Monday, June 29, 2009

Mass gathering.

I just signed into MSN since what seemed like ages. 

And it has triggered a mass alien abduction spree somewhere in the world.

Conspiracy theory coming up.

The Bruneian MoE must really hate me, because after having read "P.P.S. You know what makes me smile? Knowing that the Brunei peeps have to go to school on Monday too. =)", they've decided to extend the school holidays until God-knows-when just to make me miserable. 

Let's see. First day of school. Long, draggy, and boring.

Cikgu Isa is still here, and he spent forty-five minutes talking about "Selesema Babi" in Malay, probably a repeat of what our new (yeah, new. Again) mentor was talking about in English previously.

Four hours of class with barely a break in between.

Anyway, life's kinda back to normal with the usual wake up go to school eat do homework sleep wake up go to school eat sleep wait for weekend routine.

So bland. 

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