Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"One Night Love Affair" -Bryan Adams

My last post sucked a lot, I admit.

I deproved in all my subjects so far. It's so depressing. Is it 'cause they moved the tests a week earlier, I don't study enough, or that I go for training almost everyday now?


I know I got the easiest question in the Maths paper wrong. It feels (mentally) like someone ran over me with a monster truck containing dozens of toy trucks and an overweight rabbit.

Yesterday, I had the initiative to go for training. Turns out all we did was play an hour of "poisonball" and do (give or take, mostly take) 300 sit ups. That was pretty much it. Bleh. =)

I took a look at my CIV rule book just now. I keep all (just three) farewell notes I have wedged in between the pages. The first one's from Neko's cousin (I don't even want to go there...), second's from Ash (I remember Shar and Stel cried when they got theirs), third one's from Grace. I found the last one just now, apparently given to me last year and I never checked the Sims 2 box she borrowed after she returned it before returning to the Philippines.
Sorry, Grace. It's pretty cool, though. And if you ever read this, one day, I will find Fauzan and shave his hair, but I'm not in contact with him anymore.

When people move to other countries... you know you'll be in contact with them, but the feeling is different. I'm not sure how though.

I've got gym tomorrow. And TT3 will be over. YES!

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