I launched it across the room and it bounced off my roommate's bed to God-knows-where. I'm hoping it'll turn up soon, so I can test out my launcher some more.
I decided to call our launcher 'GG', by the way.
That's because every time someone mentions "physics project", I say "GG'.
That's because we're definitely going to GG (my group, at least).
Feel kinda accomplished though, 'cause I managed to produce some crap (abstract art, I call it) and failed launcher in three hours with a ball of twine, pipes, and rubber bands (those red thin ones. Epic spam). And yeah, that's all. Somehow.
Come to think of it, I have no idea how that happened. I just hope people won't laugh when they see it.
And no, I am not ashamed.
Or am I?
Anyway, Physics aside, my sense of accomplishment also comes from finishing my Commonwealth essay (1575 words), and somehow coming up with something for Math.
Now all I need to do is that Physics report, Math reflections thing, English presentation and I'm good for the week.
Speaking of reflections, we came up with this during study time:
Four steps to score for reflections
1. Fake ignorance. "Oh my God, I never knew this was so horribly amazing."
2. Fake revelation. "This has finally opened my eyes up to the beautifully countless possibilities and amazingly useful uses of this *insert concept/idea/thingyou'resupposedtolearnfromproject here*."
3. Renewed passion. "After completing this/ in the process of researching for this I have realised how much I have loved *insert subject here* and I wish to learn more and delve deeper into the sheer breathtaking-ness of this topic, because it is simply brilliant."
4. Suck up. "I cannot thank you enough for presenting to me with this opportunity to research and learn more about this topic (of which I happen to adore profusely at the moment). Seriously, thank you."
Do that, and yeah, you're good.
Let's not talk about NAPFA. I am going to fail 2.4. Bleh.
Going off to read Chem now. Is the quiz tomorrow? I doubt.
P.S. Epic quotes of the day: "I'm sorry, but I left my discipline upstairs. Can I go get it?" / "How do you spell Yae?" "Yae A E..." / "I asked Mr Li if I had to submit it and he said 'submit to espace', and then I asked him how and he replied saying there was a typo and it was supposed to be "do NOT submit to espace."/ "How sure is your sure?" "As sure as my mum is a mother."
P.P.S. Will post about Melbourne 2010 when I've got the time. And I hardly have time nowadays. By the time I do it'll be time for Sepang.
P.P.P.S. Had an entertaining guest speaker for assembly today, for once.
P.P.P.P.S. And no, I no longer require sleep. So sad.