Friday, October 31, 2008


I was going to upload many pictures, but I think Blogger couldn't take it, so I'll leave it.

Plus, I'm lazy.


I'm around...a hundred plus pages into Brisingr, and so far it's good and I kinda like it. I haven't loved it yet, but I'm seriously hooked. Reading is like a drug. It's like a movie you can watch over and over again, it's something you can do on a rainy day, enjoy a little privacy, in a world of your own and forget about your own worries while embracing the story being told. 

Urm... You didn't have to read the above paragraph. You know that, right?

But I digress. Brisingr is, so far, partly about how a lovelorn Eragon mourns the fact that he doesn't have a girlfriend after watching his cousin being happy with his fiancee. I'm not sure what this translates as though. It's quite complicated and all, what with all the emotions brewing, and the fighting, and the dragons (I have no idea why I included them, but whatever), and the no meat eating, and the being guilty about killing people. 
Christopher Paolini sure does have a lot of time on his hands.

I didn't watch the Amazing Race Asia last night, 'cause I attended my dad's friend's kid's birthday party. I'll show you pictures of the cake maybe tomorrow. 
Fortunately Jan was there. Otherwise, I would've died of boredom long, long ago. 
Watching all the other kids play games made me miss being a little kid. 
The times where one could play stupid games and not realise they're stupid. Ah. Good times, good times.

Today, my cousin gave birth (albeit prematurely) to a baby (well obviously) girl (oooh, girls are rare in my family, both sides). 

If you didn't understand the above sentence, that's okay, because it took me quite a while to get it right. 

Lovely birthdate, I might like to add. Halloween. Pure awesome.

Like Nathan's birthdate: Sixth of June, 2006. At six in the morning. 

Lawa, right?

Of course.

Congratulations to my uncle and aunt for being grandparents for the first time ever, and to my cousin and cousin-in-law for being parents.  =)

I like it when people are happy. 

Call me simple, but that's the way it is.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

While I was gone... Gmail account accumulated 39 emails and 134 junk email. 

Hahah. Stupid Viagra sellers.
Also, I forgot how to use the computer for a split second there. 

So... My to-do list?

- Read Brisingr.

- Play The Sims 2.

- Watch smosh and Eddsworld.

- Watch Youtube till my eyes sorta pop out. 

- Watch television. The Amazing Race Asia 3, House, The Simpsons, some Taiwanese drama.

- Go cycling. Bet my bike's got cobwebs on it...

- Visit our beloved Mall.

- Watch a movie!

- Download lots and lots of custom content. 

- Read Hannibal ...something.

- Read Tales of Despereaux! With the cute little mouse on the cover.

Sweet, sweet freedom.

I don't know what to do first. To blog? Yes.

Ahh.... Who in the world does not love the sweet, sweet, smell of freedom? 

To tell you the truth, it wasn't as awesome as I expected it to be because of the stupid "nobody balanced their final accounts" thing. Spent a whole hour worrying like hell. Must be the biggest mistake made by the Gov't ever? Who knows?

I kept this weird mini-journal thing in my phone...

16/10 - Day 1. 
Two papers so far. Not bad, not bad. I think I can make it, though the stress is kicking in. 

19/10 - Day 4. 
I feel as if I'm undergoing treatment for drug withdrawal. My doctor says it's exam stress, I say it's the lack of internet. I think I'm going crazy. Lewis Hamilton the self-centred git has extended his lead over Massa, much to my chagrin. Two more days until the freedom countdown is whittled down to single digits. I must go on. 9 more papers. 

22/10 - Day 7.
My brain is slowly rotting away, turning into mush as I try to cram three years of outdated Geography into my head. You'd think studying would mean an increase in brain activity, therefore a healthier brain, but that is a lie. In six hours, I will be emptying my head of this and cram IRK instead. Oh the horror. 7 more papers to freedom.

23/10 - Day 8. 
IRK is over. I feel... considerably happier. I screwed up a few questions though, but what's over is over. 3 papers to freedom. Science, History the brain-saturater and Commerce, the living hell of a thousand accounts. 

25/10 - Day 10. 
Two papers left. Oh wow... I think I may actually be able to survive this.

26/10 - Day 11. 
What is the mystery of this non-stop rain?

27/10 - Day 12. 
My brain is saturated. Heat and stir, I say, heat and stir. I can't wait to empty my brain out by tomorrow.

28/10 - Day 13. 
One more paper to go. I feel eager for freedom. I'm not even in the mood to read about insurance and the like. 
Few hours later- I am so BORED! Commerce is hella dull. My pencil's out of lead (or sticks of carbon, whichever), and I can't jot down stupid notes on my notes...

29/10 - Day 14. 
The "Computer" people must be really happy now...

30/10 - Day 15.
This is it. Wish me luck, and that my accounts balance.

Apparently my accounts didn't balance, so... Meh. 

What counts now is that I'm free from the Pointless Meaningless Brain-torturer or PMB as you call it, except when the word "results" comes after it, then I feel slightly queasy. But what's done is done, and I can't change it, so what's the point of caring anymore? =) 

Friday, October 03, 2008

Yet Another Hiatus

Yeahp, read the title, good people.

I'm going on hiatus. So I will starve myself of the internet until the thirtieth. 

Isn't that awesome?


I know it's extremely...suicidal/complete torture but I think I have to survive it in order to achieve my goal: Steal a copy of The Sims 3- whoops, I meant, get eight A1s. 

So I'm out.

Remember, don't drink and drive.

*slurps juice from carton*

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Happy Raya everyone.

Happy Raya everyone! 

Or, you know, to do it the right way....

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin.

Don't laugh. I don't even know what that "zahir" and "batin" thing means.

This is why I worry a lot about my BM papers. 

I have a question. How come people call the things they give during Hari Raya "angpows" when "ang" means red and "pau" means urm...packet? Obviously, theirs are green
I'm confused, but as long as they've got the kachings. =) It's a-okay.

I want to watch 'Ryan and Sean's Not So Excellent Adventure', but I doubt it'd ever come to Brunei. That's sad.

By the way, I'm done with my Geo. And it's raining.
I like.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

It's October: Oh crap.

I woke up this morning, rolled over to the side of my bed to look for my monkey and realised: Ohcrapit'sOctober.

Meaning PMB is a few days away.
Meaning I have to study.
Meaning I'm in biiiig trouble.

Sometimes I wonder if life is really good or bad (here, we ignore LG's "life's good" slogan).

We may hate PMB, but after that, we get a long holiday.
We may think school sucks, but in the end, we don't end up as dumb as we're supposed to be.
I think chocolate, ice cream and chocolate ice cream are awesome, but eat too much and you'll get fat and diabetes.
We wonder why we weren't born later enough to be in the "SPN21 zone" and not have to sit for PMB.
Even if we were, we would wish we were older so we're closer to our driving licences.

...There are good monkeys and evil monkeys. 

So where does this bring us?

I have absolutely no idea.
I haven't had breakfast yet, so I'm a bit muddled up right now.

After breakfast: Geo time. 

Is it what matters right now...right now?
Or does the future matter more?
But if you spend all your time worrying about your future, what present will you have?
Keep in mind: the present is the past's future.

...Yeah, I'm confused too.