Do not come looking for us at D304. Thank you.
Cikgu Haiseh pitied Zal for having to climb three floors to get to class using crutches. See? She does have a heart.
Speaking of discipline, there was statement last week made by another teacher that there will no longer be a "discipline teacher" in MS. Instead, all the teachers have the authority to "discipline" us. Brilliant.
I'm having trouble deciding who is scarier, Cikgu Haiseh, or Miss Ivy?
Back on topic. Whoever drew on the toilet walls, you better own up. The teachers will help you and give you counselling, and get your life back on track. Even if you get scolded.
And if you don't own up, you'll have to face the anger of the rest of the girls in school if we get made to clean the toilets this Wednesday. Including the guys' toilets. *cracks knuckles*
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Though I'm not sure if making students wash the school toilets is legal... After all, they did ban phones from school. Maybe they should just ban pens and solve their problem that way, like they banned mobile phones. Not taking any initiative, but just taking away the problem by removing the (good) thing that causes it.
People use computers to spam, spread viruses and hack into others' property. Why not ban computers?
People die of car accidents. Why not ban cars?
People drown. Why not ban water?
People kill other people. Why not ban people altogether?
Smoking is bad for you. Did they ban cigarettes? Stop the production? No. They stop people from smoking in some places, and it's up to the people themselves.
So no matter what, you can't ban anything. The law can be enforced, but it's hard, because not all people are that nice.
It's not the way to solve this problem, that's all I'm saying.
We were in the Audi before that, for a ceramah ugama.
I listened for while, in between my friends telling me to "masuk Islam". Syahirah said she'd teach me how to be a Muslim, Maz was asking me what Malay name I like, Wani was nodding encouragingly, and Neko was laughing her head off. Zakie was good. She did not laugh. Thanks, man.
For your information, I don't want to be Muslim. I respect it, but I'm not one for religion.
The school had replaced the stage backdrop that said "English Se ior Prep red Speech Competition" with a banner depicting something to do with Maulud Nabi. I knew the letters were gonna fall off.
We missed Maths. Yay.
And we escaped our Geo test. 'Cher was exceptionally okay today.
And we got to go to the Reading Room.
P.S. Isn't D102 a Pre-U class?