Tuesday, October 04, 2011


The Internet connection's acting up really badly right now. Must be the product of procrastinating Year 5s who're using the Internet to evade studying. Whoa.

Which is sort of good, because hogging the bandwidth means frustrating teenagers into giving up on whatever they want to do on the Internet and then carry on with studying. Or end up being miserable and in no mood whatsoever to be productive. Oh well.

Didn't post yesterday because the really hot and humid weather simply killed my mood. Felt like doing absolutely nothing but wait for the humidity to die down. I don't even remember doing anything fruitful. Either I'm suffering memory loss, or I really do procrastinate a tonne.

Oh yeah, watched a bunch of YouTube videos, because that's what YouTubers do to you. They make you like them so much you can't stand not watching their new videos and stuff. Doesn't really help to follow them on Twitter, either. You're all like, "All right, time to get stuff done," and they're all like, "My new video is up!" and you're all like, "Damn it."

Solution? Get of Twitter. But there was no work in dire need of being completed, so it was excusable. Oh me. Poor me. I'm terrible.

Anyway, the weather today took a marvellous turn for the better, and rained. Multiple times. And it was so beautifully cold all day (don't ask me how cold can be beautiful, but it just was, so deal with me). Refreshing, yes? Yes. There's just something about cold, crisp mornings that get you all galvanised and ready to love the world again.

Photo-taking early in the morning, so had to be in formal in order to look less like the mess we actually are. I love my class. I'm going to miss it, so badly. Mrs Chong told us today our class was like a kindergarten class, but it's not like it's a bad thing. It isn't.

Didn't have Malay, so sat strangely silently at the bench near the netball court doing our own things. Sometimes you just need the company, even if you're not in the mood to talk.

Borrowed Faiz's Time magazine to read. We get our own issues but it's like I never have the time to read them. Picked up a few English-y words to use for tomorrow's SA essay. I fully dislike writing essays for the sake of satisfying teachers. I want to write to make me happy. But that's not how life works, and I suck at thinking up points, so I write long, contentless essays. Depressing stuff.

I miss narrative writing. Not only because I was so much better at it, but because I think up unreal things better than being organised and listing out supporting arguments.

Tutorial-ed during Math, which meant we spent our time attempting tutorial questions. Mathematical induction is just a really tedious process, but less tedious than binomial theorem, so I'm okay with it. Very wordy, too.

Had Chem and got our tests back. Did all right, but not like complete ownage. Thought I'd did worse, actually. Then had nothing to do, but Mrs Chong kept coming up with excuses to make us stay in class for as long as possible. But we finished assignment 5 last weekend (discussion over Twitter with Kian Wee and Daryl was so convenient), and our project discussion was all confusing, so in the end she relented and let us off half an hour early.

Did random stuff during the PPV break.

Talked about essay-writing and structure during Econs. It scares me. I haven't been doing brilliantly.

Okay, going off now.


P.S. It's officially official. Monsoon season is back, baby.

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