Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Espeed's back on!!

AaahhHhHHH!!! I'm finally back online, after what seemed like ages.

I don't know what to say first. Um, um, um... I'm glad the internet's back on. Yes! I feel like I can't live without the internet. I miss out on so much without you. Damn you Bruneian internet. (Just kidding. It's good that we even have internet here.) What is your problem?

Our IRK test today was postponed, following a very dramatic morning. 
We got our Geo marks back (I'm fourth highest... I will settle this during the third test, you hear me? Steph, Syaz and 'Daus, I'm so referring to you here) and it was good. We all passed. Eheh.
So while we were all secretly cramming for our Commerce test when we were supposed to be filling in the Geo notes blanks, Cikgu Haiseh stormed in. I was a bit surprised she didn't go, "Surprise~!" with her arms wide open...
Instead, she went, "Assalamualaikum (sp?) cikgu, kamu test kah? Kami nak spot-check ni ah..."
We exchanged looks. No, not literally. It was more like a "oh crap spot-check" thing. 

I will now reveal to you the procedure of a "Cikgu Haiseh spot-check". 
1. You will be made to empty our bags and head to the back of the class, boys to the front. 
2. Then the teachers will rummage through your belongings, private and non-private. (This is when a teacher found a chocolate box. "Ai, lawa chocolate ani!" she said. Apparently a few somebodies had stored their phones there.)
3. You will have to take off your shoes. (This is when Nabil was discovered to have shoved his phone into his shoe. Stupid boy.)
4. Let the teachers check your pockets by hitting your sides *cough sexual harassment cough*. (Unfortunately, I was the first one to be checked like this. I thought she was going to hit me or something.)
5. The teachers will say thank you, and leave you to re-pack your bags and weep uncontrollably if necessary.

Any comments? I have one. Don't bring your phone to school. 

Then, we got our MIB marks back. Our class got no 100%s, but at least I passed. That's all that matters (I think).
After that, Commerce. Commerce. Commerce. Sigh, Commerce.
More than three-quarters of us didn't finish the paper (excluding me. YES!). It's all about time management, and being able to scribble really really fast. It doesn't matter if your writing is like cakar ayam, but as long as you have your answers.
Apparently my classmates couldn't stand having their phones taken, a terrible Commerce test and an IRK one all in the same day, so they cancelled the IRK one. That means I crammed all day for nothing yesterday. TT2 ends next Tuesday. ARGH.

I don't know whether we have extra Science tomorrow or not, but the MS Youth Initiative members of my class are staying back to practice this skit they need to do for tomorrow's Senior Speech. So they can ask our Science teacher and then call me at 2226111. 
Speaking of Senior Speech, I'm glad I'm not performing this year. Last year's was terrible. I lacked timing, 'cause I was nervous. Playing in front of your then-band mates isn't exactly a good thing, you know. Neko gets to watch again, 'cause she's doing the skit, but I don't. I'm jealous. *pouts*
I can't even remember what songs we did last year. I think it was It's Not Over by Daughtry and something else. Hmm. 

I've got a History test on Thursday. Meh. They say it's easy, but I'm not taking it to heart. 

Last Friday, I went with the BIC (Brunei Institute of Chemistry) to a sago factory in Tutong. I can't recall the name. Ukong, or something. Anyway, my mum ate a sago worm/bug/larvae thing. Fried. Please remind me to post pictures. Thank you.

Last Saturday was our English and Science tests day. For English, I wrote complete crap, and for Science, I can only tell you I am happy with the results.
Isaac's one month thing was that night. So he turned a month old, got chipmunk cheeks, and is very cute. I saw Natalie there (like duhh), but didn't have the chance to talk to her. My brother scares Nathan. Poor Nate. 

Went to Chun's house to play ping-pong and eat KFC wedges and fries on Sunday. 

What else? My memory fails me. Oh well, next time. 
This post is too long anyway. I bet none of you read it whole. 
(I hope this reverse psychology thing works.)

Maths marks tomorrow. BM on Thursday. I am very scared indeed.

Edit: Maz is back in school after two weeks of being quarantined due to smallpox. Her face is pockmarked, but she's still the good ol' Maz I know. Wani gave her a poster/manila card with our pictures on it. Trouble is, it's got my picture on it. I thought that stuff was like, private?
Fazrul didn't get his pic up 'cause Wan had no pics of him. No fair. Also, I'm going to kill him for taking that photograph of me last year.
And that morning, (which was yesterday), we got our pictures for the school magazine 'cause our pics were never in it. I was happy without my picture there, thank you very much. Now it's just retard.

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