Thursday, October 20, 2011


Saw Coldplay's latest music video for their song 'Paradise' last night, and I thought it was amazing.

It's so simple, yet it touched me and I felt it. Nowadays a lot of MVs for popular songs are just a bunch of sexy-looking people dancing promiscuously (although I don't really mind, because Maroon 5 somewhat does it as well, and Adam Levine is well, Adam Levine), and nothing truly captures the true essence of a song.

Elephant costumes and South Africa may seem really random, but it looks a true paradise. We think we're so awesome with our gadgets and gizmos and our "superior" education, but in truth we're just poor, sad people. Fear, paranoia, judging and being judged, overambitious-ness, superficiality.

And one of the most popular conversation topics as of late is that of a little girl who got hit by moving vehicles. Twice. And nobody helped her until someone with an actual heart and soul came by to rescue her, and then got accused of helping her only for fame and fortune. What on earth? How can you not be outraged?

The only reason why the true severity of this problem was exposed was because the security camera footage of the incident went viral and all the news agencies picked it up. There are so, so many people out there, heartless and apathetic. How could they?

And then there's news of Gaddafi being dead, and people are celebrating and calling it a victory, and then checking his name off a list which included 'Saddam Hussein' and 'Osama'. It sickens me that people are gloating in this manner. You may have hated one man, but his death should not give you reason to party. Is there no longer respect for one's adversary?

The world is so beautiful yet so saddening at the same time. But it's the beauty that's worth preserving and living for.

Okay, yeah, finally gave my speech yesterday. Even though I wasn't as prepared as I had liked to be and I totally exceeded the seven-minute maximum limit, it went reasonably acceptably all right, and now I feel kind of relieved it's over. There are always three versions of a speech; the one scripted, the one given, and the one you wish you gave.

Exams are nearing, but I have an Econs test and Chem quiz to study for tomorrow. Let's go. Semangat.


P.S. Everything's over so fast it scares me.

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