Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cikgu Haiseh gets kidnapped by ET?

Today we gave Chinese lessons during IRK. Well, not we. My Mandarin is terrible. 

Syaz and Qilah were asking Stephanie how to write numbers in Chinese and say them. So she wrote one to ten in Chinese on a piece of paper, and they copied it. Aimma came along, grabbed a chair, glanced at our scribbled-on paper with Chinese words on it, and said, "Tambah jawi eh." 
And she did. Then they started debating on how to write jawi numerals while Stephanie and I told them how to write Chinese. Our IRK teacher didn't even mind when we were making such a racket. Then Bil mentioned "noise pollution." Haha. 
I like IRK now.

Before I forget, congrats to Sheng. He passed his IRK for the first time, ever. I wonder if it was 'cause Syahirah and I told him we'd give him a dollar if he didn't fail... XD Bribery.

You see this lady over 'ere? Her name's Trista or something, and my Lexy-boy likes her.

She's moved in with a high salary and good job, but I feel like she isn't good enough for him, appearance-wise. 

So...I got her to a mirror.

You see how I spoil my sims? 

This is evidence you can use to prove I am indeed a sad, sad person.

...At least I approve of wedding pictures taken with this look. All I need now are better clothes...

Oh, and remember my quest to buy doughnuts from Fun Donut? I went this evening. And I met a queue. A long one. 
During a twenty minute plus wait, my brother was continuously molested by little girls and I met Nazirul, whose sister also couldn't resist touching my brother.

The wait was kinda worth it. 
I will not advertise. Will not. But they are nice and soft. 

Man, the more I type, the more I have to say. Before I bore you to death, I want to ask...

Why does everyone find David Archuleta's voice and smile irresistible?

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