Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.

Still listening to Snow Patrol's 'Called Out In The Dark' (I say so because it's been on repeat for a few days now, ever since I realised it existed).

Also talking to Baoxin about a scholarship interview she's got tomorrow. It's interesting, because I think I might know how horribly nerve-wracking it is to sit in a room in front of several strangers and have to "present" yourself to them in a nice little package they'd see fit to have in their institution.

Yeah, it's scary business. I remember literally trembling, because I was so terrible nervous. I thought it'd be fine, because whether I got in or not, I'd be fine with whatever outcome (although I must say I am so glad I got in).

And now I wonder, changed so much as I have (in terms of confidence and shamelessness; I still think and talk pretty much the same), would they have passed me? Maybe they look at me now and totally regret letting me into their school. Whoops. I still don't know how I got in. I thought I failed the entrance paper, and when I found out I passed, I thought I botched up the interview really badly, too.

Sometimes when things are meant to happen, it doesn't matter how, because what matters is that it did. And I'm ever thankful for it.

Speaking of being thankful, I found my phone earlier on after losing it yesterday. Turned the house inside out looking for it, then they found it at my uncle's house.

Went out for dinner with Kevin, Feyra, Feyra's sister, Fatinn and Faiz at our beloved Mall to celebrate Kevin's birthday. Sooner or later, all of us are going to be able to legally drink and drive (man that's just ironic. Drinking and driving are a terrible combination). Was relatively quiet, because it's a weeknight and all the other Bruneians have school to attend tomorrow, or jobs to turn up at, so therefore less people and my beloved poklenz.

Sometimes it's like Bruneians in Singapore in Brunei are different. It's like we've seen more, and we've been through more, and we emerge all war-torn and bitter and with our eyes opened to the outside world. Whoa.

Also finished reading 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' by Mark Haddon, which is as brilliant as they've said it would be. Such an amazing read. I love books that kind of open your eyes to different perspectives and open your mind up even further after you're done with them. So, so good. It's never mentioned that the boy in the book has any form of autism or Asperger's though, so we assume. I thought it was quite convincing.

I feel enlightened.

All right, I have the rest of my holidays to enjoy.


P.S. So many good books, so little time.

P.P.S. Tried to convince my brother I actually go to Hogwarts, but failed miserably.

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