Saturday, May 24, 2008

Siphoning is cool.

I do this strange thing when the radio starts crackling (you know that sound when someone's about to call you? Yeah, that one).

I'm like, "Nooo! Don't call me!" Hardly anyone calls me anyway, so it's either it works, or that nobody wants to call me. 

Is MSN down? Or is it just my computer, 'cause I can't seem to log in. Something about the service not being available? 
Why does Microsoft like to let people down like this? *taking opportunity to complain about Microsoft* No offense. 
Oh look, I got in. Never mind.

The Project Runway finale was aired yesterday, following David Cook's emotional win of American Idol. Christian won. Yay. I like him. The gay, skinny guy with funny hair. 

"Season Four of Bravo's Project Runway was arguably the gayest television show ever aired. Seven of the eight male contestants were out gay men, and so was host/mentor Tim Gunn, judge Michael Kors, and at least a few of the guest judges."

Hilarious, but so weird. So, so weird.

I'm now answering Effie's question: Yes, I can swim.

But I don't swim, because I can't swim. 
Which means I have the ability to swim, but uh, I just can't. So there.
It's going to rain in half an hour anyway, so what's the point of swimming at the Stadium for training? I think I make a pretty accurate weather predictor. 

Anywayyy, back to America's reality shows.
I think "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" is the dumbest show ever. It's stupid.

David Cook won. He definitely deserved to win. And still does. Like Kimi deserves to win the Driver's Championship again this year. 

There's a race at Monaco tomorrow. Come on, Ferrari. Kick McLaren's ass for never performing when Raikkonen was in their team. 

Ferrari fan always. 
Forza Ferrari. 

I keep digressing. I keep telling Steph, "David Cook won, David Cook won," and she retaliates by saying, "Jason Castro!"
At least he got to sing "Hallelujah" during the final results show. Ah.

Our Commerce test was cancelled, 'cause the teachers had a vaini- I mean, photography session to go to. Pfft. Our turn is this Monday. I dislike my photo being taken. I've said it before and I'll say it again. SUCKS.
We watched them be herded like sheep by Mr Saxon in the netball/basketball court behind the gym. The female teachers were fanning themselves (I bet they were thinking, "panas eh!") with sheets of paper that mysteriously looked like test papers. But we won't give too much thought on that, yeah?

Science on Monday. 'Cher Sufy says that if we drop a grade, she'd call our parents.
Oooh, scary.

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