Listening to a bit of Creed at the moment, and I say "a bit of" because I only have three of their songs and that's evidently not enough, but I absolutely adore them.
Mentoring first thing in the morning. Having a bit of trouble with this friendship montage thing we're supposed to do, because a draft (or two) is due soon and we haven't started. I probably should. It's interesting how nobody really knows how to define friendship. What is it, exactly? I like to think of it as not being ashamed about anything you do because they'll love you no matter what. It's about being able to do stupid things and have people do them with you, and then being able to look back on those times and laugh at the memories that brought you together.
Yeah, I've been through enough to know that the older you get, the harder true friendship is to come by, if you haven't already found it. There's never going to be anyone who'll be by your side all your life, because it takes time to meet them and then there's a thing called distance and parting and time and death.
Morbid thoughts there, so better stop myself.
Had non-existent Malay afterwards, so just sat in the canteen watching our resident cat stroll around like a boss.
Then Math just scared me. I have to keep telling myself I'm not that stupid. Math is my friend, yes. I think once you've experienced not knowing a thing and feeling completely lost, it just comes back to haunt you even though you know you'll be fine. It's just a thing I have to overcome.
Chem was fun and totally productive, because we spent a good forty-five minutes watching volunteers scoop water out of containers. I'm not being sarcastic when I say it was a good learning experience, though. Mr Murali is funny.
Then had two hours of idle nothingness because I opted to not take PPV (the pre-Math honours module) before Econs, which was "sitting-in-the-theatrette-for-ten-minutes-and-then-being-dismissed" all the way.
And then ate during our monthly cluster birthday celebration.
Need to stop eating so much, honestly.
Going off now. Planning to sleep early tonight.
P.S. Priorities, where are they?
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