Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Guess the sketch.

Today's the last day of September '09, which means no more 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' jokes for another eleven months.

Kimi Raikkonen is leaving Ferrari end of this year, and Alonso's moving in to replace him. I feel really sad 'bout this matter, but I'll leave all the F1 talk for another post sometime tomorrow when I get all the details down.

This Muse video cheers me up a huge load, but the thought of no more Kimi-Massa ever again just keeps coming back to bug me, ever since Rania texted me this morning. 

Anyway, as promised, I'll talk about it next time when I can type about something other than "Oh God, Alonso in Ferrari, Kimi possibly with Hamilton, sucky sucky sucky".

We talked about appreciating our family members (or something along the lines of that) during ACE today. Interesting topic. 

Sorta makes me dread married life. 

They make it sound so bad. I dunno. It's all complicated. 'Cause people are all general assholes (pardon my language).

Spread the love, man.

Math was pretty interesting today. Did probability (it's gambling in disguise) and something on the Monty Hall problem. Pretty awesome, the way it works.

It's kinda flawed, actually. Always switch. 2/3 chance of winning. Unless you're the unluckiest person on earth, that is.

Played it with cards. Fun. 

I've roughly got my CCA brochure thing done, so all I need to do is to refine it and print tomorrow. 

Just wrote some stuff about how really awesome it is to run around with a video camera. (Not sarcastic.)

Seriously thinking of uploading our video, but the decision is pending. The probability of me uploading it is 1/2, 'cause it's either yes or no. 

Oh, and we're still playing Guess The Sketch in the computer lab during whatever break we have.

Okay, gotta go now.


P.S. Playing Freecell every jobless moment of your life actually helps in Math. Cool.

P.P.S. I've managed to read a couple more pages of 'Dracula'. It's awesome.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Shall I or shall I not upload our highly embarrassing CCA vid? 

I think not. Not tonight.

Anyway, we had tonnes of fun just now at Ms Queenie's place, celebrating the September birthday ('cause there's only one, which is hers).
I haven't posted any pics of cake in ages, so here you go. 

We were supposed to tell everyone what we like about our cluster one by one, and being the lameass I am, took the opportunity to "Kanye West" it.

"Yo Ms Queenie, I'm happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but 8A is the best cluster of all time! Of all time!"

Yeah, I know I promised no more Kanye West jokes, but man, sometimes the opportunity is just too good to resist. 

Wasted away our long hours of break today by playing Guess the Sketch on Facebook in the computer lab. 

Was pretty entertaining. And one of the reasons why we were (sorta) late for PE. 

I think I kinda screwed up today's English essay test. Not as good as I wanted it to be. Spent an entire paragraph describing fruit and vegetables. Should've retitled it as "My Grocery List". 
I mean, that's not very interesting, is it? What I aim for in writing is for people not to fall asleep in the middle of a long, boring, descriptive paragraph, because as far as I know, sleeping people can't read.

Speaking of English, I haven't started on the CCA brochure thing yet. No idea how to start.

Oh, by the way, Ms Ng is going to teach us how to gamble tomorrow. (I kid, I kid.)
It's probability with playing cards. Awesome.

All right, got to go now and continue reading 'Dracula'. (Yeah, I borrowed it yesterday, and haven't even made the first fifty pages yet. They say it's really tedious and draggy, but hey, I survived half of Arabian Nights, didn't I?)


P.S. Did you know that Ris Low stepped down as Miss Singapore World '09?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Camera rolling.

Had a blast during CCA just now. Finally had our "The Walker" (which was named last minute) premiered. 

Fun as it was, I hope I won't have to do it again anytime sooner. It's terribly embarrassing. 'Specially when people don't realise you're filming and walk up to you and ask it you're all right. 

One of the security guards came up to us and said to me, "Are you okay? I saw you shaking the gate from the security camera. Next time you shouldn't do that. Are you sure you're all right?" And then she touches me on the forehead as if I were undergoing some H1N1-induced fever hence delirium. "You looked like a crazy person." 

And while I tried to explain desperately that I was in fact not a crazed idiot who didn't know how to operate the turnstile they so conveniently installed to inconvenience us, but was trying to get a few shots of me acting as a crazed idiot who didn't know how to operate the turnstile they so conveniently installed to inconvenience us, Michelle and Victoria were trying hard not to laugh.

Man, I haven't typed a sentence as epic since, well, the last epic sentence I typed. 

Over the span of probably four or five weeks of shooting our makes-no-sense project, there have been a lot of people coming to us (Michelle, Victoria and I) and going, "Do you want to borrow my card?", "You know you can use the turnstile" and "OH MY GOD are you blind??" (Actually the last one was a lie, but I bet that's what they were thinking behind those looks they gave us.)

Anyway, we finally got the shots we wanted and went back to edit some more (more like looking up weird sound effects on the internet and playing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony out loud again and again). 

I might post it here some day, when I get over the initial embarrassment of seeing my face on camera. 

Spent an entire day "boomz"-ing. Should I feel bad about constantly mocking Ris Low
But oh God, it's just terribly unacceptable. Are you sure this is the best Singapore can offer?

Went through the tutorial during Chem. Managed to pay attention through it all, by some miracle. Hmm. 

History presentations are over, so now we're back to lectures the next time we have class. I don't mind, History lectures are fun.

Six and a half hour break again tomorrow. 

Better go to sleep now. 


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me e o o o w

I met Emily during roll call just now. 

She asked me how the race went. I gave her a thumbs up then a thumbs down. Awesome race, lousy results. 

Pics will be up soon, when the internet is less gay and retarded (no offense to homosexuals and the mentally impaired). 

Like, wow. Can't really form coherent thoughts right now to type out as coherent sentences. My mind's more like a "F1F1F1F1F1FerrariresultsbadbutohGoditwassoawesomeIgottoseethemliveandwowitwassoepiceventhoughHamiltonwonbutmanthatwasoneawesomeexperienceIthinkIshouldstopnow".

Yeah, just like that. 

I can't believe I said "Oh my gosh, this is so epic, I'm breathing in the same air as they are right now" out loud. Now Rania thinks I'm a crazed fan (I'm only half of that). 

But a huge thank you to Rania and her parents, who let me tag along and watch. Had loadsa fun harassing Rania with lame jokes and talking about F1. 

I might do a proper race review sometime together with pics, so non-F1 people can have a breather. 

I'm listening to Muse's 'Uprising' on YouTube now. It's so awesome. Great style. One day I'mma have to buy 'The Resistance' for myself. 

Another reason why I like Muse (apart from Matt Bellamy's awesome skilz) is 'cause they have a sense of humour. One thing they didn't mention was that not only Matt played the drums and Dom sang, Dom also played bass and Chris played the guitar and keyboard. 

Anyway, we beraya-ed at Auntie Asiah's this afternoon. She cooks good laksa. Fun.

All right, got to hit the hay soon. School tomorrow. 

I still haven't finished my Chem tutorial. No idea how to do some of it. Hmm.

Okay, going now. 

Like, now.


See you.



P.S. No, I did not get married today, wherever and from whomever you may have heard the rumour from.

P.P.S. My dad's imitation of an F1 car over text message: Me . e o o w.

Okay, okay, I'm leaving now.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

What wedding?

I saw The Lost Symbol at Clementi just now. 

I really, really need that book. 

I'll get it someday, you'll see, but the thing costs nearly fifty bucks, and as much as a desperate ass I sound, even I won't spend that much on a book. 

What makes me feel bad is that a lot of people must've read it by now, and I can't help but feel a little envious. 

I spent half my day finishing off 'The Amber Spyglass' today. I've read it such a long time ago, I couldn't really remember exactly how it ended, so it was unputdownable(<- this is a real word, by the way). 

Today was kinda dull-ish, so I'll type about yesterday. 

I think I'll be able to pass our Math test. It wasn't as awful as I thought it would be, though I know I had some trouble with positive/negative signs. Don't like those.

Anyway, I'm awfully glad it's off my chest now, and now I can start worrying about other things (like more tests, homework and eventually exams). 

And I think our History presentation was slightly screwed up, because our powerpoint presentation points were neither powerful nor pointy enough. 

Kept making lame jokes during the presentation, too. I should really stop referring to them as eyebrow man and goatee man. I don't intend to be rude, but it's just so epic

The other presentations were pretty amusing, 'cause of all the talking about polygamy and getting owned in elections. 

Went to watch the Chinese Orchestra concert with Fatinn after all that to support Emily. We sat with Kelvin (who had nothing better to do) and attempted to remix a few of the songs rap-style. 

I think Dr Hang is cool 'cause he can play the erhu. Man, that's awesome. 

Anyway, I've got to go now. Need to shower and then probably take a look at that Chem tutorial of ours while keeping track of qualifying at the Live Race Centre and here.


Forza Ferrari.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ohm Ω.

Okay, self, repeat after me: I love Math, and will not fail my Math test tomorrow. 

All right, brainwashing over.

I really, really do not want to completely screw up my Math test like last time. 

But it's basically all common sense. 

Trigo is all "sin cosine theta rule throw in a tangent ratio there" plus an active imagination, circle geometry is just knowing your "1/2r^2θ", "s=rθ", and "1/2r^2(θ-sinθ)", et cetera et cetera, and statistics is just making stuff up about why this product is better than that product and calculating standard deviation and mean.

Maybe I should just chillax. 

Yeah. Chill. 

So while I'm chilling, I'll type about Physics class today. 

Ms Li isn't in Singapore at the moment, so we had another teacher come and fill in for her. And I think that was the first time in my life I didn't feel the slightest ounce of drowsiness or boredom during Physics. 

Chinese accents work miracles, man. 

The dude looked slightly like my great-uncle and had an accent that sounded a huge lot like Martin Yan's. Talk about entertaining. He was all, "The longer the wire more resistance," and I was all, "Turn around, Rania, Confucius say pay respect to your teacher" in his awesome accent.

I also "ohmmm"-ed a lot. I think "ohm" is the epic-est word to ever come into existence. I've got it written in English (ohm), Greek alphabet (Ω), and the Devanagari symbol for aum, the thing people say when they meditate.

We've got a History presentation to do tomorrow. I just hope I don't burst out laughing in the middle of talking about eyebrow man's childhood. 

Okay, better go back to Math now. 

Hello, interquartile range. What's up? Nice to meet you too. 

Yeah, I know it's depressing. 


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sangat cemas.

I'm curious.

Where do all my page views come from (besides my mother occasionally dropping by to make sure I'm doing anything stupid overseas and Isaac refreshing the page over the past few days)?

So do me a favour and tag if you ever read this, okay? (Even if you are some deranged, unknown stalker. Don't be shy, now.)


Anyway, suppressed curiosity aside, I had to keep reminding myself that today is not a Monday, and that today's a Wednesday and I've only got less than two days to study for our Math test. 

I'm doomed. 

The mind's all a mess, what with all the research on David Marshall aka eyebrow man and the thinking about the Math test that's coming up. I suck at Math, and researching about eyebrow man isn't exactly the most interesting thing on earth. 

We ate during Malay. Ideal ringkasan: "Mereka berasa sangat cemas."

I think almost everyone was falling asleep during the video shown during Chem. Couldn't hear much. Ironman is domestic. He's Ironingman.

All right, got to go ironing now. 

See you guys. 


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Of all time!

The rest of the Bruneians are supposed to be back tonight, but they're still not here yet. Hmm. 

Ah,  they're back. Thanks for the kueh Raya, Faiz. 

Anyway, I think I made one of the biggest mistakes of my entire life this afternoon. Great way to spend a six and a half hour break, NOT. 

So there we were, being bored out of our minds in class, when we all decided to Mousehunt on Ivy's laptop.

The asses then decided to use my account and post completely untrue things ('cept about the part where I love my mum) on my Wall. 

Had to run down to the computer lab and use Zhen Jie's account to deny everything. 

The things people believe on Facebook. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true, man. This is just really dumb, like you can hear people saying "But you're just a person! Facebook is a website!" in earnest. 

I mean, do I really seem like the type of person to say things like, "I'm getting married to a potato chip this Sunday"? (On a second thought, don't answer that.)

So now, just to like, clear things up, there is no wedding on Monday. Okay? Understood? Comprende?


I might as well turn "typical-kid's-TV-show-teaching-moral-values" and have a "What I learnt today" section.

Here goes. Don't laugh. 

What I learnt today:

- Do not ever trust your passwords with anyone. Ever. No matter who it is. Your slightly retarded classmates, your best friend ever, your brothers and sisters, your grandmother, your long-lost great-granduncle from outer space, anyone. And I mean it. 

- You can pretend to be a dog/horse/thing-that-goes-"baa"-or-"moo" during PE and run off while still on your leash. Bad doggy. 

- Tuesday is pout day.

- People will believe anything

Okay, it's late and I'mma go to bed now so-

Kanye West: "Yo, Ya Wen, I'mma really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but everyone else writes the best blog posts of all time! Of ALL TIME!"

Shut up, Kanye. 

Night, all. 

P.S. I seriously gotta lay off the Kanye West jokes, man. 

P.P.S. Don't "awww" me.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Stating the obvious.

I'm just going to like, point out really obvious things right now.

The long weekend is over, and we're back to waking up early and trying to keep awake during class and enduring long breaks. 

I keep thinking tomorrow's a Monday, but it's not. (Way to state the obvious there, huh? I should win a prize for being such a great stater of the obvious. Seriously.)

Anyway, since nothing of interest happened today 'cept waking up to discover a bruise near my heel where I got attacked by a bottle of shampoo yesterday (the thing jumped off the display shelf and landed right on the bone), I'll copy paste my book review for The Giver here as a filler. (Don't bother reading it. It's boring and ridiculously long. I just wanted something to fill in this empty space.

The Giver is a book that not only tells a story, but also provokes one to think. Lois Lowry’s straightforward way of writing drives her point in the story through and manages to leave a strong impact on the reader without needing anything fancy. It is the pure emotion and the use of events that occur in real life that we can relate to that enables us to connect with the main character Jonas, and also understand his anguish when he realises his life is near meaningless when others cannot feel or see what he can. Throughout the story, you can find yourself wondering which of the choices you would have made in the place of the Community’s founders, or whether you would give up the warmth of sunshine, for example, to be rid of sunburns for the rest of your life.

The outcome of such decisions, to render emotions obsolete and the establish Sameness throughout its residents in return for peace and predictability, for example, is initially considered by Jonas to be paths the founders were forced to take because they made the Community “safe”. Over time, however, Jonas realises that without the ability to feel love or other emotions to a greater extent, or even to see in colour, the people of his Community live their lives as empty shells; confined within its safety, and oblivious to other joys in life. The utopia the Elders had tried to develop became ironically dystopian in Jonas’ eyes. Ultimately, The Giver shows the value of the often unappreciated things in life in a simple but heart-warming manner.

Okay, filler over. You can wake up now. 

Better sleep early tonight. 


P.S. Blogger is glitched tonight. Hmm.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yo all, what's up?

First and foremost, I would like to issue a prior warning. This post is going to be one of those really epicly long posts I write, so if you don't like reading, STOP NOW.

Or you could like, attempt to read the entire thing (even I don't read my posts sometimes) and congratulate yourself at the end if you survived.

Either way, happy Raya to everybody, especially the Muslim community. Wish I could be home and go out Raya-ing, but I can't, so I'll just have to stay here and imagine the Raya atmosphere. 

Went to Auntie Mal's house with Emily to celebrate Raya ('cause Singapore's is a day earlier than Brunei). There was tapak kuda. Yum. Still no Raya atmosphere, though. Not like in Brunei, where you'd be able to hear Raya songs wherever you go, and see green and yellow ketupats everywhere and little things like that. Beraya siuk, yo. 

After eating, Emily, Nicholas and I jalan-ed at Orchard. 

Went into HMV, and saw two things I have to have. Can you believe 'The Lost Symbol' is out? The sequel to The Da Vinci Code? Yeah. And I really need it. Like, desperately. 
The second thing I really want is Muse's new album, 'The Resistance'. Should be cheaper back home though, so I can wait.

Good music, good music. Mmmmm. Makes me want my subwoofer.

Then we watched 'The Ugly Truth' at Shaw House. Chic flicks not exactly my thing, but it wasn't bad, actually. 

After that we looked at weird and slightly disturbing T-shirt designs, waited for Nick to get his hair cut (should've done a mohawk, but it was an improvement, definitely), and had dinner at Pastamania. 

MRT-ed back, and I guess that was pretty much it.

Going off to bed now, so I'll leave with this pic for the Bruneian simmers out there.
The Sims 3, man. Isn't it awesome?

Night, all.

P.S. I came to a realisation a moment ago. I talk to guys more often than to girls on the internet. That's not right, is it? I mean, if you were a girl you would talk to girls more, right? Hmm.

P.P.S. Happy 2009 squared, everyone! 20-09-2009. Epic.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


It's the nineteenth already.

Man, that was fast. 

Didn't talk to a single human being face-to-face till dinnertime. 'Cept when one of my toiletmates asked me for fifty cent coins. But that doesn't really count. 

Anyway, took that time to do book review number two. Scene from The Golden Compass? Simple. Just copy off the movie off the internet and there you go.
Sucky colouring though.

I'd also post my reviewed book review, but I think people would fall asleep reading it (too long and boring), so better not. 

Played pool with Emily earlier on. We've got a new pool table. Smaller and more blue in colour. 

Finally managed to win against her. 

It's been strangely quiet recently. People have gone home for the weekend, or for Raya.

Now that I'm done here I'm going to go off and finish writing today's post. 


Friday, September 18, 2009

Jamming makes my day.

I'll be sleeping alone tonight. And tomorrow night. And the night after that. And the night after that. 

All the non-Chinese Bruneians have gone back for Raya, which leaves the four of us (Emily, Nick, Kevin and I). 

I want to go back. Missing my bed and my aircon and my Astro and my electric and my amps and my subwoofer. 

I love MCR. I really do.

I should really be doing something more important like homework or studying or something hardworking like that, but I dunno. It's a Friday night, man. 

I feel very much like doing nothing. Whee. And doing nothing I am. 

We did set language during Math after the class exercise I sucked at. It's all so confusing. I probably deserve it if I fail though. 

Malay was tolerable, 'cause four of us got kicked out to the room next door (including me), which was cool 'cause we could speak English there. 

Talked about random things while we did crossword puzzles. Ahmad asked "What do two gays and two straights do when you put them together in a room?" to which the answer was "Solve Malay crossword puzzles". (To set things straight(pun highly intended), none of us are gay, it's just that Yos and Faiz molest each other a lot.)

It was funny.

Since we didn't have History today, it was a four and a half hour break till CCA for most of us. 

Cyrus borrowed Isaac's guitar and brought it to class. 

I think guitars have the ability to attract crowds. Was taking turns with Cyrus and Isaac to play.

People should learn if they want to. Playing is more fun when other people join you. And awesome beyond words. Jamming is a bonding thing.

Hung around for a while till everyone had to go for CCA.

Good music makes me smile like an idiot.

Yeah, I'm weird that way. 

P.S. Guys, have you ever heard of 'Boulevard of Broken Songs'? 

I seriously love that song.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Botolku hilang.

Today was weird. I don't know, it just was. 

When we lunched after Physics, Rania started talking about the "Visa dance" (the one you see in Visa ads in cinemas), or the "Where the Hell is Matt?" dance, as we know it. 

There he is, have a look.

This video makes me laugh. To be honest with you, there are two reasons. The first is 'cause I find a guy dancing badly in all those places very amusing, and the second is that seeing all those people dancing together and having all the fun in the world without a care about people thinking they're total idiots just makes me happy too. It's like, a contagious kind of happiness, you know? 

Oh whatever, call me corny if you want. 

Anyway, back to "why today was weird".

In their stupid attempt to have me dance Matt Harding's dance, some of the girls stole my bag and brought it into Food Science class with them (or something). Had to wait till three to get it back.

And my bottle has mysteriously gone missing. Whoever took it, I hope you get severe diarrhoea and vomitting for the rest of the week. Or something like that. Or perhaps develop a severe allergy to chocolate. Who knows. 

After getting my bag back, I went to Jurong Point with Fatinn to get my watch strap replaced and buy stuff. Her ATM card got retained by the machine along the way. I wonder why. 

Saw a really cute baby at Famous Amos. Makes me miss home. 

Anyway, I've got to go and fool my conscience into believing I actually studied for Math tomorrow. 

Adieu, everyone.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Crashgate losers.

Note: Non-F1 watchers don't bother with this post. Thanks.

I can't take it anymore. I've really got to talk about this somewhere, and Stella isn't available on MSN for some reason and I think I might burst if I don't. 

Went online after dinner and saw this on Twitter: 
xxmarsarmygirlOMG, Flavio Briatore quit?!? And Renault confessed to crashgate?? 
Holy sh*t! I hate F1 politics to the core! @ElvenPsychopath

Now that is severely shocking. It's like, "What the hell?"

I mean, how could they? They cheated, man, cheated

That's just not cool. Not cool at all. 

Long story short, the crashgate was a speculation investigated by the FIA about Piquet's crash during last year's Singapore Grand Prix. Apparently their team boss, Flavio Briatore, and this dude called Pat Symonds asked him to crash so the safety car would come out and therefore give Alonso a chance of winning. 

Now Renault says it doesn't want to dispute the allegations and Briatore quit. 

This is entirely screwed. 

What has F1 come to? 

I'm not looking forward to see next year's lineup. 

Briatore not in Renault, Alonso maybe moving to Ferrari, old team Lotus coming back to race, BMW bought by some company called Qadbak Investments Ltd, Renault possibly getting penalised, no idea who Fisichella is going to drive for, Kimi possibly leaving Ferrari, who knows?

Not good, not good.

At least Massa's coming back next season.

Jangan malas, inda baik.

I lost one of my earpiece rubber things yesterday. No idea where it went. That sucks. 

The internet connection here is lagging really badly (and has been as far as I can remember). It kind of like, fluctuates, so you have to wait for a precise moment when the connection is good and start loading five pages at once. 

If not, you've just got to wait and wait and wait and wait till you actually forget what you wanted to do in the first place. 

Now that's sad. 

I don't really know what to do right now. That's why I'm on Blogger. I've got homework, but I can't be bothered at the moment.

English vocab thing on all the words you can use to call someone "ugly", Maths assignment 4, History research thing (I'm doing David Marshall, aka "eyebrow man").

Honestly, have you seen his eyebrows? They're epic, man.

Raya is coming soon. That's cool, but we only get a day off for Raya here. 

I want to beraya. I can't believe I'm going to miss Raya-ing this year. No kueh raya (especially tapak kuda), no visiting houses of people I don't know and eating their good food (I sound really greedy, don't I?), no visiting the neighbours (God, this one is the worst). 

Some of the Bruneians are going back for Raya though. Someone smuggle me through, please. 

Okay, just kidding. Immigration police, please don't arrest me.

Got the Malay skit thing done and over with this morning. Had to act as Anita Sarawak whose husband got attacked by four dudes with parangs. Or was it meat cleavers? 

The others did the crocodile attacks in Brunei thing. Beanbag crocodile ftw. 

Though, you know, we really shouldn't be making fun of tragic incidents like these...


P.S. Muse's new album is out. I guess I'll have to chuck it in the list along with Daughtry's and Green Day's. 

Monday, September 14, 2009


School today. No fun.

And the thing is, people in Brunei have just started their long Ramadhan/Raya holidays. No fair.

Anyway, I woke at around four in the morning (Gwen Stefani pun not intended; don't even listen to her songs) for no reason whatsoever. I think it's the whole, "Oh heck, I've got school today," realisation. Nightmare, man. Nightmare. 

First lesson of the day was supposed to be English, but Ms Lau wasn't here, so we basically wasted an hour and a half doing absolutely nothing productive. Kinda just sat there and talked about theme parks and haunted hotels and other random things like that. 

Then we had Malay. Switched places with Faiz for the second skit presentation thing. Now I'm stuck with Insan, Ahmad and Abdur. Doing some weird article on Anita Sarawak and her husband being attacked by people with parangs. They talk too much crap, man. It was kinda funny though. Presenting on Wednesday. Hope I won't have to do anything stupid. 

Got our Chem test back after that. I passed. I kinda guessed my way through the MCQ section, and got extremely lucky. Lucky like "that's-not-ever-going-to-happen-again-'cause-it's-totally-a-one-off-super-kalok-thing" lucky.

After going through the test we did a bit of metals. I think the hardest thing to do in class is not to copy down and fill those the blanks in the notes but to stay awake through it all. 

Maybe I should sleep earlier.

History was on Indonesia and all the 'Partai's. Still haven't done anything for the eyebrow/goatee presentation.

Skipped the assembly for CCA. Had to retake our first set of shots 'cause the files completely and mysteriously disappeared. No idea where they went. 

I wonder if editors of big, epic, important films play with their footage while making rough cuts. Like, rewind replay rewind replay and "Hey look! I can make him walk backwards! Ha ha ha".

Yeah, that's what we did. 

Got to go iron my uniform now.


Saturday, September 12, 2009


That little button that says "Blogger" in my bookmarks bar is just really, really tempting. 

Addiction to blogging. Is that bad?

It's like, I've got nothing much to bring back, 'cept clothing, the rest of the His Dark Materials Trilogy and my dad's PSP, charger and two old games, which he graciously allowed me to borrow. 

My mum's off to China for some conference on environmental and analytical Chemistry. All the talk titles sound awfully long and boring (not to mention pointless). They should come up with better things to research and talk about, like how to save the penguins and polar bears, or how to be awesome. Things that matter more.

Anyway, I spent my entire day lazing away and reading 'The Golden Compass'. Trying to decide which scene to sketch. Probably one where the monkey attacks Pan. Who knows. 

Managed to watch Monza qualifying earlier on. Man, I can't believe I'll have to miss the Monza race. It's Italy, man, Italy. Ferrari and Toro Rosso home race. Fisichella's home race. An Italian man in the prestigious Italian team on an Italian track for the first time since 1992. 

Thank God he didn't do that badly. Fourteenth is all right. 

Force India, on the other hand, are looking top-form this weekend. Sutil qualified second and Liuzzi seventh. McLaren are pretty good themselves, I gotta admit. 

Hamilton on pole. That's all right 'cause Raikkonen is third and there are high chances of him working some magic with Ferrari. 

Poor Alonso has hardly been mentioned at all, 'cept in the "crashgate" business. I'd say just forget about the entire thing and look to the future. Right?

All this F1 talk just makes me miss Massa more now. 

Got to go now.


P.S. Hey, 200th of the year.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Seven Nation Army.

I would love to do a rap song for 'Dracula'. Is that allowed? 

If you know the answer, please let me know so I can go and borrow the book and start writing. 

Anyway, I went on a brief song-downloading spree this afternoon. Two by Chameleon Circuit, Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes and a few others. 

Sometimes I just want to lose myself in the 603 songs I have in my iTunes. Just lie there and listen to them all day without having to think about homework or anything like that. Hmm. The prospect seems nice, 'cept that I always fall asleep when I listen to music over a long time. Like a lullaby with heavy bass lines, distorted power chords and drum sets.

Homework should be illegal. It's almost as bad as drug abuse. At least drugs make you feel good for a while (I am not encouraging drug abuse, by the way). 

5 reasons why homework sucks:

1. It's depressing. Face it. Nobody in their right minds loves it. I'm sure teachers don't enjoy marking it either. Depression isn't healthy. Isn't it why some people are emo?

2. It takes up time we use for recreation, family bonding, or improving social skills. Being cooped up at home finishing off assignments just makes us all sad, lifeless, hermits.

3. It's frustrating. I think most of us would be okay with homework if it were easy and we could all finish it in five minutes. It sucks when you sit there and think and think but still have no idea how to solve the problem. In the end it just lowers your self-esteem and makes you feel dumb.

4. Constantly having to meet deadlines is stressful. It takes a toll on us. Let school be school and home be home. Especially during the holidays, when they go, "Oh look, you're bound to have loads of free time on your hands, so here's something extra to do...", and then every single subject teacher thinks the same thing and you're doomed.

5. It's a waste of resources. Come on, we need to think about the environment, man.

Look, I just don't want to have to reflect on my early years when I'm much older and go, "Back in my day, I had a lot of homework." That's just sad.

But then again, it all goes down to how we manage it. 

Still, that's no fun.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Amplifiers FTW.

Sitting in my living room now with the television on and my book review on The Giver less than halfway done.

Mmm, music goood

(Nine hours later) (seriously. I never got down to write more before I left)

I'm still sitting in my living room with the television on, and I'm trying to chop up and reduce my word count for the review. 150 words maximum is not good. It's too short. I mean, all you can manage to fit in there is something along the lines of "This book is great, because blah blah blah then it does this to your brain and something like that" and there you have it, book review for handing in. 

Word limit sucks. Can't write as much as I would like to. (And that's because I craptalk a lot.)

Of course, I haven't been sitting here for nine whole hours. 

Between then and now, I...

- Realised that the word limit was 150 words max, and then wished I could just say "screw this" and walk away from it all. 

- Gave up trying to decide the two other books I would use for the English thing. 

- Annoyed the little brother with my electric, amplifier and turned up volume on my music player while he was trying to watch Ultraman on YouTube. Ah, such fun.

- Went for a haircut. Not much difference, but that's how it is. 

- Met Sharlyn and Stella at Excapade for dinner. We order the same thing every time we go, but the realisation doesn't really stop us 'cause we like to play safe. Though we did order some weird pizza sushi thing 'cause Shar and I were feeling "adventurous". 

- Received a call from Wardah while we were eating. I couldn't really hear what she was talking about, but I think it had something to do with the date being 09-09-09 today. (Long story short, they gave me some "deadline" and told me that I had to get a boyfriend by then or something like that. Hmm, whatever.) Almost ran out of credit so I had to end the call early. Sorry, guys. 

- Received another call, this time from my dad, telling me he wasn't going to come back to fetch me and that I could take the purple bus if I wasn't going back earlier. So that ended dinner with them. I think I owe them desert at Swensens next time. Hopefully with Manda. And Ash, if she coincidentally visits when I do. 

- Got back home and managed to cut a hundred words from my review. A hundred more to go. This really does suck. 

I hate homework. I really do. Despise it to its very core.

But it's not like we have a choice. 

So, you know, just got to have to put up with it till they finally realise it's bad for the health and general well-being of all people. 

And you know what? 

I've decided to rewrite it. Wish me luck.


Monday, September 07, 2009

Bas ungu.

Still haven't done an ounce of anything whatsoever for the English book thing, but my holidays so far have been awesome.

Spent my Sunday afternoon at my uncle's house trying to play Tekken (God knows which version) on my younger cousin's PSP. Stupid screen kept blacking out on me. No idea why. Managed to win one round by blindly (literally) jabbing the buttons repeatedly.

Another thing about these games is that when you lose, they like to rub it in your face by saying "You Lose" in a deep, manly voice. 
Or, in the case of 'Mortal Kombat', FATALITY.

After that, I came back to jam with my dad for a while. Don't let his appearance fool you, but my dad's actually not that bad in playing bass. 

He can like, hantam-hantamly play by ear. 

Then sungkai-ed with Neko and Naimah in Gadong. 

Discovered that you could imbuhan pretty much everything. Like, for example, ber-bas purple, and me-moklen, and ber-poklen, and ber-Paula Abdul.

Came back to watch the Fellowship of the Ring, which was the epic-est start to the epic-est trilogy of epic stories. Realised my great-grandmother bears a great resemblance to Bilbo Baggins, curly hair, height, wrinkles and all.  

Today, I went out for Indian food with the family and great-grandmother (who's super awesome herself). Indian food is good, man. Don't be racist. 

Then baby Alyssa visited with her grandparents. She is so cute. 
I mean, just look at her. Most adorable eyes ever. 

Now I've got to go and watch The Two Towers. 

Adios amigos. 

Be good. 

P.S. Still, don't drink and drive.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

F1 politics suck.

Oh my gee. 

I need a moment for my brain to absorb, comprehend and accept some things. 

First shocking thing: Ferrari have signed Fisichella to race for them in place of Massa for the rest of the season. 

Which means Massa won't be coming back till next year, which means someone in the Massa-Raikkonen pairing has to be replaced soon (probably next year, or the year after), which means there are going to be a lot of changes next season. 

I can't believe it. 

I thought the entire "Fisi to Ferrari" thing was just a rumour. But it's real. Very real. As real as my arrival on tanah air past midnight early today. 


I'm in such shock. 

These things just shouldn't happen, man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty okay with Fisichella, but I can't just come to terms with the fact that he's driving for Ferrari. I'm pretty sure he can do a much better job than Badoer, but... Just but. 

And about the second shocking thing? 

The FIA are investigating Piquet's crash during last year's Singapore Grand Prix. Some people are claiming it was rigged so as to bring out the safety car and letting Alonso win. 

I can't stand this anymore. Every year there's got to be something out there for severe investigation, and either involves Hamilton or Alonso. First the "spygate", then the "liegate" and now the "crashgate". 

F1 politics suck. 

If they find out the crashgate really happened, Renault could be disqualified from this year's championship and stripped of all points and victories last year. Something like that. 

How interesting. And sucky. 

F1 aside (though the shock still lingers), holiday plans are yet to be made. 

Going for a family gathering tomorrow, 'cause it's my late grandfather's (mum's side) death anniversary. 

Relatives, when they meet you after a long time, like to comment on your progress. I think I've managed to narrow it down to six of the most common comments I get:

1. "Oh my, have you gained weight? You look fatter this time 'round."
2. "You look thin. Have you had enough to eat there?"
3. "Oh my God, look at your face. I can recommend you something for those pimples."
4. "Wow, you've grown taller."
5. "It's okay to be short. I mean, look at your parents."
6. "You look more like your mother every day."

Yeah, that's how it is. 

All right, got to go now. 

'A Year In The Merde' awaits.


Friday, September 04, 2009

High on Pokka.

What's up, blogosphere?

I'm taking the opportunity to blog now 'cause I won't be able to tonight. 

Also, Rania wanted me to mention that I'm under her orders to update as often as I can this week (I'll try). 

Sports Day was held this morning at the track. 

Full sentences aren't really working out for me right now. This calls for point form.

- Sat with Rania in the Fibo section of the grandstand. Thought it was going to turn out really boring, but thank God there were Kelvin and Yos to talk crap with and Ms Li to laugh at (whom Rania and I now call "the drunkard").

- Kelvin finally managed to finish reading the copy of 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' I lent him. I think if you started reading the original after the completely absurd version with zombies, ninjas and katanas, you'd think it was terribly dull. 

- Started to rain after a few events, and they tried to dry up the track with sheets of newspaper.
- Took a picture 'cause this isn't a sight you're able to see every day. (Building on top left hand corner is the hostel, by the way.)

- Events resumed on a damp track 'cause the newspaper thing failed. 

- Realised I was surrounded by Indonesians (Rania, Kelvin, Yos). Not a racist comment.

- Ms Li came over holding her can of Pokka (which I think is secretly filled with an alcoholic beverage of some sort) and being all high and enthusiastic. Honestly, Pokka energy drinks have this weird effect on her brain. It was funny though.

- Had prize presentations in the Hall. Tried hard not to laugh at MJ and Cheryl, who were helping out with the prize-giving on stage. Rania was like, "Look at MJ, she looks so extra," and "Bet Cheryl is trying hard not to laugh right now". One word: eyebrows.

- I guess with talking about Sports Day it has to eventually end up with the results. Fibonacci got last and Faraday won. Congratulations to everyone who won things. 

Anyway, got to go shower now. Reaching tanah air in less than eight hours.

See ya in Brunei.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Balik kampung.

I'm not really sure whether to write about how it's September already (and how it's time for all those lame 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' jokes) or that I'm going back tomorrow. 

The general reaction to the words "Hey, guess what? I'm going back tomorrow" here in the hostel is "I hate you."

Honestly, you wouldn't believe how many people have said that to me today. 
And honestly, I haven't found a better reason for people to hate me. Such a great feeling. 

Though I feel as if I don't really have anything to bring back. Throw in a few articles of clothing, books, a cheap toy for my brother (don't tell him that, he breaks things pretty fast so the smartest thing to do was to get cheap but awesome-looking stuff), and I'm pretty much done. 

I guess I'll tidy up tomorrow then. 

Malay was just plain weird today. Did a presentation on a newspaper article we chose yesterday about a poor unfortunate dude who died in a toilet (condolences) during a fire. Made up some random things along the way 'cause my handwriting was terrible and nobody could read a thing and we wasted too much time arguing over things such as what was the right word to use, et cetera et cetera. 

Ended up with Aisyah being the news reporter, me being the police person who gets interviewed, Yos pretending to whack Kevin on the head with a fire extinguisher and setting the place on fire, and Kevin eventually dying a painful death (or something like that). 

The other group did this weird but strangely funny presentation on terrorists named Bob bin Laden and an Iraqi dude killing an American. Don't really know, but it was pretty funny. (The kind of funny where you're thinking, "Hold on a minute, this doesn't make any sense/WTH?" but laugh anyway.)

Then we wasted time in one of the computer labs looking up pictures of David Marshall's eyebrows (have you seen them? They're epic) and Ho Chi Minh's goatee (politicians need to look good, too). 

It's late, so I'm going to hit the hay soon. 

P.S. Don't wake me up when September ends, I've got a flight to catch tomorrow. I can't afford to miss that.

P.P.S. And yes, I do use 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' jokes sometimes. Just can't resist. Green Day rocks. 

P.P.P.S. A Year In The Merde has got to be one of the funniest books I've ever read. Awesome.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Let's see if I can come up with a post and type it out in five minutes. 

It's like the pool games I play with Emily. Must sink all the balls in five minutes. 

Anyway, yesterday was Teacher's Day, so today's Monday, tomorrow's going to be Friday and the day after will be Sports Day. 

How interesting. I still think it's rather funny that I rely on what we did in school to tell what day of the week it is. 

Had an English essay test this morning. Remembered it was a descriptive essay this time, unlike the formative one where I went completely off the "descriptive" line. Played a gamble, but I don't know if it'll work out. I sure hope Ms Lau likes cute, innocent puppies. 

And as for Malay, I'm sorry guys, you can sue me. But that's the end of that, so yeah.

Have to fake a news report for tomorrow. Hmm.

Since we have four hours of class straight on typical Mondays, Mother Tongue was followed by Chem. 

Finally did the practical every other class has already done. 

Check out my epic failed grid on salts.
And our (Rania, MJ and I) epic win forming CuSO4 crystals. 

Mrs Chong looked into our beaker and said "Cool,". Now that's cool.

Had History after lunch. Got our test papers back. I passed, and that's what matters, right?

Ms Chua is awesome. She gave us lollipops. Claims she found them lying on the ground somewhere. I mean, what are the odds? I used to wish for bags of lollipops every day, and I didn't get any.

Lollipops remind me of MS. I miss MS, where bribery came in the form of lollipops, and all the other awesome things there. 

I am absolutely unable to type out a post in five minutes. That took like, twenty.


P.S. MJ married Peter Parker and had three kids. One of them is called Peter Parker Jr.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Free T-shirts.

Hey world. You know what's uncool?

Neck pain. 

'Specially when you get it in your sleep and not attempting some crazy stunt or another to look cool.

It's extremely uncool when you move your head and have to wince 'cause the muscle connecting your neck and your left shoulder hurts. 

I don't really know how to put it but the bottom line is that it's severely uncool.

On the other hand, I feel kinda proud of myself 'cause I managed to do more than two thirds of the Math assignment all by myself without having to ask/copy off other people. 

I'm leaving that Q4 bit for tomorrow though, 'cause it's late and my brain simply refuses to look at Math diagrams at this hour of the day.

Sungkai-ed at Pizza Hut with Emily and Fatinn. Fatinn and I have been craving for Pizza since Friday, so I guess it was about time we actually had pizza. 


Started reading 'A Year In The Merde' by Stephen Clarke at Pizza Hut while we were waiting for our lasagne. It's funny already.

I finished the other book I bought yesterday this morning. 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'. I liked it. I like books that entertain you. 

Poor Arabian Nights. I'll finish it one day, you'll see.

It's late and there's school tomorrow, so that's the end of this post then.

Night, all.

P.S. 'Merde' means sh*t in French. That's why I bought it in the first place, 'cause one of the sequels is called 'Merde Happens'.