Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs.

It's currently thunderstorming after being all humid all day. Started raining during our Cell Bio prac and made everything all dark and lovely.

Received news during PE on our PE teacher's iPhone about Steve Jobs' death. I feel saddened. He was one man who made an impact on all our lives. It may not have been a brilliant moral impact that makes everyone better people, but it was an impact nonetheless. It may have been solely commercialism, but that man had a goal and he achieved it. Apple Inc. is huge.

And it's epic that many people found out about his death/spread word of his death on devices he brought into creation. That is quite a way to go. I'm going to miss his keynote speeches and his black turtleneck and jeans and nice balding head.

Long school day today. PE-ed, then continued our ujian karangan, then had Geog.

Geog was lecture, followed presentations which took longer than expected so Mrs Lim couldn't continue with the other lecture.

Also played with pens and ink and stuff. Have I mentioned I really like Yos' white pen? It's so good.

Got started on permutations during Math, which means we're really close to finishing off this sem's syllabus.

Counted corn kernels during Cell Bio for our prac. Tedious stuff, but there's this immense sense of satisfaction you get when you finish counting and categorising a rough 700 kernels. Go us.

Anyway, watched the third episode of Glee season 3 just now (because it wouldn't load last night and I decided to sleep early), and I have to say it is quite good. I dare not say it, but the old Glee essence is coming back. I love how Will Schuester is becoming tougher and more assertive and generally a more badass and self-respecting teacher. And Mike Chang finally got some good lines and a singing part, which I believe he nailed. Hooray for Asians.

I also realise that my first term of CCA leadership can be compared to the second season of Glee, because it was fun but hugely messy and pointless and unorganised and really bad without continuity (and season 2 gave us Blaine, too, which made it so much better).

Okay, going off now.


P.S. How sad is it that the concept of 'A-'s being "Asian Fs" is quite accurate? Man.

P.P.S. I also love how everyone appreciates Coldplay a bit more now that Glee covered 'Fix You'.

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