Monday, May 05, 2008


Travel magazines/brochures never cease to amaze me, no matter how much I think I know about my country. 

They make Brunei sound so good, my gosh, it's wow. Now I feel like paying big bucks to tour it. I'm being swindled. =)

Anyway, I can't seem to be bothered to do my Geo notes. Write them out myself. I don't get the point. If I'm going to copy all my notes from my textbook, why don't I just read the textbook instead? It doesn't make sense.

I've got Math homework too.
And BM homework.
I really should be doing it.
And studying for a Geo test on Chapter Four which may or may not happen.
Also, I need to look for my previous eight grading certificates which are somewhere in my study room somewhere in my house.

Izzah, please go to training later. Fatehah will kill me if you don't. You too, Ummi. So you can get the grading form and take the grading with me. I don't want to go alone (actually, there are people, but I hardly know them). 

I don't know why I have all this crap to sift through. All I'm looking for are eight pieces of paper that congratulate me for passing my grading (which I hope to achieve for this one too), and I can't find anything but certificates of participation, photocopies of my birth certificate, test result sheets, exam result sheets, certs from MS, certs from SAS, music certificates, music notes, sheets of music, guitar chords, tabs and et cetera et cetera. 
What on earth are my mum's bank statements doing here?

I'm going crazy. Why didn't I file things properly in the first place?

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