Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily need.

Stole this from Pin's blog because I really want to up my post count (and that I'm avoiding work).

Are you wearing a hat?

Bottled water: yes or no?
When you buy water in bottles, somehow it always tastes funny. But when you buy your own bottle and then fill it with water, yes.

Do you have a crush on someone right now?
Yes, myself. I am that awesome.

What kind of laptop do you have?
It's pro.

Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil?
Oh dear Lord, pencils.

Who was the last text message in your phone?

Whats your favorite season?

Does your best friend have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Do you like them?

Favorite radio station?
Don't listen to the radio. Whoa.

Type your name into Google, whats the first thing that comes up?
Some hi5 page of someone with the same name. How sad. This blog comes up fifth though, which is awesome.

Whats your favorite song at the moment?
Well you caught me at this moment where I don't have a favourite song. But I last downloaded some Take That, 'You've Got The Love' by Florence and the Machine, and Coldplay's Paradise is still quite divine.

Coke or Pepsi?

Favorite subject in school?
Bio. What else?

Last concert?

Next concert?
Hopefully something kickass.

Last magazine you bought?
Some ancient issue of Nat Geog.

Last book you read?
Last proper book? Man that was all the way back in September. How sad. If I'm not wrong, it was 'Little Vampire Women'.

Do you prefer cats or dogs?
I like cats, but I'd keep a dog.

Is there someone you want to punch right now?
I want to punch many people because I have violent tendencies.

Favorite sports team?
Ferrari, doubtless.

State you most want to visit?

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