Almost everyone I've spoken to was feeling horribly tired this morning, even though it's only the fifth day of the term. Feels like it's been forever, yet it feels as if it's only been a blink of an eye. Goodness, someone's been messing with the time-space continuum.
So yeah, what has transpired as of late?
Well, on Tuesday we had this briefing about ARP, then had English, where Ms Dass basically went through what we were going to do for the year, and then had Math. I like our Math teacher, he's pretty cool (and he made a reference to Coldplay too, which totally added points in my book). Going through combination and permutation and probability now, sort of like a recap of last year's stuff.
Then went out to NUS with Wai Yin to meet our research mentor. But he wasn't in, so we talked to one of his students instead, who told us a bit about what the project was about and what we were supposed to do to help him. It's pretty awesome, 'cause the concept is to create something that will select certain frames from videos/clips/films/et cetera and arrange them in panels to resemble a comic book so people can simply read the video and select a scene they want to play from. Our job is to manually do that, and give the guy a set of criteria we use to select and arrange our frames so he can prototype the programme.
I love it. I personally think we've got a super cool ARP (or maybe it's just because this combines two things I really like; film and comics).
Had our first Chem honours class on Wednesday (turns out this module is an extension of last sem's organic chem, and it's daunting). Have Mrs Chong as our teacher again, but she's only taking us for classroom time (an hour a week) and not the mass lecture time (Dr Li is teaching us that, which we found out on Thursday). Oh goodness, Chem honours. Two hours in the theatrette freezing my ass off and being confused and feeling so horribly stupid did nothing to make me feel good. But I do understand probably around fifty percent of what was going on.
Also, our band won the band category for Talent Search. Yay us.
Then on Thursday (worst scheduling of the week), we had two half-hour breaks to last us all the way till the end of PE at 4.30 in the afternoon. It's an hour of Math, half an hour break, an hour of Chem majors, two hours of Ecology, half hour break, two hours of Chem honours, PE. Height and weight did nothing for my self-esteem, 'cause I put on weight during the holidays and am still this short. At least I'm not obese and am not a midget.
Mentoring today, then Math, then Physics (I swear half the class was asleep for this one, and the other half were either nodding off or daydreaming, because our teacher tried to drag out six pages of notes to fill two hours of class, and we'd sort of learnt this stuff last year), then English (stupid AQ), then extra Chem (after yesterday's Chem hons class, feeling clueless during the core majors module just makes you more scared of the subject).
First CCA session of the semester. Briefed, allocated duties, listened to instructor guy talk, shared M&Ms.
Youth Week this week too, since Sunday's Youth Day and Monday's a public holiday in relation to that. So there've been events here and there. Popcorn and ice cream (discounted Ben & Jerry's) and candy floss, and an assortment of games. Found out today I was one of the lucky few who guessed a close number to the exact number of M&Ms in a container (1237). I guessed 1234 for the sake of it because it looked nice, and it turned out three other people guessed the same thing, and some smarter fellow guessed 1240. Prize was 200-ish M&Ms. Nice.
But so pooped I hardly feel youthful.
P.S. I just realised we had eight hours of Chem this week. Oh God, it's the new bane of my school life.