Tuesday, May 13, 2008

When in Rome, do as the Romans say. Or they'll feed you to the lions.


I don't know how these sparring scheme people can stand it. Training for two and a half hours a day? I can't do it. I'm putting up with it, just for that black belt grading, and now I have to join the PSK without even knowing?

I don't even know what it stands for. Pesta Sukan Kebangsaan? That's the best I can come up with. We're supposed to go to some gym at the stadium tomorrow to lift weights. I am not going. I'll be at Menglait at night instead. If I survive.

I'm done with 'Endymion Spring' by Matthew Skelton. When I first saw the book, fancy-but-not-so-fancy cover and all, it was the name 'Matthew Skelton' that caught my eye. Skeleton. Good name, good name. As good as Garth Nix's. 
Now for the contents. It definitely wasn't as good as 'Lirael' or 'Abhorsen'. It had a good story line, yeah, but there's just something not good about it. It wasn't even unputdownable* until the last few pages where it didn't end so well. Overall: Interesting, well-written and researched (something I admire of authors), but not exactly up to that level I was expecting. Somewhat too "detail-y" for me. 

*This is a real word. Type in "unputdownable" and you won't get spellchecked. Awesome.

Now I'm done with my book review, let's do some ranting, or whatever.

Mr Mike Saxon (everyone knows him as "that cameraman teacher") came into our class in the middle of MIB, where I still couldn't finish my project on time and had to hand it in during break (but that's another story).

He was talking to Cikgu Ramlah (she's on good terms with us again. It was like a weight came off our shoulders when she made a joke yesterday). She, being a BM teacher, wasn't begitu fasih dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Jadi, cikgu panggil si Fazrul untuk cakap sama Mr Saxon.
We ended up moving up back to our old classroom. Thanks a lot, Fazrul, for your bad negotiation skills.

Long story short, Mr Saxon wanted his Chemistry class to take their written exam in our class, while the other classes were empty. Why couldn't they move to our class on the third floor? Whatever happened to the word "compromise"? Pfft. He made the teacher give us a letter and all that official stuff, claiming he was doing it because he was following "the British rule". 

Well this is Brunei, sir, not Britain. Haven't you ever heard of the phrase "when in Rome, do as the Romans say"? 

I'd like to elaborate, but House is on. See yah.

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