Monday, October 17, 2011

Don't Stop Me Now.

This video just made my day. Go British novelty television shows. They're awesome.

And my God, this interpretive dance thing is brilliant. This guy is brilliant. Who could've thought. I'm going to do a Gary Barlow on the X-Factor and say it was "absolutely fantastic". It takes genius to be funny, really.

Math first thing on Monday mornings seem to drag on forever, but then I realised I'd miss it. Heck.

Did more stuff about probability and apples and maggots and choosing people. Interesting. Also laughed at people who didn't understand the probability of roulette. It's fun because we can take this probability stuff and apply it to gambling methods.

Physics was just sitting there and attempting a past-year exam paper. Brain was dead so I really didn't do anything for the two hours. Instead just kind of stared blankly at my paper and then fell asleep. Whoops.

Watched a video about the evolution of modern humans during Evo Bio, which was quite intriguing. I don't think we appreciate the complexity of the human mind enough, but then again we could be really, really stupid compared to beings on other planets. We could be totally primitive and unrefined. Now that's a really sad possibility.

Sometimes I wish we could pull a 'Subtle Knife' and cross over to other dimensions and alternate realities, but we can't at the moment (not consciously), so we'll just have to deal with it and wallow in our un-satiated need for knowledge.

Came back straight after that and slept my afternoon away.

Feeling quite a sense of achievement because I managed to finish my Math ass in a relatively short amount of time and with minimal help. I think my answers are all wrong, but as Mr Chia says, it's good to learn from mistakes.

Okay, going off now.


P.S. A lot of plans have been crammed into our post-exam period, but do we have enough time to do everything?

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