Thursday, May 31, 2012


Time for some movie reviews, because that's what I've been doing (apart from eat, sleep, and read 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' books).

Watched 'Men In Black 3' last night, where I met Fatinn, Kevin and the MS SIMC team. Don't remember the previous two movies, but I do vaguely recall watching MIB cartoons as a kid, so I wasn't epicly clueless or anything like that. Funny stuff. Good dialogue, plenty of action, and I loved the aliens. A bit confused about the time travel stuff, but oh well.

It would be so cool if we could co-exist with other planets like they do, but that would be quite unsafe too. At least we would spend more time worrying about other races blowing us up than actually doing it ourselves like we are now.

Then watched 'Snow White and the Huntsman' this morning. It was not as good as the trailer depicted, 'cause we all know (from my workshops, duhh) that trailers that give you the best of their movies really have nothing else to show. I thought since they cast Kristen Stewart, it meant she'd learnt some more expressions than what she showed in the Twilight saga, but disappointingly it didn't. I mean, yeah she's very good at gasping through the mouth and staring intensely, but apart from that, goodness gracious. I've never actually seen Twilight or any of its sequel movies, and now I'm glad I stayed away from them.

It's sad because I never liked Snow White when I was younger, and now I still don't like her. Useless girl. Dialogue was terrible too. Hardly any humour, badly depicted romance. Poor Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth and Sam Claflin (because I liked him in the fourth PotC movie).

Yeah, the scenery was nice though, I admit. But completely redundant. So redundant. Some pretty good CGI-ing, too, but apart from that it really failed to deliver. Draggiest movie I've seen this year. I don't understand why people enjoyed it.

Then watched 'Real Steel' at home, because my mum and brother insist it's brilliant and can't get around the fact that I haven't seen it yet. And yeah, I agree, it was brilliant. I mean, for a movie revolving around robot-boxing, it was quite amazing. And touching, too. Good going.

All right, off now.


P.S. I have a feeling my years in Media have killed my ability to fully enjoy any movie without wondering about technical aspects. It's hard.

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