Sunday, May 04, 2008


My nose is running, and I'm sunburnt (again). I have officially achieved what was previously thought impossible.

Sports Day, for me, was extremely uneventful, being the type of person to just sit there and play with my cube. But I managed to make an orange balloon doggie with Maz's balloon. She went to "show it off" and didn't come back. Hm. Everyone else sitting in front of me got out of their seats in fear of the balloon bursting. Yeah, I'll admit, I was scared too.
But what has man achieved without bravery?

Laksamana won. Wow. That's so cool. Even if I'm not in Laksa. 
Hulubalang won the field performance. That's good enough for me. 
I heard the results from the other side of the field gates, 'cause Neko and I left early. Or escaped. Whatever.
I like Belapan wayyyy more. Padang Kebajikan's not only dirty (piles of rubbish first thing in the morning? Not recommended) and small (not enough space for sitting) it doesn't work for the cars of many impatient parents waiting for their kids at eleven a.m. when the event ends at noon.
That means a major traffic jam and lack of parking space.

By the way, Effie's getting famous along with MS' badminton team. Ahahah.
The Borneo Bulletin loves you.

Last night, we celebrated my great-grandmother's eighty-fourth birthday. The Emperor's Court was really empty last night. I don't know why though.
I'm continuing this post in another post. 'Cause I got pictures.

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