Anyway, Sports Day was today, and so we didn't have any lessons whatsoever, which was great. Also glad it didn't rain today so we could finish all the intended events (with the exception of the novelty teachers' tug-of-war, because the field was still squishy from previous rainfall).
Our Fibo spirit was really dead today. Hardly anyone cheered, or clapped, or made any kind of enthusiastic noise while our runners ran or received prizes. That's kinda sad.
Congratulations to Fleming for winning today, because they totally deserve it. As far as anyone can remember, Fleming never does well for these events, and therefore they've worked especially hard and now have earned the right to be winners of Sports Day.
Our school really lacks spirit sometimes.
I remember back in MS (I sound old saying this), we'd sing the school song with so much heart, and we'd cheer and have march-pasts and stuff. Now that was school spirit. Then you come here and a lot of people are too proud to admit they want to cheer and yell and scream their lungs out for the sake of their houses. Sad.
Okay short post for tonight.
P.S. Epic LotR music was played during one of the prize presentations today, and it was epic.
P.P.S. Nope, still don't have a sense of direction.