Saturday, February 28, 2009


Can you believe it? Ash is in Brunei.

I'm now hoping really, really hard to be able to meet her when I go back. Which is two days before she leaves. 

I went out last night, am going to go out in fifteen minutes, and will go out again when I get back. Before you start thinking I'm wasting my life away having fun and doing recreational/useless/pointless things with my life, stop. 

Last night, I went out because it was a Friday night and there was no way I was going to let it waste. So Wardah, Emily, Nicholas and I (my seniors, make them sound old here) took a bus to Vivo (Harbourfront, from where you get to Sentosa) to watch a movie, but realised it was too late and went to eat instead. 
Yum. Food Republic goood. 

Later, I've got another Bio assignment to do (yes, one more time I hear the words 'Bio' with 'assignment' and I'm going to murder someone) at the Jurong East Library. According to Rania and MJ, it would be much easier if we could just sleep there since we spend most of our weekends doing assignments. 

And after that, I've got to come back to go out again for a cluster outing. Yay. Dunno where we're going as some people *cough cough* won't tell me. They say they don't want to spoil the surprise but I'm fine with that 'cause I'll find out later at four. 

I be going now.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mad and detached?

Last night Stella was telling me about this strangely "perfect, hot quantum physicist", Dr Basil Singer. 
It's probably no big deal to you, but this is extremely interesting because:

1. He doesn't look hot in the photographs displayed. Maybe he's just not photogenic. 
2. Stel says it's hard to find a guy who's both genius and cool.
3. He could be an egoistic maniac bent on taking over the world.
4. He's British.
5. What if he's gay?
6. Yeah, I'm out of valid reasons. 

One and a half days have passed since I last posted, and Da Vinci is still effective as a powerful sleeping pill, Physics class still confuses me, English is still wacky, Maths is still stuck on construction (which I find quite to my liking), and Malay with Cikgu Isa still makes us sleepy. 

Yeah, I did say Cikgu Isa. Our BM teacher was on MC today, to menjalani pemeriksaan doktor*, says Cikgu Isa. 
There were eight of us in class, half were falling asleep, one was actually sleeping, and the rest were daydreaming or trying not to. 
Test has been postponed to tomorrow. 

Stella (aka SAS' "cream of the crop" 8A1 girl) and Effie (si famous) are talking about watching American idol. I want to watch as well. I miss being at home, switching on television and changing the channel to Star World, lounging on the sofa under the air-conditioner and munching on junk food (yeah, I'm a couch potato. Sometimes I do some stretching and sit/push ups though, so I'm not that unhealthy). 

I feel so deprived.

You people who complain about not living overseas don't know how much we overseas people wish we were you. 
There are some things to appreciate while you have them at the moment. Don't wait until you can't bring it back to start telling everyone how much you wish you had spent more time with it. 
Like family.
Or friends.

...Or Astro.

I feel so deprived.

Probably I'll become a mad, detached person when I'm older because I will always feel that I miss out on everything that's happening back home and spend my time wondering what things would've been like if I had the chance to stay.

But don't worry, things are looking up. My homework load has decreased (though tests are coming in a few weeks). 

Oh, and I'm going home next month. 

Seriously, this isn't so bad after all.

Now let's all go and subscribe to Astro.

*get examined by a doctor.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still lovin' MCR.

All right, I'm going all point form today (says the person too lazy to type in full sentences).

- The Music test was open-book for the MCQ section and the "elaborate blah blah baroque and renaissance periods blah" section. Listening section is going to be an epic fail. Songs ranged from freakishly obvious to bafflingly ambiguous. Sadly, the freakishly obvious songs were in the bonus section. Everyone started laughing when "Haaaaaaa...llelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" popped up.

- I like construction in Maths 'cause it involves no calculations whatsoever! How awesome is that?

- English was fun, as usual. Alvin Lin is great.

- Geography was dull and baffling but I managed to keep awake with my eyes wide open. 

- PE was great. Little droplets of water stopped us from using the track, so we did stuff at the concourse instead. 

- Chang Yoon got his new laptop today. Cool. 

- I really, really need to do homework.

- I still hate typos.

- Night.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 25th National Day Brunei!

Mozart's songs are so peaceful (some of them, at least). I'm listening to the peacefully legato Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major (YES! I got the title right without looking)  now. 

At least I'm studying the right thing for tomorrow's Music test. I hope I can pass really well. Hope. Which is pretty impossible considering I had to attend a dinner just now, but still. 

About the dinner. 

The dinner.

Oh my gee the dinner. 

The dinner was freaking (pardon my language) awesome!!!

Wardah, Nicholas and I arrived at the Hyatt around past six. The Hyatt is a super cool place. The toilets have got loads of mirrors in 'em, and they look super cool. 

Enough about the toilets though. We met Syafiqah, Fatinn and Feyra (my seniors, they make me sound young. Har har) at the lobby and went up to where the party-thing was held. We were greeted cordially (been waiting to use that word since I read The End by Lemony Snicket) by the people who greet guests and then I gave my invitation to one of them with the cancelled out "Awang".

The food was divine. Man, I hope Heaven is like that (without the long queues and if I go to Heaven, that is). 

Met some people, had loads of cake. Will definitely steal pictures from the others. (My phone is officially hopelessly broken. Even if I pay a hundred plus dollars to repair it, the new software might crash and my phone will be rendered useless, so it's not really worth it.)

I love cake. 

It's strange how back in Brunei, I thought I loved National Day. Now, even when I still have to go to school, I love National Day even more. It's something that keeps us ten Bruneians at NUS High together. Our country. 

Man, that was real corny. 

For BM today, we did one of the craziest, sickest things ever.

We were suppose to write out a dialogue for a picture in pairs. Aisyah and I got a picture of two boys standing on a beach, one carrying a bucket and the other completely naked

Our dialogue went something like this:

Budak A: Eh, mana seluar kamu?
Budak B: Entah. Mungkin hilang di laut semasa saya berenang.
Budak A: Oh, begitu. Tidak apalah. Saya boleh meminjamkan kamu baldi saya untuk menutup...
Budak B: Terima kasih, tetapi saya lebih suka telanjang.*

Man, even our teacher cracked up. So wack, man. 

Kid A: Hey, where are your pants?
Kid B: I dunno. Maybe I lost them while I was swimming.
Kid A: Oh. That's okay. I can lend you my bucket to cover up...
Kid B: Thanks, but I prefer being naked.

Hey, guess what? Beethoven was bad at Math too. My textbook says, "...but he was weak in elementary arithmetic."


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Igudesman and Joo.

A rainy day in Brunei smells like freshly watered plants and early morning crispness. 

A rainy day in Singapore smells like a chlorinated swimming pool. 

Which isn't that bad, actually.

Right now, I'm supposed to be reading up on Purcell and Corelli and Vivaldi and Monterverdi and Bach and Handel and Beethoven and Mozart and Hayden and suites and cantatas and arias and ritornellos and sonatas and basso ostinato and listening to songs such as Vivaldi's 'La Primavera' and Bach's surprisingly spookily enrapturing 'Little Fugue in G Minor'.

I still don't regret taking Music, no matter how much I complain about it. 

I finished the STD pamphlet before lunch. We decided not to include any pictures because they were all sick and disturbing and disgusting at the same time. 

I don't feel like doing any work now but I have to and must so I probably will. Sometime. Sooner. Or later. Preferably sooner. 

The Muslim Bruneians here have been invited to a Doa Selamat later. 

I honestly want to show up for tomorrow's dinner in a cara melayu, since they addressed me as an "Awang".

Maybe I should.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


They always say one thing leads to another. I was sitting here, listening to Bach's Brandenburg concerto 5, reading my music book when I decided to search for tremolo (because Vivaldi invented it). 

Tremolo on guitar is hard for me now because I cut my nails. Stupid short fingernails. 

Anyway, I searched tremolo and somehow ended up reading up on "hand dominance". Which translates into right-handedness, left-handedness, cross-dominance and ambidexterity. 

If you've got right-dominance, you usually use your right eye, ear, hand and leg the most, because the left side of your brain will pick up signals more dominantly (or something like that. Quote: I am not an accurate source). And vice versa for left-handers. 

"To determine Handedness: Assume for handedness that your handedness is the hand with which you would normally pick up a pencil and write. For ambidextrous people, use whichever hand you would first impulsively pick up a pen with... if that doesn't work, use the leg-crossing test. If when you cross your legs, your right leg goes over your left, then you are probably right handed.

To determine visual dominance: Several step process...

1) Choose an object a couple feet away.

2) Place your hand with the "thumbs up" sign, so that your thumb is covering or at least partially covering the object you chose. Your thumb should appear somewhat translucent, and should be covering the object.

3) Choose an eye. Close it.

Your thumb will do one of two things: 1) It will turn "solid" looking, and will remain covering the object. 2) It will turn "solid" looking, but will appear to move slightly to the right or left of the object.

If you close your eye and the thumb appears to stay in place, then the eye that is open is your dominant eye. If you close your eye and the thumb appears to move, then the eye that is closed is your dominant eye.

4) Repeat, closing the other eye.

Your thumb will do one of the two things above. The results will be the same. If neither eye appears dominant, then you may have uncorrected visual problems.

To determine ear dominance: Whichever ear you put the phone up to is most likely your dominant ear. That failing, whichever way you turn your head when listening to someone carefully. This is the least reliable one to test for...

To determine foot dominance: Whichever foot you normally put the most weight on when standing in a relaxed state. If you have been brought up in a military type setting, and stand with your weight equally balanced, then whichever foot you would normally kick a football (soccer ball for us Americans) with."

I tested myself, and found out I'm right-handed (I write with my right hand, though I can write with my left and cross my left leg over my right), right-legged (though I prefer to balance on my left when I do Taekwondo), can't have a dominant eye because I've got shortsightedness in one and longsightedness in the other and both have astigmatism, left-eared, and can't tell the difference between right and left of most things and myself. 

I fail.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Trailer be random.

My to-do list (before I completely forget):

- Find the source of that fishy smell that's stinking up my room.

- Study for Music test 2 (and pass with colourful aeroplanes. Last time I didn't do so well because I studied the wrong thing.).

- Finish off To Kill A Mockingbird (a surprisingly good book. It's not so boring after all, but I've got no time to read it). 

- Read Nat Geo.

- Go to the Jurong East library to do Bio pamphlet on gonorrhoea. 

- Play Wii.

- Watch How I Met Your Mother with Ivanka, Chang Yoon, Insan and Wardah again.

- Teach Wardah more chords and chord transition.

- Learn how to play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

- Study some things for school so I won't feel like I'm wasting my life away.

- Finish off all my homework before Monday (if possible). 

- Clear up the stack of books and paper that's been hogging my table for days.

- Finish the English "task" on elaborating emotions (or somethin' like 'at). New English teacher says he be "lanja"-ing the top few to Swensen's ice cream. I like Swensen's. It be gooood.

Since we had no Chemistry today, the rest of the class disappeared (apparently to the art room to do some work for Art. Finally, they do work), leaving me to read my book. Then Cyrus came and we started talking about LGBT*, leaving Zhen Jie slightly perplexed. Overall, good conversation.

Maths presentation wasn't very awesome, because some parts confused me and some parts amused me and some parts were just plain weird. I also learned that people from the Gavel club should not be allowed to do public speaking because their manner of speech is just too great for us people. 

All righty, I'm going off now. 


*Some things best left unknown. But if curiosity is bane of your life, like it is mine, you can Google it if you like.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Post be short.

I managed to cover thirty pages of Music: An Appreciation in two hours. Which, according to Chang Yoon's calculations, makes it four minutes to a page. 

Man, I really need to speed up a bit. 

I was falling asleep during Study Time, trying hard to stay awake and focus instead of drift off to some weird alternate universe in my sleep. I suffer from hypnagogic jerks, if you didn't know.

I'm glad I don't have Chemistry tomorrow. Then I'll have loads of free time to useless stuff and stuff like that. To be honest, I don't think free time is fun anymore because I don't play basketball (most of the girls in my class play basketball) and I can't go back to the hostel either. 


I'm going to read To Kill A Mockingbird now. It's not half bad, actually.

Our new English teacher is fun.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today, we held a conversation during Da Vinci after we finished a totally pointless UP (something problem). 

Rania spoke in Japanese, I spoke in Malay, MJ in her Chinese (from China) dialect, Cheryl tried to recall some French and Ivy was pretty much confused because we didn't understand each other at all.

It's cool that they teach Jap here. I want to learn Japanese again. I miss JP club. And Nitta-sensei. She was the awesome-est. Honestly. She would be like, "'A'-san desu," and point at you, and then "Hai, 'B'-san desu," and point at someone else and you'd have to have a conversation with that person in some elementary Japanese. 

I've forgotten 90% of what's she's taught us. 

Too bad 'tis no more. 

We had two practicals today. One Physics and one Chemistry. 

I don't like to draw best-fit curves. They suck and I suck at it. 

I'm going to sleep now.

Friday is only two days away. =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

National Geographeeek.

I'm going to write two posts at the same time. How cool is that?

Um, not really, but I'mma gonna do it anyway.

I was rushing to complete our (Ivy and I) Music assignment yesterday and the day before. 

It's kinda funny how fast time flies when you want it to go as slow as possible while you're racing it. Obviously you want to win, but time works in funny ways. 
Like when you're bored out of your mind, time crawls by like it's on all fours carefully eyeing the floor for the contact lens it dropped. 

But I digress. 

We went around the school to take pics of structures with an order of symmetry of more than one. That was super hard, man. Many things were symmetrical, but had only one order of symmetry. 
It would've been easier if we lived in the Renaissance (we learned in Music that art and architecture was very much preferred to be symmetrical), but then we wouldn't have digital cameras to take pictures of them. We'd have to set up camp and stand there painting for a few hours. 
I doubt it would've made any difference to me now, 'cause my phone is broken and I'm using Wardah's old Nokia (thank you Wardah). No camera there.

For English, Mr Alvin Lin walked in with a stack of National Geographic magazines (which I've skimmed through before in the TV room [they have a new issue every month there]). I hadn't paid for them yet, but I took one anyway. 

I've missed Nat Geo. And when my dad used to return home from work and toss me a newly issued copy. Nat Geo rules.

The printer in the Computer lab broke, so I had to write out the page we were missing with my very own hand. Our Music teacher is going to kill us, because I think compared to Zhen Jie and Si Min's, ours was completely crap. At least we handed it in on time and had plenty (too much, says Ivy) of information for the Baroque half of our assignment. I chucked in a whole lot of irrelevant information. But it was interesting, I think.

Spent Music time writing about Wagner and Mahler for Assignment 2. Yeah, you Art people, rub it in *cough Rania MJ Cheryl cough*. I just happen to like Music more. I don't regret my choice, so I'm dealing with the workload. Like the phrase "love me, love my dog." 
No, I don't own a dog. It just means if you really like something you have to learn how to live with the things that come with it even if you don't really like them.

I spent Geography doodling on my table, half-listening to our Geog teacher talk about diverging and converging oceanic and continental plates and the landforms formed. 
I like Geography because it's super-understandable. 
Things are great if they're understandable. It's easier to learn 'em that way.

PE was tiring. Ran four rounds of the track in an awful ten minutes and fifty seconds. 
I pretty much walked my way round the track. My stamina is terrible and so is my long-distance running.

I want to sparrr. 
I miss sparring. 
The exhilaration.
It rocks (not igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic, okay? The other "rocks").

I'm going to shower and then do my FPS Olympics thing later.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Boarding Games '09!


Fun fun fun fun fun.

Good fun.

I liked the boarding games. Even though Group A (for Adidas) didn't win a thing. 

Our team cheer consisted of only two lines and was pretty much non-existent, but we got by. 

Three groups were called "Ice Kacang". Honestly, I don't know why.

We pretty much lost all the games involving balls (those round things) except poison ball, where we owned Group I. 

Balloon popping thing, marbles, tennis balls, Captain's Ball, dog and bone, poison ball, water thing.

Yeah, that's all that I can remember.

For the water game, we put our newspaper in a plastic bag, so it was completely dry while the other team got disqualified for pouring the whole bucket of water over us.

Syafiqah's (my room mate) team got gold.

Chang Yoon's team got silver.

Kevin's team got bronze. 

Like Ivanka said, we do seem to know plenty of people know. 

Seems like we've been living here for years, not a month and a half. 

Note: This post was written on Sunday, but not finished or posted until today (or yesterday's tomorrow/tomorrow's yesterday/hari ini). 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Green goo.

These pictures are posted in chronological order, though the dinosaur one was taken two weeks ago at the Science Center after we did the Bio essay. Someone threw a rubber band into his mouth. Poor dinosaur (I forget the name). 

Ivanka calls this blob of green (almost like our school colour) slimy goo "the mucus". Chang Yoon made it during his Da Vinci session on Wednesday with PVA glue and some other stuff I can't seem to recall. He had a bag of it, but I think most of it was washed off when it invaded Kelvin's hand.
It's pretty awesome, isn't it? I know now that loads of fun can come from blobs of oozing green goo. 
Oh, and we still can't stop laughing in the library during Study Time. I honestly don't know why.

This is a pic of the banner they put up downstairs. Boarding games. Not board games, not boring games, but Boarding Games.
It's probably not as epic as the Olympics, but I'm guessing it's plenty of fun as well. I love fun (besides the obvious). 
I'm in the same group as Ivanka. Group A. =)
That's her and Ms Queenie you see in the picture below the banner. Sorry, didn't bother to crop it. 

Ivanka just called. We're going to watch 'How I Met Your Mother' somewhere. 


Nothing much epic happened today other than the fact that I had a waffle, bought a Kamus Dewan (Malay dictionary), got my EZ-link card and watched a really kind old man share his food with a pigeon.

Good person, 'im.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Seconds to midnight.

Epic day today. 

As all Fridays go these days.

First things first, it's a Friday the thirteenth. The first Friday the thirteenth of the year. Another is in March and another in November *cough cough*. They're super cool. 

And that Valentine's day is after a Friday the thirteenth makes it even cooler. Serves as this complete contrast between fear and misfortune and love and adoration.

Now that's what I call cool. 

I think I'm writing a really terrible post right now 'cause I'm tired and my brain's not working well right now.

What happened?

Tell you what.

This morning's BM was okay, I guess. We had to do work (in Brunei, it's called imbuhan dan jenis-jenis kata), which was super elementary. And this, is Higher Malay. It's sometimes good that they teach Malay at high standards back home because this represents our roots. I come from a Malay country. Being able to speak Malay here is considered cool. Therefore, it's cool. 


Everyone knows how to speak Chinese already. (I don't.) But that's another story.

Maths test was awful. I left out a page because suddenly my mind went blank and I completely forgot how to do it. I'm going to fail.

CCA was full of editing TMNT to make an epic trailer.

Since it's a Friday night, we went to Music Room A for once. 

We watched "How I Met Your Mother", CDs courtesy of Ivanka's toiletmates. 

Good show, good show. 

Very funny. 

I seriously need to go now.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hard work not my thing.

I'm here munching on my cheese and ham sandwich, typing out this post and wondering if cheese really does give you nightmares.

Last time I checked, cheese and ham certainly isn't (and wasn't) equivalent to crab. 

The supper menu said "crab sandwich" for tonight. I was pretty curious to see what exactly a crab sandwich was... Oh well. Maybe next time.

I've got a Math common test tomorrow (meaning I'm doomed, God please spare me). 

It's going to suck. I can feel it. I can feel its power oozing out of my notes, telling me I'm going to fail. 

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Seriously sleepy.

I be sleepy.

Last night, Syafiqah and I had trouble sleeping. Someone was playing music in the middle of the night, which is against the rules (change the "is" to "was" and I'd have quoted 'Mary Had A Little Lamb").

Yet, I'm not sleeping yet. I want to finish my Chem now so I can revise for the Maths common test on Friday. Chang Yoon gets the test on Monday. No fair.

They cut the electricity for a few hours this morning (something about an emergency situation stimulation?) though we could've easily switched it back on again. We still had to have class though, which was a pity.

ACE session wasn't too awful. Even though it was a bit hot. Nathaniel got his nose cut on Yos' swiss knife. I don't really know how it happened, but Yos' explanation went something like this, "He was walking walking, I was holding the thing... boom."

During Physics, we convinced our teacher to let us move to the concourse where it was breezier. Then we got to move to one of the labs and I lost my ruler somehow somewhere sometime.

Rania, Cheryl and MJ played Bingo while Ms Seah was explaining about how thermometers could be improved in terms of sensitivity and reaction time. 

I was just really cold.

Went to the library with Zhen Jie during lunch. Borrowed those Music CDs and listened to Vivaldi. 

Da Vinci is still boring. 

God knows why.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

K850i died.

Hello, good people. 

Two things of significance happened yesterday.

Number one, my phone broke (don't ask me why; I don't know). The keys are all screwed up and it's awfully inconvenient because I can't even type a text message without accidentally sending it three letters in.

Number two, I started reading To Kill A Mockingbird (dubbed "the most boring book in the world" by several people from my class, though Kelvin says "Twilight is the most boring book ever"). Today, I got until page 66 during Study Time and it still doesn't say how on earth Jem broke his elbow as mentioned on page 1. 

No wonder people say it's tedious to read. I haven't gotten as far as to recognise the main story line yet (although this book could compose of many short story lines flowing continuously like one of those famous dead composer's longwinded operas). It is interesting though, I'd give it that. 

I'm now randomly MSN-ing people so I can avoid reading a random (pretty useless as well) article for Future Problem Solving (Da Vinci) tomorrow. Argh. There hasn't been anything so boring. Probably like, ever. I don't know why. This just doesn't interest me. 

Does something have to be interesting to be something?

I don't know.

What I don't know could fill a bottomless jar. 

In fact, what any random person doesn't know could fill a bottomless jar.

We don't know so much, it's scary.

Whee, bottomless jars.

Oh, oh, guess what? I passed my Music test. =)

Monday, February 09, 2009

Bring it on.

I'm listening to The Sims music on YouTube right now. I actually missed it when I played The Sims 2. 

The Sims music never had any words. It always had a jazzy, carefree feeling about it. 

Personally, I think listening to music brings back memories more than anything else. Second to that is smell. Smells bring memories back quite effectively, I think.

Thank God for music. 

Speaking of which, I've got to read a some (many) pages for tomorrow's Music class. Of which test I am going to fail. 

We learned about everybody's favourite topic today in Bio: Sexual Reproduction. 
Only this time, it was more detailed and more disgusting than preferred by many.
Sure was different from what we had back in Brunei.

I've got a Geography assignment to complete by tomorrow. Same old same old stuff. Tectonic plates. Core. Mantel. Crust. Yum- I meant, uh... interesting.

Do you know what we did in Malay today?


We just sat down and listened to Cikgu Isa talk about remaja yang terpengaruh oleh ansur-ansur asing yang negatif.*

I think it turned from discussion about the important points of our karangan to a talk with a slight hint of lecturing that was pretty amusing to those who actually bothered to listen. 

He seriously does remind me of my great-grandmother. 

I think old people have the tendency to talk and talk and talk and forget about the time. Maybe it's because they've got so much knowledge and experience they want to pass on to us for our own good. Or perhaps it's because they just like to talk. Who knows?

Oh, and we never had to do the karangan anyway. 

Woot. Malay currently rocks.

*Teenagers influenced by negative foreign culture and habits.


Guess what? I'm officially a guy. 

How weird is that?

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Hey, guess what?

I finished all my homework due tomorrow. 

Apart from probably English, but the questions are stupid. 

Nevertheless, I'm done. Done. Done. 

Wow. I can't believe it. 

I have a free Sunday night! Yes!

Now that I'm done with my mini-celebration, I want to thank all the people who helped me with my Math assignment 2. (You know who you are.)

It may be the terribly truth, but I am indeed atrocious at Math. 

I finally got my English essay back from Angela on Friday. Teacher's comments were something along the lines of, "I like you but your vocabulary doesn't impress me". 

To be honest, I don't like using big words because many people are put off reading because they don't understand big words. 

That's why I avoid cramming loads of them in one paragraph like "refrain from filling divisions of dissertations with perplexing locutions". 

...Yeah, I used a thesaurus for that.

But you get my drift, don't you? Comprende?


I always thought it was content that mattered. 

There's a slight possibility (meaning, maybe, just maybe) I'll go to the Music Room again tonight. The only problem would be if anyone would actually care to go with me, since most of 'em haven't finished their homework yet and will be rushing it till the early hours of Monday. 

I used to like Mondays. I could see the gang and the R-ians again. I could watch The Simpsons. I could watch House. I could watch my Taiwanese drama. 

Not sure if I can say the same about here. 

I miss Astro. 

Wouldn't you?

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Today's a Saturday (besides the obvious), and I:

- Woke up considerably late and missed breakfast again. 

- Played around with my laptop and the internet until lunch time.

- Went down for lunch with Syafiqah (my roommate) and bumped into Ivanka (almost literally) on the way to the canteen. 

- Made Iv have lunch with us.

- Told Wardah which strings to buy (steel, NOT nylon) via sms.

- Suddenly remembered about our online Music quiz in the lift on the way back up.

- Did my Music quiz and submitted all twelve sections to my teacher.

- Labelled dead mice for Bio.

- Procrastinated.

- Had dinner with Ivanka and Syafiqah, then Wardah.

- Showered.

- Procrastinated some more.

- Changed Wardah's guitar's strings, went to the Music Room, and pretended to know how to play the drums again.

- Ate Hokkien noodles for supper.

- Blogged.

List of things I need to do tomorrow:

- Finish off my Maths assignment 2.

- Do laundry.

- Buy shampoo.

- Buy a Malay dictionary.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Aku kan tidur.

I just sent my BM karangan (composition) to our Cikgu. The deadline is at midnight, and it's fifteen minutes to midnight now, so I guess there won't be any trouble.

I came up from the music room recently, after pretending to be able how to play the drums and trying to teach Wardah how to play the guitar (her D-string broke halfway, so wasn't of much use anyway).

This morning, I went down for breakfast feeling unbearably sleepy and I instantly understood why people say TGIF, "Thank Goodness It's Friday".

Living in Brunei for so many years, I would've said "thank goodness it's Thursday/Saturday," but that wouldn't have made any sense because we had to go to school on Saturdays and we had Fridays off. Also, four days in a row isn't even half as hellish as five school days in a row. It's just too long. Five full days of school in a row really does make you appreciate the weekends more. 

Cikgu Isa reminds me of my great-grandmother. She always says interesting things but nobody is bothered enough to listen and in the end become bored. It's 'cause of the age too, I guess. Which is old.

I miss my great-grandma. And my grandma too. And her brilliantly scrumptious mouth-watering cooking.

I miss home-cooked food. 

That good, you know.

We watched TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, dude) during CCA today. If you're wondering why, it's for a trailer we have to make next week. 

Reminded me of my pet turtles back home. I named my older one Ninja and the younger one Samurai.

I go to sleep now. 

Good night good people.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

"I go back to Italia." - Italian guy.

Despite the fact that we had to write an essay on "an occasion where you felt lonely and sad" first thing in the morning, I feel strangely happy. 

It's like...someone shot an apple off my head without hitting me. 


I've got one and two-thirds of questions for our Chemistry assignment left, thanks for Zhen Jie who helped me out in the library. (I bugged her and Si Min with awful jokes about composers while they were doing their Music assignment thing. Hardworking people.)

Rania told me that our Maths assignment 2 will be due on Monday instead (for Rania, MJ, Cheryl and I), because somehow we didn't get our question paper until Tuesday.

We got our assignment 1 back today. Quite a few got "redo" scribbled on them because of poor presentation. 
My handwriting sucks but presentation was okay. 
Lucky me.

Our substitute BM teacher is definitely an improvement. Cikgu is on MC for two weeks sebab dia ada masalah kerongkong, tidak boleh cakap dengan suara besar or something like 'at.

As for the puisi (poem, for those who didn't know) thing, Cikgu Isa (66 year old guy who's been teaching BM for 47 years) told us, "Kalau tidak tahu buat, macam mana nak buat? Esok cikgu ajar."*

*Translation: "How are you supposed to do it if you don't know how? I'll teach you tomorrow."

Cool. 'Cause none of us even bothered.

I'm going to finish off my Chem later during study time, where I'll probably get the help of Kelvin and Hyeon Kyeong (sp?) (they're Chang Yoon's toiletmates/whatever). 

Yesterday, there was this extraordinarily long epic queue in the canteen during dinner. Seemed as if the whole boarding went to have dinner at the same time. 

Had my dinner then went for study time.
Study time was great because:

- Ivanka got to join us after asking Ms Queenie politely. (Previously non-NUSH students couldn't study in the library because people complained.)

- I managed to do a bit of my Maths assignment.

- We told stupid jokes about the Italian guy and his little holiday.

- My new future occupation is "PhD holder of the study of homosexual people and behaviour". (Pretty weird, but cool at the same time, no?)

- We (Chang Yoon, Ivanka, Insan, Kelvin and Hyeon Kyeong) were still the only ones trying our best to stifle our laughter in case we got kicked out/told off. Again. Nobody else laughs like we do. Which is pretty good, actually. 

"I go back to Italia."

That's where the Tifosi are. 

Forza Ferrari, forever and more.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

And finally, it rains.

I seriously need to get back into writing mood again. 

Honestly, I would write about what we did for what classes I had today like the R-ians are doing (I miss doing that and sharing our stupid inside jokes with you guys), but I only had one class today, which was Physics. 

I think Physics is better than Chemistry, because it makes more sense. But I like Bio more because you don't have to do calculations. Calculations is where I get everything wrong.

So anyway, I'll try to write about my day today.

Well, first of all, I woke up to the sound of my toiletmate's (people we share a bathroom with) alarm and realised that I hadn't ironed my skorts yet. It was the kind of realisation that makes you go, "Ohcraptheregoesmychanceofsleepinginwhydidn'tIdoityesterday?".

Ironing done, water-bottle filled, I went down to the canteen for breakfast, where they were serving those pizza buns (which aren't really good, actually) and slices of cake for breakfast. I took the cake, because they taste way better (even when they're off the balanced diet "a healthier choice" thing).

We went to the track for our morning assembly after breakfast (obviously). 

There was the usual "stop talking turn around face the front" and a few announcements nobody bothered to listen carefully to. 

ACE was next. It turned into a "complain-about-this-guy" session for some reason I can't recall. 
The real ACE topic was on listening. No, seriously. Listening. 
It was okay, I guess. And it certainly wasn't boring.

Next off? Physics. The very name strikes our hearts with fear. Fear of extreme boredom, that is. We learnt about temperature and thermometers (if you're thinking this should be easy, keep in mind it's Singapore NUS High version). 

Thankfully Ivy asked for a five-minute break (which got extended to twenty) because everybody in class was either about to fall asleep or about to kill themselves out of boredom.

It wasn't that bad, to be honest, but I like to exaggerate. 

After two hours of Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit and Rankine (the Farenheit of Kelvin), we went for lunch. 

Had wedges and chicken nuggets. Just in case you wanted to know.

Da Vinci was super, super boring. It's a research programme. I think I know what it's researching now: "How bored can a bunch of Year 2s get before they die of boredom?"

Now I need to go and put my clothes in the dryer. 

Oh, and homework still sucks. 

I'm looking forward to a possibly fun weekend now, playing Wii and eating the tapak kuda I brought from Brunei. The poor cake rolls have been sitting in the freezer for a week now. 

It's raining now. I love rain. How it reminds me of home. It's been raining there nearly every day, and it hardly rains here. 

Ah, the tranquility of the constant drumming of raindrops on the surface. 

Brunei's rain should come here.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Copious amounts of homework should be illegal.

Is you guys wanting to know my epic homework load?

- Music homework on Baroque opera and stuff (finished but not typed out yet) due next week.

- Music assignment on maybe Classical and Romantic periods due in two weeks.

- BM puisi due Friday.

- BM karangan also due Friday.

- Geography map-reading thing.

- Chemistry assignment (which is supposedly very hard and I haven't the faintest clue of what I'm doing).

- Maths assignment 2 due Friday.

- Bio practical (dead mouse labelling) due Monday.

Let's hope I didn't miss anything out, because if I did, I would be so doomed. 

I should congratulate myself on what a wonderful job I did trying to manage my time.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Mouse dissection stank.

You know your life isn't doing so well when your homework comes in fresh piles every single day.

I would like to send my condolences to the animals of the world, for the losses they have suffered, and for the lives they have lost to provide for us.

I would like to thank the poor little white mouse we snipped open with a pair of scissors for unknowingly dying to expand our knowledge.

We have done many things for ourselves, though we take for granted the food we eat, such as the meat we consume, taking the lives of living beings, such as the rice we eat, not thinking of the people who slave away to produce it, such as the servings we waste, not thinking of the people who sleep dreaming of a decent meal every night. 

I didn't borrow the CDs for tomorrow's Music test, so I spent study time listening to the songs from YouTube. Lucky they were all famous and kinda famous pieces. 


Go Baroque period.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Come hither March 29th!

I seriously miss Brunei. To an extent that's freakishly as big as the milky way. 

It's not that I'm homesick or anything (strange, anytime I want to type that word it comes out as "homewo"- then I backspace), I just feel that sometimes things would be a bit better if I never left.

So now we're finally done with our Bio essay, I don't have time to actually go and celebrate for a few minutes that yes, we actually finished it. Apparently we've got a mouse dissection, Bio quiz on God knows what and a Math exercise tomorrow. 

I'm so doomed. 

Doomed to die a terrible death caused by bad results and lack of sleep.

And guess what?

Boarding assembly tonight.

My weekend just got wasted away. Just like that.

Like how Jung Min put it the night before, "My weekend got eaten."

So true. It got eaten by homework and Bio essays and pointless little things.

I want to go and play Wii and go to the TV room and Music room and hang out with Ivanka, Chang Yoon and Jung Min. 

I seriously, seriously, wish that there was just an extra day for the weekends. 

But even then, it would probably be taken for granted as well.

I miss F1. (Yes, that was totally irrelevant.)