Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Watching this video right now, along with a few others with probable equal potential of making girls melt. Darren Criss is awesome.

And rewatching this video of Jason Mraz performing live totally reminded me of how there was a time I swore to myself I wouldn't marry a guy who wasn't able to sing and play the guitar/or any other musical instrument that looks cool. I mean yeah, I can dream.

I'm sure somewhere out there one day somehow I'll stop being forever alone. It's a sad prospect to end up single forever. I don't really worry about it as much 'cause I'm not that old yet, but when I look around me and see a tonne of people my age and much younger who've been in like a gazillion romantic relationships and can't help but wonder, "What on earth am I doing wrong?" Maybe it's not me; it's everyone else. It's okay to be single at the moment.

Anyway, my little predicament aside, have you heard about the London riots? Didn't really want to talk about it, because these things happen so often in other countries it's become commonplace, but then there was footage of this happening and now I feel really unhappy about the state of things.

How could anyone do a thing like that? Help a heavily bleeding, injured boy to his feet only to check the contents of his bag and make off with them. This is going to spark some big outrage, man. Are we as humans born with morals and a sense of right and wrong? Or is it drilled into us as we grow up? If this is what people claim separates us from "animals", then we're no better off. Sure we might think we might comprehend we might be one of the most advanced species on Earth but hell we're stupid.

And then there's this video, where two girls talk about showing "the rich people" they can "do what they want". So much bullshit. So this is what they want? People dying and things destroyed? How on earth is that going to make them better people? What point are they trying to prove? That they can wreck lives just as well as "rich" people can? I don't understand.

Sometimes you just lose all faith in humanity.

Confusing thoughts.

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