Friday, September 23, 2011


Just got back from dinner out with my aunt, uncle and freaking adorable baby cousin, and Stella tweeted me this link, which plays out the comforting sound of rainfall and distant thundering to create the illusion of a reassuring thunderstorm.

I love it when it rains. The sound, the smell, the temperature, the lack of humidity afterwards. So good.

It's been all cold and rainy for the past few days, and I totally appreciate it. It makes up for all the crap we're going through at the moment, what with all the deadlines and tests and quizzes. Oh horribleness.

And went off blogging for a week, because frankly I manage my time really unwisely, so I couldn't bring myself to come here and procrastinate because that would make me feel even worse.

So now it's a Friday again, and even though it's not such a free weekend, it feels good to not have a test/GCT/something due the next day, even though we have a Geog field trip early morning.

Busy busy busy. That's all we've been. But that's life, and we push on.

Hopefully I'll do all right for our Chem test just now.

Had a farewell party for our Year 6s during CCA, because today's their last CCA session, and we've relied so heavily on them. People like Roslyn and Ash have done so much for us, and because of them we've developed as a CCA and they've set the path of leadership for the rest of us. We all want Media to succeed and be regarded with high esteem, and all my CCA life they've been there. And suddenly they're gone and there's a huge gap that needs to be filled. I'm so grateful for their help.

Okay, yeah, race weekend this weekend, and it's a little closer to home this time 'round. Singapore, so close yet so far.

One day, I'm going to go and watch a race live, complete with tickets and seats and all. I don't know how much longer I can last without the experience.

Going off now. Tired beyond belief.

P.S. New seasons of How I Met Your Mother, Glee and The Big Bang Theory have all premiered this week, and I think I might explode of television series goodness.

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