Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Symmetrical Properties of a Circle.

I dislike spam mail. 

Somehow unknown people with funny names are trying to sell me Viagra.
Like, what the hell? I'm not a guy, you know.

I have good news, very good news, and sorta-bad news.

The good news:
I think I'm going to pass my MIB. Also, our Geo wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Apparently our Geo teacher likes to repeat, "Very very hard paper," over and over again to see us get all stressed up. 
She asked us, "Do you want to have the test today, or tomorrow?"
"Today," we mumble. There's no way I was going to have studied all night for no test. 
"Good class," she says. Yes, we so good.
As for question answering, I got lucky. Heheh. I kalok

The very good news:
Ferrari managed a one-two at Sakhir. Yes..! In your face, Lewis Hamilton!

The sorta-bad news:
My BM paper sucked. Sucked, I tell you. I am in so much trouble.

Maths test tomorrow. Half of 3T failed the pretest. I thought 3T was the all-so-smarty-pants class? Every teacher loves them, and I don't know why.
We were walking past their class to use another one, 'cause no electricity again (what is it with this happening to us? What did we do to deserve being cooped up in a really hot classroom? We've been a good class, I think), and we saw them having their test. When we passed by again, more than a dozen people were standing in front of the class with serious faces.
'Cher Yati is scary. 
If we pass well, we get to move back to our original seating positions. At least I hope I do.

I have an IRK project to bind. I have Maths to study. Then why am I still here? Because somebody needs to whack me on the head first, that's why.

Someone said that no electricity was a sign we need aircon.
Air conditioners....how can you live without them? 

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