Wednesday, October 01, 2008

It's October: Oh crap.

I woke up this morning, rolled over to the side of my bed to look for my monkey and realised: Ohcrapit'sOctober.

Meaning PMB is a few days away.
Meaning I have to study.
Meaning I'm in biiiig trouble.

Sometimes I wonder if life is really good or bad (here, we ignore LG's "life's good" slogan).

We may hate PMB, but after that, we get a long holiday.
We may think school sucks, but in the end, we don't end up as dumb as we're supposed to be.
I think chocolate, ice cream and chocolate ice cream are awesome, but eat too much and you'll get fat and diabetes.
We wonder why we weren't born later enough to be in the "SPN21 zone" and not have to sit for PMB.
Even if we were, we would wish we were older so we're closer to our driving licences.

...There are good monkeys and evil monkeys. 

So where does this bring us?

I have absolutely no idea.
I haven't had breakfast yet, so I'm a bit muddled up right now.

After breakfast: Geo time. 

Is it what matters right now...right now?
Or does the future matter more?
But if you spend all your time worrying about your future, what present will you have?
Keep in mind: the present is the past's future.

...Yeah, I'm confused too.

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