Thursday, May 03, 2012


Going to list out all the things I need to/have to/want to do in my free time up till next sem and see how many I can check off when class starts proper.

- Finish off animation for SIMC. Very urgent, will start tomorrow and work it hard.

- Head out to buy a present and then attend Wei Ren's birthday barbecue tomorrow.

- Collect tickets for Russell Peters' performance on Saturday on Friday, and then attend a briefing of some sorts for ASXC too.

- Attend Russell Peters' show Saturday night.

- Cluster outing on Monday.

- Class chalet on the 13th, 14th and 15th.

- Karaoke.

- Watch The Avengers again.

- Read all the books I've been putting off, especially 'Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero' which I've been putting off for months.

- Finish reading Ultimate Spiderman and then start on the other arcs I have in my hard drive.

- Catch up on television shows. How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Glee, The Voice. Maybe rewatch Sherlock. Who knows. And then start on Dr Who. Please Pin give me whatever files you have I'll watch it all.

- Watch movies/television series starring Tom Hiddleston because this guy is really starting to grow on me.

- Learn songs. Many songs. All the songs.


Haven't made a list like this in ages. I could keep listing but sometimes you have to stop listing and actually do things on a whim.


P.S. Oh, and I love this song. I like to apply it to myself, too.

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