Friday, September 16, 2011

Colour Fusion.

Our school combined performing arts concert, aka 'Colour Fusion' has just ended, and we've just had the most awesome post-event pack up ever.

Hung around in the hall while the PA team cleared away all their equipment from the hall, and helped coil a few wires. Then played around with balloons and had awesome fun with Rania, MJ, Wai Yin, Pin, Shankari and Adrian. Wearing our media shirt lets us do almost whatever we want, because other people have learnt to recognise us as the "backstage people" who do all the technical stuff.

Which is true. Without us managing the sound, lighting, slides, recording and various other paraphernalia, no school event would be able to take place fully effectively. The performing arts CCAs perform, and that's their calling; to be on stage and be seen doing what they love, and we find this special place in our hearts where we find sweet, simple satisfaction in playing huge parts in making things run smoothly even though we're hardly taken notice of. Media club pride forever. I love us, truly and forever.

Last day of the first week of the last term of Year 4 today, and the school was sort of abuzz with it being the first weekend of the first week of the last term of the last year before our class reshuffling, and also 'cause many of the performers had pre-concert jitters.

Had Physics, then English, where I felt kind of bad when 405 trolled 404 during their presentations, then Econs, where Jia Hong kept saying she screwed up although she got higher marks than most of us, then extra Math, where we went through two GCTs, and then Chem, where we went through Ass 4 and a past year paper.

Finally did some filming during CCA. Ever-so-grateful for the help of Kat and Stanley, who were nice enough to agree to appearing in our video and contributed even more awesomeness.

Going to edit soon, hopefully, really soon. Workload needs to be cleared first, though. Go me, I can do this.

Okay, have to go and watch House now.


P.S. Our performing arts CCAs improve every year. It's even lovelier watching them after realising that.

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