Monday, August 08, 2011

"'Cause I wanna be Mr Pond."

Listening to Chameleon Circuit's 'Still Got Legs' album at the moment, and yeah it's been established that I do really like it, particularly 'Everything is Ending' and 'Mr Pond'. It's so good.

My earliest memories of Dr Who are of my parents flipping to BBCEntertainment and telling me of a man who travels time and fights monsters and that they loved it and it was a brilliant show. I've never been an avid follower, but that doesn't make Chameleon Circuit any less good to listen to. But maybe yes, I should get started on watching one day. Once I'm done with House and this pile of schoolwork and editing I've got on my hands.

People are wishing Singapore a "happy birthday" right now, because it took me like two hours to type out the first two paragraphs. Well yeah, Singapore's always been the "cooler" country here. The one where almost every non-Singaporean in Southeast Asia wants to go to shop and be associated with in some way.

I have to admit, back when my dad started his evil schemes to deport me here to pursue a better education many years ago, I grew this ridiculous amount of resentment for this country. I hated it. I hated the way they spoke their English and the way they drill their students relentlessly and everybody wants to win and is so kiasu (yes I'm allowed to use this because I'm genuinely Hokkien).

But this place runs things so well it scares me. It's become like a second home now, and even though I am and will always be oh-so-Bruneian, Singapore's all right.

National Day celebrations ran from eight to eleven this morning. Great job with the marching, even though the performances were a bit weird and unentertaining.

Such patriotism.

All right, going off now. Any more and I'm going to launch into a meaningless ramble about my confused mixed feelings of pride, envy, fondness and resentment towards this country.


P.S. And I still feel a little bit sad about being able to celebrate Singapore's National Day with Singaporeans in Singapore and having not done so with Brunei in three years.

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