. It's like the Viking Trilogy all over again.

Why are lessons so boring?

FPS skit was finally presented today. Did better than I hoped, what with all the not-rehearsing and the imaginary "international meeting" with all the foreign accents where I pretended to be Italian, Cheryl pretended to be Indian, MJ pretended to be Chinese and Rania pretended to be Japanese. Which is pretty screwed, since I'm from Brunei, Cheryl's Singaporean, MJ's from China, and Rania is from Indonesia. 


Interracial babies.

Oh, and people who complain in blog posts (look who's talking), CAN IT. 

Hah. I just quoted Powerthirst 2. 

I be awesome.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Epic volcano.

I'm now waiting for Spore to finishing installing itself into my laptop. 

The disc is courtesy of Insan, who went out to buy it a week or two ago. I know I mustn't be playing games, but I can't stand it anymore. I love gaming. I can't not game. Even though there are significantly less games for Mac than PCs. 

It rained this morning before school. I love rain. It makes me feel revived, in a way. I love it. It makes me happy. Rainy weather rules. 
I was kinda disappointed, 'cause I wanted to see how we hold flag-raising on the track in the rain. Instead, we went to the hall. No fun.

I think a lot of people have started quoting me. "Die, homework, die!"
I don't mind, not at all. But you heard (or saw, rather) it here first, kay?

I may be able to pass this Music test. Ms Tay let us use the textbook for half an hour. Luckily. Or else I would have epic failed. 

Other than that, the rest of the day was pretty much uneventful. 

PE was fine. We ran three laps and had nothing to do 'cause some of us were retest-ing NAPFA. 

I'm not going to like, bore everyone with how the rest of my day went down, 'cause it's a mini-miracle that I survive such boredom. Not that I'm complaining. Boredom is good. The last time I complained, my wallet went missing. So it's good. All good. 

Now I'm going to see what work I can complete before the weekend is up. Or play Spore.


Sunday, April 19, 2009


Has anyone noticed that I went past the four hundred post mark around a week ago? I just did. 

I should have reached it ages ago, but the seemingly never-ending amount of work to is to blame. I used to blog every single day. Now, probably only five times a week. Tsk. 

So I have awful time management skills. 

I wrote that approximately a day and a half ago. Couldn't even finish a post. 

Since I'm trying to rid of Haw Par Villa from my front page, I'm going to try to get in as many posts as possible. 

Yesterday, we managed to finish our Geography model on time (like, very super last minute). But it looked really good. We had awesome trees (kebab-ed green crepe paper on toothpicks), an awesome volcano ('cause Rania and I made it in an hour and a half) and cute little styrofoam houses (also kebab-ed on toothpicks).

Feyra was telling me this morning that she saw our Geography teacher grading our models at the concourse, and she and her friends told Ms Chua that our model was nice. Ms Chua said she'd take note of that. Thank you Feyra.

So anyway, we had another Bio practical yesterday. It seems like we're sacrificing a lot of lives for the sake of our education. The terrarium killed loads of poor arthropods, last week was snails, and this week? Little shrimp things called Artemia

Artemia are funky little creatures. Apparently they're really good at the whole dying/surviving thing, that's why we were going to use them to find how much of each pollutant (pesticide, thermal, acid) would kill half of their population. 

Poor little things. 

They all survived, apart from the ones in the pH3 test tube. Ouch. 

Ms Feng let us keep the Artemia. I think it was a mistake. The guys were trying to see how many ways they could kill the things. Shaking, soap, ink, et cetera. Animal cruelty. They have rights too, you know.

After that, after handing in our Geo models, we went to the hall for the song translation competition. To be honest, a few of the performances weren't really great. Awful, even. 
The Bubbly (by Colbie Caillat) to French one should win. 

I'm going for dinner and Study Time now. Post about today later. 

Much fewer people turned up for Study Time yesterday, 'cause we all got lectured real bad about discipline and how we weren't supposed to talk blah blah blah in the library. 


Romantic Fantasy Worlds...?

Throat hurts. 

This is stupid. 

I could have died of exhaustion yesterday, what with all the standing at the concourse and asking people if they would like to know more about our research programme.

I think they thought I was a complete lunatic. I think I thought I was a complete lunatic. 

I am never doing that again. 
Sore throat was probably caused by all the standing, talking, and handing out postcards.

Then we took a bus to the Esplanade, waited, went to the pre-concert talk, ate at McDonald's, attended concert, almost fell asleep during the third movement of the Symphony Fantastique, woke up to watch the final two movements (which were like, the best of the lot). 

Took a bus back with people from the hostel.

Stella just told me "Saturday's are awesome. Qualifying, Project Runway, House."
You make me feel sad, Stel. Do you know how much I want to watch those? A lot. A huge lot. I miss Astro. 

F1 China is on later. And I can't watch it. Again. I'm trying to see if I can load the qualifying highlights on Espnstar. 


Got to go do Bio.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Haw Par Villa.

And here is the next post. 

The photography workshop dude, George, took us on a field trip this afternoon, to Haw Par Villa. To be honest, that place gave me the creeps. I'm still severely creeped out. Chinese mythology is spooky.

Hey look, it's the Monkey King.
Life before KFC.
This places scares the hell outta me. And that pun was not intentional. There was a place showing how evil-doers were punished in Chinese Hell, but we didn't go in. 
My reflections pic. It was supposed to be "homework" but I never handed it in 'cause nobody asked for it.
Cake! Yum. Oreo Cheesecake. 
Can you believe all this stuff can fit inside that fridge over there? It's like a mini-miracle.
I found this picture in my phone, but I can't remember what the occasion was. I think it was for the March birthdays at Pizza Hut. Yum.

BM is still boring.

I'm trying to brainwash myself with the songs and names of around (give or take) thirty-two composers who died a hundred or so years back (I think the contemporary composers died a bit later, during or after Hitler's time). 

So far so good, I think (I hope). 

I may clear up all unfinished business (folding clothes, ironing, clearing up my mess of a table, etc) before I go to bed tonight. 

I'm super tired. I can't believe I've got to go to school at 7.30 a.m tomorrow, and then attend a concert (which will like, totally make up for all the hell I've been through this week). 

This means I'll be pretty much occupied all day, and that means I won't have time to do my Bio practical report or write the report on our terrarium or do our Geography model tomorrow. 
Do the math, and it leaves only Sunday.


I forgot to mention we went on a field trip last Wednesday. Listened to a talk by Mr C. Kunalan (funny [as in great sense of humour] old sprinter dude) at the YOG (Youth Olympic Games) Learning Centre.

There was free food. 


Good free food.

I think the only thing any of us would say about the trip was that the free food was good. 

Now I think that's sad.

I think our Physics teacher is stalking us. She seems to find us everywhere, in the canteen, class, student's lounge.

Hmm. A scary part of the Symphony Fantastique is coming up. 

See you next post.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Epic fire drill.

Hey, guess what? 

Fire drill. 

Apparently they thought it would be great if we had a fire drill tonight, of all nights. When I need to study (or at least attempt to study) for a Chem quiz tomorrow and that Music test. 
At least it wasn't boring.

So the fire alarm went off again. The thing goes off so often we've memorised the entire thing. "The fire alarm has been sounded. Please remain calm and wait for further instructions. Thank you."

There I was, in the laundry room, ironing my uniform, thinking this one would be ignored like all the others. Everything proceeded as the norm. I went back upstairs to my room. 
Then, the epic-ness began. "Attention all boarders, this is a real emergency."

We took the stairs eight floors down, crossed the field to the track, took attendance, sat down, talked, was briefed briefly, was dismissed, crossed the field back, took the stairs eight floors up, and everything's back to normal again. 

'Cept for the stupid alarm the people from 7A set off. Terribly annoying.

Oh wait, it just got stopped. Good then.

Thank God I finished my English personal reflection thing on To Kill A Mockingbird days ago. It's due tomorrow, and some people haven't even read the book (or Lord of the Flies or To Kill The Flies or Lord of the Mockingbird, whichever) yet. I wrote as the black dude. Black dude.

P.S. Watership Down by Richard Adams isn't as stupid as some people think (or I initially thought) just 'cause it's about rabbits. Don't discriminate. The book is epic.

P.P.S. When I finish it, I'm definitely starting on Angels and Demons (Dan Brown, anyone?) before the exam time. 

P.P.P.S. I hope exams come and pass over painlessly.

P.P.P.P.S. Tchaikovsky was gay. How cool is that?

P.P.P.P.P.S. How many 'P's will it take to make unlimited 'P's in postscripts become illegal?

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I'm going to bed now.



My weekend to-do list:

- Finish up our Geography model.

- Write report for Bio.

- Study for Music test. (234 pages? I'm doomed.)

- Help out during Open House (school open house, for people to come and see how "we're not all really that nerdy".)

- Attend concert at Esplanade for free. (Romantic Fantasy Worlds, starring Mendelssohn and Berlioz [dude with 'fro]).

- Play Wii.

- Buy waffles at Jurong Point. 

That's pretty much it, I guess. And to check on our snails and water plants for Bio.

Have I mentioned that I don't like Bio projects?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Last-minute = uncool.

I am/supposed to be/will be rushing our Geography report due tomorrow. 

The thing is, only Rania and I are doing it at the present. 

Where on earth is everyone?

This is dumb. 

Anyway, school today was as boring as school can be.

She deducted marks off my English essay three times. And she didn't even tell me why. Why?

During Music, we got reminded by Ms Tay that we had a concert to attend and we had to take attendance for the pre-concert talk, the concert, and after the concert (in case we got so bored we decided to leave half-way). I wouldn't want to leave. I'm watching for free what other people willingly pay for. It's cool. 

We also watched John Cage conduct his four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence piece. We kept laughing during the "silence". It apparently had three movements and he had to wipe his sweat and turn over his empty score during the movement intervals. Weird.

Almost fell asleep during Geography. M&Ms keep me alive. 

NAPFA wasn't so sucky today. Got two As. 

Cluster people are playing Scrabble in the pantry. I want to play. But I can't. 

Stupid last-minute Geography report.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lost & Found.

I take it back. 

Turned out my weekend wasn't so boring after all. 

Actually, it wasn't even an ounce boring. 

I lost my wallet. 

Then I got it back. 

Short story long, this guy called Mr Soh found it after I dropped it somewhere (or at least I reckon I dropped it) yesterday and I got it back from him today. 

He found my wallet in a toilet with no cash inside. 

To the (major) loser who stole my money: I hope you become lactose intolerant and get stuck eating nothing but dairy products all your life. Also, it would be great if you went to Hell.

At least all the identifications cards and stuff were inside.

Though I can't believe how I could've been so careless. I hate the word "careless", actually. 
Careless literally means "not caring", but I do care. It's just that sometimes, these things can't be helped. It's not entirely my fault I'm such a loser. 

I've got a Bio quiz tomorrow. Better go study.

You know, the weekend is coming soon. Just five more days. 

Oh, and I finally managed to play MarioKart Wii this afternoon with Ly En (Ivanka's toiletmate) and later Woan Chyi (Wardah's roommate). 

Then, after getting my wallet back and eating at Pizza Hut with Ivanka (get well soon, Iv) and Ly En, there was a birthday celebration at Ms Queenie's place. Cake good. Pics promised tomorrow. 

Also, I watched August Rush (borrowed from Feyra) last night. Crappy crappy ending. The story was good though it seemed kinda impossible. Who on earth can play like a pro the very first time the touch the musical instrument? 

I mean, what are the odds?

Friday, April 10, 2009

"This brings tears to my eyes..." -Creed

I reckon I've just spent the entire day watching pointless videos on YouTube. 

Well, maybe not the entire day, but perhaps around 95% of it or something like that (the other five per cent was for eating, using the bathroom and attempting to be awesome by playing the Super Mario theme). Talk about jobless. 

It's my grandma's birthday today. I wish I were back home to personally greet her, but just a phone call would suffice for now. I heard they had cake to celebrate. I want cake. I really do. Not just any old cake, but the super good ones, with just the right layer of cream, and just the right lightness, with the perfect amount of chocolatey goodness.

I stole this picture from my uncle's blog, but I can't be bothered to resize it. I would just love to get my hands on this thing and stuff spoonfuls of it into my mouth. Sweet, sugary bliss. I remember the last time I had really awesomely brilliant cake was with my cousin before he left for Holland. Yum.

Cake is God's gift to the world. And so is chocolate and pizza. I love pizza. 

I can't believe I just wasted a good Friday (no pun intended) on YouTube and Super Mario.

Tomorrow's a Saturday, and we've got more projects to do. Bleh.

I wonder what's for supper?

Yeah, I'm bored.

This Friday isn't fun at all. 

I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored.

Is the phrase "I'm bored" starting to sound weird to you?

Yeah, I'm pretty jobless right now.

Spent an hour learning how to play the Super Mario Theme arranged by this dude called Thierry Gomez. 

Yesterday was Speech Day (now we know why it's called that. Guest-of-honour opening speeches are always so long-winded). People got prizes, we clapped, went home. That was pretty much it. 

I really want to play Wii.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Things I consider essential in life:

- Pizza. The proper ones with loadsa cheese and toppings and thin crusts. 

- Television at least twice a week.

- Good internet connection.

- The ability to manage time well.

- Being able to keep in touch with your parents and family no matter where you are and no matter how the time zones differ, and not taking them for granted when you live with them.

- Friends. Good ones. Ones you can have fun with wherever and whenever you want and laugh at each other's jokes non-stop, never judge you for being who you are, jam, and eat murtabak with.

- Knowing how to be cool.

- An exceedingly brilliant music player to play awesome music (oh, and throw in a subwoofer too. Surround sound, man.)

- Optimism.

- Never making anyone else feel unhappy just because you don't feel unhappy. 

- Being able to wake up early and then sleep again, knowing you won't get into trouble.

- Recycling.

- Being able to recognise at least a hundred Pokémon. 

- Pointless, time-wasting computer games.

- Good sleep.

- NO homework.

- Definitely no homework.

- Good toilet paper.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009



Has thou heard of Jasmine? She be awesome.

Hostel suppers are terribly misleading. Take just now, for instance. The list said "Fruit and cake", and guess what we got? Pears and assorted buns. 

I understand that pears are a type of fruit, so that's acceptable. But to mistake buns for cake? That's just weird. 

They've probably been lying to us all our lives when they told us buns were called buns. No. They're actually cakes. It's just a huge lie.

I is sleepy. NAPFA is tiring. Lucky a long weekend is coming soon. 

Today's Tuesday. Tomorrow's Friday. The day after is Speech Day. The day after that is Good Friday. And then the weekend. 

Oh, and English assignment? Watch a movie for the weekend.


Monday, April 06, 2009


Stella just showed me a picture of Kimi Raikkonen shaking Her Majesty the Queen of England's hand (we know she picks her nose with it) while David Coulthard (I actually miss DC a lot, the rudely frank Transformer-lookalike) looked on. 

That must've been ages ago. 

Ferrari should start winning. Honestly. 

Apparently Cheryl has grown super attached to the snails and crickets we put into our terrarium yesterday. The snails were taken from school and the crickets were bought from a fish farm (I followed Rania there). 
And we also found "earthworm haven", which is a corner of moist, icky dirt where the earthworm community thrives. 

But I digress.

The snails were named SomTally (a mixture of Tom and Sally), CanTally, WillTally, and DonTally. 
The ten crickets were named on similar levels of weirdness, such as Epic, Failure, Loser, Coolio, et cetera. 

Today, Cikgu Isa taught us the exact same thing he taught us last week. Poor guy. I felt really sorry for him, so I copied down what he wrote on the board (he gave us the entire answer to the surat kiriman rasmi question). 
I don't know why we didn't tell him (I think Yos lied to him or something), but Aisyah and I started laughing like mad, then the guys started laughing, and then we passed Nerds (the sweets) around class. 
It's either he doesn't care, or he hasn't noticed yet. Either one, I encourage him to keep doing it. 

I'm going to bed now. Been a busy day. 

Night all.

By the way, google "Axolotl" if you wish. 

Or even better, "blobfish".

Saturday, April 04, 2009


It's like we've got to do Bio projects every weekend. 

I want my life back. Biology projects should be limited to like, two per semester or something like that. Even better, they should ban Biology projects altogether.

Online petition, anybody? (We could toss in all homework in general while we're at it.)

By the way, do we have to do that North Korea emotions thing? If yes, when is it due?

When's the Math Assignment 4 due?

I really, really loathe homework. I wish it would just wither up and die. Die, and I would attend its funeral. I would have it forever in my memories as a time-snatcher, a pointless load of work we don't want to do that gives teachers more work than they deserve in marking it, a pointless waste of paper and killer of the environment. 

If everybody hates it, then why not just terminate it?

I need a life. 

Please at least just reduce the amount of homework we get. Please?

I admit this is only one side of the story. But come on. We're humans, not machines.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Sound Of Music.

Concerts attended so far: 2 out of 3.

Oh joy. I must interrupt this programme (or blog post) due to sudden news. Man, if I wasn't living in a hostel full of people listening in on me, I would yell my arse off. 

Can you believe it? Hamilton has just been disqualified from Australia's race along with his team, McLaren and may be disqualified for the entire season for lying to the FIA stewards.
Can you believe it? Ferrari have started to set their pace in Sepang, with Kimi recording quickest times and Massa feeling all positive. 
Can you believe it?? I'm in utter stupor, such complete shock, that I've got my blogging mood back on. 

I really do miss blogging properly. 

Thank you Stella, thank you so, so, so much for letting me in on the good news. (I did tell you to have faith, didn't I? Hahahah.)
I don't know, but right now, I feel super content.

Now back to the concert.

It was super awesome. 

After CCA, we (Krystin and Michelle from Year 1 and I) stole some dinner from the orchestra members and Music Ambassadors, then met up at the Auditorium at 6 p.m 'cause we were asked to.

Apparently, we were supposed to wear black clothes, but since Roslyn (our vice head) didn't message me or anything like that, I had absolutely no idea until CCA time. At least I could go back to the hostel to change, but the thing is, I don't have any black clothes. Or at least, black pants and a nice, long-sleeved (albeit uncomfortable and stuffy) black shirt like those orchestra dudes had to wear. 

Anyway, Krystin, Vishnu (one of the "men in black" [sorta racist comment]) and I planned our filming routine carefully for the first half of the concert, which involved loads of running around in the dark and trying to steady our shaking hands under the weight of the huge (but not so huge) professional-looking video camera we had gotten acquainted with on Wednesday.

I think it's actually very cool to be one of the backstage people. Sorta like mysterious and unknown though we play a very important role. We couldn't "sit back and relax" like the powerpoint slide asked us to, but we had loads of fun. And I mean it.

Our CCA teacher-in-charge is going to kill us when she sees the rubbish we took at the end when the people were having their refreshments. People from my Music class (including me) insisted (not everybody) we take a video or picture of us being there to prove to Ms Tay we actually attended the concert. I wonder what she's going to say when she sees it.

The songs are still stuck in my head, appearing at seemingly random moments. 

Today's verdict: Fun. (Although I got a noseful of hot and stinkin' ammonia that burnt my nose and killed my nostrils during Chemistry. The stink will give me nightmares. I hope I never have to go through that Hell ever again.)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Die, homework, die!

Recent events:

- Struggled to wake up early.

- Went to school.

- Totally forgot it was April Fool's until Rania played a trick on MJ and Cheryl starting lying about the FPS thing (which I didn't do at all).

- Learned that our mentor teacher finds sexually inappropriate advertisements "interesting".

- Played with slinkies during Physics in the lab and got my Physics paper back. Meh.

- Could have died of boredom in during FPS, which Rania missed and is still rubbing it in my face. Though she did help us postpone our skit deadline to three weeks later.

- Got through to God-knows-what for Talentsearch.

- Stayed back in school to record the orchestra concert rehearsal thing (which couldn't go well 'cause we had to keep pausing it). Meh. The video camera was pretty cool though.

- Struggled to wake up again.

- Went to school again.

- I think I fell asleep during Malay. And I think Aisyah did as well, but Cikgu didn't seem to mind. I think. One hour has never seemed so long. 

- Since classes end (for my class) at 11.30 a.m, MJ, Rania and I spent our time looking at the Year 1s playing ping pong and wishing they would go to class so we could play. Then we hung out at the netball court for a while 'cause we can't go home until 1 p.m. 

Now I've got to do a Chemistry journal thing due tomorrow. 

Still don't like homework.