Tuesday, April 29, 2008


First things first:
Tira, it wasn't that pink, okay? It was uh... I don't know. I was hoping you'd forget that.

Our Geo teacher mysteriously didn't come to work today, so we had half an hour free time until our Head of CCA came to fill in for her. No test, but more homework. 

It was good though, 'cause we could talk to her about the mistakes (or typos) made in our CCA column in our new namelist. The namelist that came with the results sheet. 
We scrambled like wild dogs to fresh meat (pardon my disgusting simile) to get our hands on it, but the guys got it first. That's one advantage to sitting right in front of the teacher's table. My lot got to it second.

Positions, positions, positions. Fazrul managed to beat Sil Suan after like what, two years? He was grinning ear to ear and was in an unusually cheerful mood all day.
Stephanie's reaction was funny. "Wat? Number four again ah? Aiyoh."
Congrats, Syaz, for getting a joint sixth with Firdaus. I know you guys will "settle this next test". As will I. As. Will. I. 
Watch out.

Since our Geo test has been postponed to tomorrow, I'm hoping this Maulud Nabi celebration will last until half-past eleven, or in other words, until our Geo period is over. Unless, of course, 'cher has forgotten about it completely. Hello? I'd like a dose of amnesia on this person please, yes, yes, thank you. =)

I don't get Geo. It's the worse subject I'm taking now. Worse than History. I actually love History compared to Geography. 
Geo, it not only makes an interesting subject sound very uninteresting, it asks a lot of stupid questions. All in all, thumbs down. *points thumb down*

Commerce is okay. My favourite topic (name) so far: "Sole Traders". 
Sell me your soul, for I am the Soul Trader. Muahahahah.


Maths is monotonous, but survivable.

English is fine, sometimes urgh-ish, but fine.

IRK ain't so bad, you know.

Science, it's fun. I love the eyeballs and all that weird stuff. A few topics aren't so good though.

History may be boring, dull and sleep-inducing, but we hardly ever do any work. It's just copy copy copy, smile at our teacher's weird comments and way of pronunciation, and have free time. It's all good.

BM is very entertaining. I may suck at it, but I like it. I think it's either the teacher (cikgu Ramlah rocks and likes to see her students scribble frantically on the whiteboard making a huge illegible mess), or that I somehow find subjects I'm terrible at fun.
For BM extra today, we did karangan. We wanted to hear the guys sing (as punishment for the worse karangan, with the isi most hancurrr) but didn't. Aw man.

MIB... We're in the middle of a project. I draw very slow, and I'm certain to fail, because we only have half an hour to finish it next Tuesday.

Can I exclude PE here? I got no comment, apart from Zal's still using crutches and takes ages to move from Science to Maths class. I like to tag along, so I have an excuse to be late for class.

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