The past week's basically been for clearing a crazy backlog of work (well not really backlog, it's just work and assessments teachers need to clear off before exams start).
On Wednesday we went through some Chem hons stuff. Finally did well for a quiz, goodness. Needed some of that redemption. Then had Math, but we just did revision. I'm glad I still remember some chapter 1 stuff, which means I've still got hope.
ACE was a briefing in the theatrette about post-exam activities. Not much, really. We've got an etiquette dinner on the 11th, boarding dinner on the 20th, EQ workshop and Year 6 farewell assembly on the 22nd, and script-checking sometime later, and then the rest of the time for ARP stuff. We may find it funny that we need an EQ workshop, but we asked Ms Dass today and she answered in such a way that made us all feel as uncivilised as cavemen. Sigh. I think I understand why the teachers think we're idiots sometimes, but I don't see how anyone can be taught EQ skills in four hours. Hmm.
On Thursday we randomly did revision questions throughout Math again, then had Chem. Weren't really productive; we just talked about random things and Ms Wong gave us a few studying tips. I think the teachers didn't feel like teaching any more than we felt like actually learning things.
Had our last Ecology prac yesterday too. Fighting fish and stimulus and stuff. I think I just sat there and drew fish while everyone else did things. Whoops. I like fish. Oh, and Ms Chan gave us After Eights (aka heaven in a box). Has anyone else noticed she looks strangely like an Asian Lea Michele? I swear she does.
Then the Chem hons quiz. Oh no, Chem hons. Did okay, I hope. Hope. Fingers crossed. I really need to not fail this module.
NS talk during PE, then went to resume our polymer practical. Interestingly enough, after Jia Hong and I screwed up terribly last week, our mould turned out quite okay. Poured resin and stuff into the mould. That was it. Nobody else likes the smell of polyester resin but me. I don't know why.
Managed to survive today on two hours of sleep, because Deborah and Amelia and I spent a tonne of time just talking in the pantry about life and whatnot. Oh life.
Went through our Math test (did okay), kind of slept through half of Physics (whoops), did our Physics quiz (ew) then had English. Ms Dass talked about our scores and we were disappointed (with the exception of Brendan and Galen) and then she brought us curry, because she promised to cook us some last week.
Yeah. Basically survived the entire day on free food. Ms Dass' curry (which was really good), John Huang-supplied bread (his mum baked them; awesome stuff), Ms Wong-sponsored drinks, and then CCA farewell party pizza for dinner. I think as students shouldn't expect anything (gift-wise) from our teachers at all, and we have absolutely no right to ask for things from them. But when they totally insist on it, the least we could do is to appreciate.
Also managed to draw interesting parallels between the 505 curry session and that story in the Bible where Jesus feeds over five thousand people with two fish and five loaves of bread (with twelve full baskets to spare) because we had five loaves (excluding three baguettes) and two chickens' worth of curry.
Then had a massive headache trying to sort out CCA exco things and where we're headed next year and how to not let it collapse.
Then came back and crashed and woke up three hours later and now I'm here trying to study.
P.S. Oh, and we had our final fire drill of the year on Wednesday night. Did pretty well.