Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Moving on.

The week has only started, yet it feels like a Friday 'cause roll call's at eleven and the week's sort of already ended.

Exam week is the beginning of a new week regardless of which day of the week it is.

So, last day of proper lessons with 405 today.

Peribahasa quiz-ed during Malay, then I realised it was also our last proper Malay class together, unless we all fail our Higher Malay O-levels (God forbid) and have to bear with this module for two more years. Whoa. Even though there are only seven of us, we sort of do spend significant amounts of time together.

Had Math after Malay. I can not imagine having to learn Math under a new teacher. It's like my brain's been hardwired to understand Math only in Mr Chia-English. He makes Math so much friendlier.

Then had Chem, where we weirded Mrs Chong out again. I love how she gives us weird looks and then makes straightforward comments about our "interesting" behaviour. Received our marked revision quizzes, went through them and checked our CA scores. Thank God for CA. It's like a buffer that lets you get by even though you slip up really badly during exams (although having a really bad CA score means exams count more).

Spent PPV break doing Math tutorials so Mr Chia could upgrade our files. He's such a nice guy.

Then went for Econs and went through Test 2 (which was quite terribly done, I admit).

Wake-up call, because I really am not as smart as I would like to be. In fact, I'm quite stupid. There are no excuses for being stupid, but that's what studying is for. Only the truly intelligent need not revise to do as well as we do.

Okay, going off now. Sleeping early tonight.


P.S. Spent quite a lot of time reading Malay stories on those Facebook sharing pages, but you can't really call it a waste of time because it helps with my Malay (and my proficiency is so terrible it could make you weep).

Monday, October 24, 2011


I don't know why, but I seem to be counting down the days I have left with my class as a class. That's kind of sad.

It's like knowing when you'll die and then counting down the days you have left and feeling sad about it even though you know there's nothing you can do. Pretty pointless, yes. So I'm just going to seize each moment as it passes because that's what awesome people do.

Had Math first thing in the morning, and we did revision questions and stuff. I do not remember any triangle properties whatsoever we learnt in Year 2, and neither do I even remember the sine and cosine rules. I am doomed.

Didn't have Physics because Mr Yeo mysteriously wasn't here. Spent the time doing an English article review (which I've finally finished, and here's to me assuming correctly that Mr Chin has already marked three so he won't penalise me for handing in only nine).

Went through a past year paper question in Evo Bio. I like Evo Bio, but it's hard to pinpoint answers because sometimes you really don't know what the question wants. I enjoy learning it, but I can't seem to answer questions the way they want us to.

Stayed back afterwards because the Year 6s had their farewell assembly today. Great speeches and performances, but I feel terrible because I messed up the footage with a horribly jerky tripod and an inability to deal with annoying Year 3s.

One day I'm going to snap and end up breaking all their meddlesome little fingers.

Oh I'm so violent.

Dinner was better than usual today, and that's worth noting.


P.S. I have awesome friends because they willingly donate their watermelon.

P.P.S. Watching this year's Year 6s about to graduate makes us wonder what our farewell assembly will be like.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

For the love of racing.

A moment of silence. I didn't mention Dan Wheldon's death previously, and now the motorsports community is once again reeling in the loss of yet another.

Marco Simoncelli passed away after a crash during the Sepang MotoGP race, and I feel distraught.

This is racing. There are always risks involved no matter how safe rules make it and how much new technology has helped.

And it's this few select people who understand the risks and for the love of speed are able to do what they do for a living.

I admire these people.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Year End Boarding Dinner 2011.

Listening to MCR at the moment, feeling proud because they're now trending on Twitter under 'MCR ARE HEROES'. It started off as some battle between Justin Bieber and other artists who have large fan bases over Twitter, and then the MCRmy butt in to make some killjoy noise and now everyone knows we're awesome.

They're my heroes.

Wasn't productive all day, but then again there was a lot of anticipation in the air for this year's year end dinner.

Always a celebration of a year spent together, and all the good times and the bad times we've gone through living in this community. It's a time where the year 5s reflect upon the year and think about graduation in another year's time. And then I realise it's our turn next year. I hope our year end dinner will be the most awesome year end dinner the school's ever seen.

This year's programme was much better though, compared to last year's. Performances were great, the games were fun (although we all know the 'Don't Forget The Lyrics' part was way too short), and the food was better.

The disco wasn't as good though, which was disappointing.

I realise all party songs generically sound the same. And nobody seems to mind because they're great to dance to, anyway.

All right, I'm tired.


P.S. Bruneian pride.

P.P.S. Going to start laying on the exam stress now fun time is over.

Friday, October 21, 2011


It's a Friday, but it doesn't feel like a Friday. It's sort of like a really sad Friday, because it's the last day of the last complete week of classes we'll be having as a class. And it doesn't feel like a Friday, because there was no CCA.


I was also sad because I lied today. To be honest, and I wasn't when Mr Yeo asked me if it bothered me, it bothers me. It bothers me that people think I talk funny. It bothers me that they mock me even though it's only a bit of harmless fun. It bothers me that I think I might be too sensitive. It bothers me that I seem unable to get angry and tell them to stop and have them believe me. It bothers me.

Is conformity really everything? Just because I don't speak Singlish does not mean I'm flaunting. I speak like I do because I've always spoken like this. I like speaking like this. It's how I learnt to speak English. It's what makes me me. It doesn't matter how we say things, or what accent it's in, because ultimately we use the same words which give the same meaning when we speak the same language.

I'm not sad, or angry; I was just really bothered. But now I'm all right because I have too high a self-esteem to be insecure.

Went down to the demo lab for Physics today. Played around with experimental setups and stuff. Super cool.

Finished off the rest of the speeches today. I loved how ironic Sam's speech was. She's one of the most ardent card-players and class yet she talks about curbing teenage gambling habits.

Had a test during Econs. Hopefully don't do as badly as I think I did.

Talked about worksheets and struggled through our second revision quiz during Chem. I think I might be quite hopeless. The truly intelligent people are those who ace everything without studying. I am not one of those people.

Also, hell week (the week before) results are out, and totally improved for my Geog test from the last one (by like, two marks, which is a lot out of twelve), and passed Chem quiz 3 and our second Physics test (sometimes you need a wakeup call to tell you how stupid you actually are).

Okay, I should go off now. Should be a long day tomorrow.

Good night.

P.S. By the way, Pin, was reading your blog. 1042 posts without a single repeated title, although occasionally I've had to double check before posting.

P.P.S. Lovely rainy weather.


And here's the speech I wish I gave:

Good morning to parents and representatives of the Ministry of Education. I’m Lim Ya Wen from NUS High School, and I’m cutting straight to the point.

For many weeks, I planned to start off with “Good morning, my name is yawen and I’m a lesbian”, so I could prove a point about how people would react to such taboo and controversy, but I decided not to risk it. I decided against it because I realised I didn’t want my speech to scream “gay rights”. I want it to be a serious discussion about how things could change for the better. I might sound like a certain president of the United States, but don’t tell me words don’t matter.

I propose that our sexual education syllabus be revised to include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) matters. It is evident that as LGBT pride communities all around the world emerge to strive to bring about equality for all genders and sexualities, we cannot remain ignorant.

Homosexuality has been around for longer than we can imagine. 25th century BC, a tomb is built for two Egyptian men in an intimate relationship. 6th century BC, homosexuality is recorded to be widespread and legalised throughout the Roman and Greek empires. 4th century BC, a bisexual Alexander the Great leads millions into viewing same-sex relationships positively. But centuries later, in 1952, the American Psychiatric Association included homosexuality in its ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’. What happened?

Currently, homosexuality is covered in only one lesson in the MoE’s sexuality education programme, where it, quoted from the website “seeks to inform students of the definition of “homosexual”, and that homosexual acts are illegal under Singapore law. It does not promote homosexuality, but follows social norms of mainstream society”.

I’ll be frank and tell you how I think it sounds: chicken. It’s a stance that shows fear of backlash, a fear of criticism, a fear of venturing forwards. It is cautious, but it is not practical.

School is stressful enough without having to deal with unnecessarily tedious issues such as coming to terms with sexuality and self-doubt and depression, et cetera. We know that homosexuality remains such a sensitive topic and is withheld in schools only because many parents do not want their children to be exposed to the idea of homosexuality.

I’m not accusing you of bigotry, or of homophobia, but you must see that we cannot hide in ignorance forever. People need to know that there are a few factors that contribute to an individual’s sexuality, and none of them “because God made you wrong”. A lot of mystery is shrouded around homosexuality, and because of this mystery, there are those gays who’ve come to establish themselves as rule-breakers with a “I-can-do-what-I-want” attitude, because being gay is against the law anyway.

Take, for example, a boy called Ed. Ed finds out he’s gay. He doesn’t know what to do. Is there a protocol for this? Nobody knows. His parents are homophobes. They find out. They tell him he is condemned to hell. Ed is scared. Ed desperately tries to cling onto whatever will accept him for the disgrace he is. And whoa. Ed finds a boyfriend. They have sex. Obviously, a man cannot get another man pregnant, so Ed forgoes protection. They break up, but Ed continues to sleep around. Then Ed finds out he has HIV.

This is how the social stigma of “homosexuals spread AIDS” was born. Do you know that when you fill out forms for blood donation in Singapore, they specifically ask you if you’re a man and if you’ve had sex with another man. If you’re a woman, they ask you if you’ve had sex with a man whom you suspect has had sex with another man. I understand that certain precautions have to be taken, but this is ridiculous and bordering on discrimination. We have to put and end to this, and we can.

So how do we?

Through a revised sex ed, we could slowly introduce topics like sexual identity, coming to terms with oneself, opening up to parents, safe sex between same-sex couples and so on. Sex ed packages need not be specifically addressed towards these issues, but it would be great it they could integrate lesson plans with LGBT scenarios as well. It provides a sense of inclusion and acceptance, and lets adolescents know that if they have problems, they can be addressed without being judged.

School counsellors can be trained to be open and accepting and show no qualms when troubled teens need someone to confide in concerning sexuality issues.
We could also lift bans on children’s books that include same-sex couples, so we can relay the message that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay.

One of the most banned books in the United States is a children’s book about a pair of male penguins who hatch an egg together and raise the chick as their own, and many adults hate it immensely. Children to whom the book was read raised no queries about the “odd pairing”, and were able to enjoy it as yet another story about a happy family.

Some parents might argue that sex ed like this is going to put ideas into their children’s heads and they’ll end up queer and revolting, but it’s like saying you don’t want your child to learn how to drive because there are risks of them getting into car accidents.

Parents will oppose to these plans because they feel morally disgusted about LGBT. This type of disgust is culturally determined, meaning when one has become accustomed to seeing only heterosexual couples and being exposed to primarily heterosexual romance, it becomes unusual and shockingly foreign. This sense of disgust isn’t due to any rational reason, like being disgusted by rotten food because it’s unhygienic and could kill you if you ate it, but evoked just because it’s different. How is that not senseless discrimination?

Sexual education in this country should not be ‘this is what homosexuality is, but don’t do it because we’ll arrest you’, but it should be a ‘this is what homosexuality is, and that’s okay. You may carry on with your life’. So one day when the ones who have been taught and understand go on to have children of their own, we’ll have generations of acceptance. Nobody will need to be defined specifically by their sexuality anymore.

And just so you know, in 1973, twenty-one years later, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its comprehensive list of mental disorders.

So as Peter Parker’s uncle Ben Parker once said, “With great power comes great responsibility”, and you, with the power to bring about a better education, and with it acceptance and understanding, are responsible to grant it. So grant your children the education they need now. Let them know they can be who they are.

Thank you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Saw Coldplay's latest music video for their song 'Paradise' last night, and I thought it was amazing.

It's so simple, yet it touched me and I felt it. Nowadays a lot of MVs for popular songs are just a bunch of sexy-looking people dancing promiscuously (although I don't really mind, because Maroon 5 somewhat does it as well, and Adam Levine is well, Adam Levine), and nothing truly captures the true essence of a song.

Elephant costumes and South Africa may seem really random, but it looks a true paradise. We think we're so awesome with our gadgets and gizmos and our "superior" education, but in truth we're just poor, sad people. Fear, paranoia, judging and being judged, overambitious-ness, superficiality.

And one of the most popular conversation topics as of late is that of a little girl who got hit by moving vehicles. Twice. And nobody helped her until someone with an actual heart and soul came by to rescue her, and then got accused of helping her only for fame and fortune. What on earth? How can you not be outraged?

The only reason why the true severity of this problem was exposed was because the security camera footage of the incident went viral and all the news agencies picked it up. There are so, so many people out there, heartless and apathetic. How could they?

And then there's news of Gaddafi being dead, and people are celebrating and calling it a victory, and then checking his name off a list which included 'Saddam Hussein' and 'Osama'. It sickens me that people are gloating in this manner. You may have hated one man, but his death should not give you reason to party. Is there no longer respect for one's adversary?

The world is so beautiful yet so saddening at the same time. But it's the beauty that's worth preserving and living for.

Okay, yeah, finally gave my speech yesterday. Even though I wasn't as prepared as I had liked to be and I totally exceeded the seven-minute maximum limit, it went reasonably acceptably all right, and now I feel kind of relieved it's over. There are always three versions of a speech; the one scripted, the one given, and the one you wish you gave.

Exams are nearing, but I have an Econs test and Chem quiz to study for tomorrow. Let's go. Semangat.


P.S. Everything's over so fast it scares me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Don't Stop Me Now.

This video just made my day. Go British novelty television shows. They're awesome.

And my God, this interpretive dance thing is brilliant. This guy is brilliant. Who could've thought. I'm going to do a Gary Barlow on the X-Factor and say it was "absolutely fantastic". It takes genius to be funny, really.

Math first thing on Monday mornings seem to drag on forever, but then I realised I'd miss it. Heck.

Did more stuff about probability and apples and maggots and choosing people. Interesting. Also laughed at people who didn't understand the probability of roulette. It's fun because we can take this probability stuff and apply it to gambling methods.

Physics was just sitting there and attempting a past-year exam paper. Brain was dead so I really didn't do anything for the two hours. Instead just kind of stared blankly at my paper and then fell asleep. Whoops.

Watched a video about the evolution of modern humans during Evo Bio, which was quite intriguing. I don't think we appreciate the complexity of the human mind enough, but then again we could be really, really stupid compared to beings on other planets. We could be totally primitive and unrefined. Now that's a really sad possibility.

Sometimes I wish we could pull a 'Subtle Knife' and cross over to other dimensions and alternate realities, but we can't at the moment (not consciously), so we'll just have to deal with it and wallow in our un-satiated need for knowledge.

Came back straight after that and slept my afternoon away.

Feeling quite a sense of achievement because I managed to finish my Math ass in a relatively short amount of time and with minimal help. I think my answers are all wrong, but as Mr Chia says, it's good to learn from mistakes.

Okay, going off now.


P.S. A lot of plans have been crammed into our post-exam period, but do we have enough time to do everything?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yeongam 2011.

It's a Sunday, and our penultimate week of classes before our exams starts tomorrow. It's worrying because even at this point where we should all be preparing and revising and panicking, we still find ourselves caught up in assignments and homework and worksheets to complete. We don't even notice exams are just around the corner.

But then again, in a way, doing work and completing revision worksheets is sort of revision. I mean, one of the reasons why teachers give us this work is so that they can gauge how much we understand and are able or willing to do before we give up and resort to copying off friends. The thing is that even though we might do a little referencing, we'll still be lured into familiarising ourselves with the topic simply by reading the questions. Whoa, subliminal stuff.

Race day today, but I missed it because I went out with Kelvin and Wee Thean to watch 'Johnny English 2'. Laughed plenty, and managed to spot a few 'Mr Bean' gags and 'Blackadder' similes, which are classic Rowan Atkinson and I don't think I'll ever grow tired of them. Oh British humour.

Also, ate Carl's Jr for the first time. Yum.

Caught race results, and I have to say I'm really glad Vettel won this race in stead of Hamilton. And it's always appropriate for the newly crowned champion to win the race following his Championship win because it totally asserts the "yes, my team and I are better than you" message even further.

Webber in third, Button fourth, Alonso fifth and Massa sixth. Still the same few fill in the top six.

Okay, going off now.


P.S. I want my speech to be flawless. I will never be ready.

P.P.S. Also, I readily admit I almost cried watching this. So beautiful.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Was watching this video about Miss America contenders talking about Math in schools and bemoaning the lack of intelligence in the world, but then I realised it was a spoof and I thanked God profusely.

Then I found this article and oh Lord. What is wrong with us?

Got some (very much, actually) sleep today, then woke up to go out with Fatinn and Emily. Dropped by Bugis to get some things for next week.

Managed to find myself a new pair of shoes, which are awesome. Some people think it's really sad that I only buy shoes for myself once or twice a year. When my parents bring me out to buy girly shoes to wear at weddings and during Chinese New Year, it doesn't count.

Fatinn wouldn't let me into Kinokuniya. It's like I've fallen way behind on books and reading and everyone else has read all the "in" titles and I haven't, so I really wanted to go. But come to think of it, it was a good decision to refrain myself because I'd rather buy books in Malaysia where it's so much cheaper (even though bookstores here have a wider range). Also, books take up space and make packing so much harder.

Uploaded this video last night, because I don't want the product of our workshop thing during CCA to go to waste (so go and check it out and lend your support). Hopefully the other groups will be able to edit and upload theirs as well, but I won't force them until the exams are over. Seems a waste to leave all that footage unedited. And it's good practice, too.

Hamilton on pole for the race tomorrow, and the Ferraris are in the third row. Hm. I'm glad Massa outqualified Alonso though, because that gives everyone all the more reason to stop thinking of him as "the other guy".

Okay, going off now.


P.S. Note-to-self: Blackcurrant-flavoured H-TWO-O tastes awful. In fact, 100 Plus rules over all isotonic drinks I've ever had.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Oh no, once again I'm embracing my Hokkien heritage and am listening to ‘我问天’. I really like this song, because it reminds me of back when I used to watch Taiwanese dramas with my grandmother at home and me being able to understand little snippets reminds me I really am Chinese.

Didn't post for the entire week because I was ridiculously busy and didn't want to make it seem as if I was wasting time or anything like that.

Stayed back after school on Monday to watch the Year 2s English 'Corpse Bride' project on Monday. I love the Corpse Bride, so I couldn't say no to Mr Xie asking me to look after the camera in the Audi. Had the company of Yee Rou and Nazihah and we talked about school life.

Chem and Econs presentations on Tuesday. I'm so grateful for having Yos in our group, because he did pretty much everything and deserves total credit. And the presentation went down super well because our model was so simple nobody could troll us. Then embarrassed myself in front of our Econs lecture group because we were the only ones to present and I put on some ridiculous accent and swore colourfully in Italian.

Watched English speeches and attended one of the Music students' peer-teaching project things on Wednesday. Then ate and talked at Pastamania with Aisyah and MJ for like two hours.

Ended our peer teaching session for PE yesterday, so now all we have to look forward to next year's NAPFA. I might fail this one; I'm so incredibly unfit.

Geog test went all right, hopefully I'll be able to improve from last time. Also stole leftover SDYC biscuits from the Humanities classroom. Good stuff.

Physics test-ed and Chem quiz-ed today. Can definitely pass these, but acing is another matter. Also continued with speeches, and with each speech I become more determined to make mine absolutely perfect. I can do this. I mean, my ego's so huge, I actually enjoy having the opportunity for people to listen to me.

Went out with Fatinn and Woan Chyi for dinner so we could treat Fatinn for her birthday. Talked and ate and talked. It's nice to have friends.

Okay, going off now. Want to sleep, or something.


P.S. Year 4 is going to be over soon and I'm going to miss it immensely, even though we despised the amount of work we had to do. I love my class.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Suzuka 2011

It's the ninth of October 2011, which makes the date 9/10/11 if you write it out that way. Pretty neat.

It's the little things like this that make you stop and appreciate each day even when they seem like little fleeting moments that pass by in our lives.

Last day of CCA on Friday, yet we have unfinished business. Hopefully people will cooperate and edit their videos, but I doubt anyone would want to be at CCA on Mondays at a busy period of time like this. Deadlines, tests, quizzes, more deadlines. It's awful. But then again, CCA is supposed to be a part of the school curriculum, and therefore whatever we give, they have to take. I just don't have the heart.

Spent yesterday afternoon in school (then again I'm always in school; I live here) with Yos and Bryan, watching Yos do stuff for our Chem project. It's like we're making no contribution to this.

Went out for dinner with Wee Thean and Adithya afterwards. Mm good food really does perk you up. One only eats hostel food when going out to eat is not economical, which means there's study time, or there's a lot of work that needs to be done that's due the following day, so it's associated with depressing thoughts sometimes.

Then came back and played pool for two hours. KT joined us so we could form even teams.

Lost to Wee Thean and Adithya five games to seven, but that's okay because at least my pool skills are have somewhat improved. Played on Friday as well and really sucked.

Also, KT is officially pro at jump shots.

Race today was momentous, because Vettel is now the youngest back-to-back F1 champion ever, so good for him. Finger Boy has deserved it because he has driven flawlessly this season. And the season's not even over yet. Four races to go. Just goes to show what a ridiculous clean-sweep it was.

Button won the race because his girlfriend's Japanese, and Alonso finished second, which shows Ferrari's pace isn't that terrible after all. Massa finished seventh though, behind Schumi and Hamilton and Webber and Vettel.

Apparently Hamilton was surprised his race didn't go so well, but he had a puncture so it was expected.

I feel as if I can't say anything anymore because I don't watch any real racing action. That's just really sad and depressing.


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs.

It's currently thunderstorming after being all humid all day. Started raining during our Cell Bio prac and made everything all dark and lovely.

Received news during PE on our PE teacher's iPhone about Steve Jobs' death. I feel saddened. He was one man who made an impact on all our lives. It may not have been a brilliant moral impact that makes everyone better people, but it was an impact nonetheless. It may have been solely commercialism, but that man had a goal and he achieved it. Apple Inc. is huge.

And it's epic that many people found out about his death/spread word of his death on devices he brought into creation. That is quite a way to go. I'm going to miss his keynote speeches and his black turtleneck and jeans and nice balding head.

Long school day today. PE-ed, then continued our ujian karangan, then had Geog.

Geog was lecture, followed presentations which took longer than expected so Mrs Lim couldn't continue with the other lecture.

Also played with pens and ink and stuff. Have I mentioned I really like Yos' white pen? It's so good.

Got started on permutations during Math, which means we're really close to finishing off this sem's syllabus.

Counted corn kernels during Cell Bio for our prac. Tedious stuff, but there's this immense sense of satisfaction you get when you finish counting and categorising a rough 700 kernels. Go us.

Anyway, watched the third episode of Glee season 3 just now (because it wouldn't load last night and I decided to sleep early), and I have to say it is quite good. I dare not say it, but the old Glee essence is coming back. I love how Will Schuester is becoming tougher and more assertive and generally a more badass and self-respecting teacher. And Mike Chang finally got some good lines and a singing part, which I believe he nailed. Hooray for Asians.

I also realise that my first term of CCA leadership can be compared to the second season of Glee, because it was fun but hugely messy and pointless and unorganised and really bad without continuity (and season 2 gave us Blaine, too, which made it so much better).

Okay, going off now.


P.S. How sad is it that the concept of 'A-'s being "Asian Fs" is quite accurate? Man.

P.P.S. I also love how everyone appreciates Coldplay a bit more now that Glee covered 'Fix You'.

Franz Ferdinand.

Waiting for Glee to load right now.

Internet's been absolutely atrocious, and now I have to use LAN connection or I can't get anything done. It's so slow. So depressing.

Short school day today, but spent afternoon sleeping, so I still only had the night to do work.

Finished a Geog poster (again, this time with case studies and stuff). Was less sleep-deprived so it sort of looks better now and contains more information than last time.

Also read through our Econs report and found findings to insert into our report and stuff like that. Kinda looking forward to our presentation because it's some role-play thing where we get to be all foreign and try out different accents. Mm, I love accents.

Okay, so today we had Math first thing in the morning. GCT-ed most of the lesson away, then did even more tutorial questions. Also talked about the Tower of Hanoi, which is awesome. Leyi said that there's a 72 disc Tower of Hanoi which when completed will end the world, but it takes 2^72 - 1 moves to complete, so it's probably not worth it.

Ujian karangan-ed during Malay, which we will continue tomorrow. Oh no.

Also essay-ed during English. Made some ridiculously irrelevant references that don't make sense, and wrote lengthily and stupidly. There goes my English grade.

Did nothing during ACE, because Mr Yeo wasn't in school and I didn't sign up for PSATs and hence didn't have to go for the briefing.

Yeah, that was pretty much it.

All right, short post for tonight because I have to watch Glee.


P.S. Weather still going great. Yay.

P.P.S. It's like the greatness of the weather is inversely proportionate to the quality of our Internet connection. How sad.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


The Internet connection's acting up really badly right now. Must be the product of procrastinating Year 5s who're using the Internet to evade studying. Whoa.

Which is sort of good, because hogging the bandwidth means frustrating teenagers into giving up on whatever they want to do on the Internet and then carry on with studying. Or end up being miserable and in no mood whatsoever to be productive. Oh well.

Didn't post yesterday because the really hot and humid weather simply killed my mood. Felt like doing absolutely nothing but wait for the humidity to die down. I don't even remember doing anything fruitful. Either I'm suffering memory loss, or I really do procrastinate a tonne.

Oh yeah, watched a bunch of YouTube videos, because that's what YouTubers do to you. They make you like them so much you can't stand not watching their new videos and stuff. Doesn't really help to follow them on Twitter, either. You're all like, "All right, time to get stuff done," and they're all like, "My new video is up!" and you're all like, "Damn it."

Solution? Get of Twitter. But there was no work in dire need of being completed, so it was excusable. Oh me. Poor me. I'm terrible.

Anyway, the weather today took a marvellous turn for the better, and rained. Multiple times. And it was so beautifully cold all day (don't ask me how cold can be beautiful, but it just was, so deal with me). Refreshing, yes? Yes. There's just something about cold, crisp mornings that get you all galvanised and ready to love the world again.

Photo-taking early in the morning, so had to be in formal in order to look less like the mess we actually are. I love my class. I'm going to miss it, so badly. Mrs Chong told us today our class was like a kindergarten class, but it's not like it's a bad thing. It isn't.

Didn't have Malay, so sat strangely silently at the bench near the netball court doing our own things. Sometimes you just need the company, even if you're not in the mood to talk.

Borrowed Faiz's Time magazine to read. We get our own issues but it's like I never have the time to read them. Picked up a few English-y words to use for tomorrow's SA essay. I fully dislike writing essays for the sake of satisfying teachers. I want to write to make me happy. But that's not how life works, and I suck at thinking up points, so I write long, contentless essays. Depressing stuff.

I miss narrative writing. Not only because I was so much better at it, but because I think up unreal things better than being organised and listing out supporting arguments.

Tutorial-ed during Math, which meant we spent our time attempting tutorial questions. Mathematical induction is just a really tedious process, but less tedious than binomial theorem, so I'm okay with it. Very wordy, too.

Had Chem and got our tests back. Did all right, but not like complete ownage. Thought I'd did worse, actually. Then had nothing to do, but Mrs Chong kept coming up with excuses to make us stay in class for as long as possible. But we finished assignment 5 last weekend (discussion over Twitter with Kian Wee and Daryl was so convenient), and our project discussion was all confusing, so in the end she relented and let us off half an hour early.

Did random stuff during the PPV break.

Talked about essay-writing and structure during Econs. It scares me. I haven't been doing brilliantly.

Okay, going off now.


P.S. It's officially official. Monsoon season is back, baby.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


Dun dun dunn, it's already October, and here I go again on a post about how ridiculously fast time travels and we're all doomed because it'll be the end before we know it.

2012 is coming fast, my dears.

Just finished drafting my speech for our advocacy project thing. Left the Word file there for ages to like, ferment in the depths of my computer memory, and then finally opened it up to finish what I started and finalise things. Revised it a thousand over times, and now I have quite a wordy speech I need to cram into six minutes. I don't want to rush things, because this isn't a race to rapid gunfire. You want to make sure every single bullet hits its target with impeccable timing. I'll make timing my b*tch, man.

Also sort of tried to fit in almost every speech device we learnt about during English into my draft, so I'll at least score points in that area. And I like a challenge. Feeling super proud of myself because I managed to sneak in a Spiderman reference to make it even more epic.

Sometimes I think I'm afraid of making serious speeches.

Wasted a whole lot of time yesterday just sitting around, catching up on television shows and thinking about the amount of work I'm stupidly not doing and stupidly haven't done.

I think they plan it just so they release new seasons of everything right when our workload is going to reach its peak. It's scary. The universe is out to get us.

Hopefully Glee will be able to return to its old, season 1 continuity and not the bunch of random randomness and relationship-trading stuff we had in season 2. I've missed it. I don't ever want Kurt and Blaine to break up, because it would've been too fast and too soon.

How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory are as funny and nerdy (for the later) as I remember, which is good because I enjoy their consistency.

Okay good night.

P.S. I strongly feel like having a LotR movie/book marathon. Oh December holidays, let me indulge.