Sunday, December 05, 2010

Wedding cake.

I think I must've seen this video at least thirty times over. It's funny, and it's catchy.

I have to say Chester See has an amazing voice.

Speaking of YouTube, Kurt Schneider and Sam Tsui were on Ellen the other day, which is so cool.

I remember when people were watching their early videos going "these guys are good, they should be more famous than they are now" and now it's really happening.

So, so cool.

I have officially sunk into the horrible pit of holiday idleness and I need to get out.

Need to start waking up earlier, and accomplishing things apart from eating, hanging around the house and going back to sleep again.

It's like I'm wasting my life away being all relaxed. Is it wrong to become agitated from being relaxed for too long? Or does that mean I never actually settled into "relaxing" properly? I'm unsure.

Planning to try out some video and editing stuff tomorrow. I mean, since I have Final Cut Pro 7 I might as well play around with it to bide my time.

Oh, and I've just seen this video, which is of Alex Day (aka nerimon) in New York to watch the American Idiot musical, and it totally reminded me of me being in Tokyo and alone and intimidated by the locals.

And the fun part is him talking about how it's strange being on top of the Empire State Building and not having anyone to share the view with, which was exactly what I felt like when I was in the Tokyo Tower. It feels so good to know that someone else understands what it's like. Especially when that someone else is a well-known British YouTuber.

Oh so many links this post.

All right, better be off now. Only read a few pages of Anna Karenina today and I need more.


P.S. Sometimes I'm thankful for our relatively monotonous weather, but sometimes I kind of do wish we lived in a more temperate region. But yeah we get loads of rain here so it's fine. I like rain.

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