Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I've been hard at work lately, and my industriousness has resulted in three puppies. Sim puppies. These little things are so cute!

The puppy on the left is Biscuit, being eaten ali- I meant, nuzzled by his mum, Caramel. Biscuit is the only male puppy I've got right now.


This one's a female. Somehow I came up with the name Toffee for her. She must be thinking, "Dude, I want your glasses!"
The dude's called Lex, but it doesn't matter 'cause he ain't cute enough. 

 And finally we have another female, Vanilla. Oh? So you've noticed I have a penchant for naming my sim dogs after food like I do for naming cities after nuts? Congratulations on being observant. XD

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