Monday, August 22, 2011

The Romance is Chemically Mine.

On a somewhat MCR marathon right now, and I've only just reached Danger Days. Been going since before dinner, and I've gone through Three Cheers, The Black Parade and The Black Parade Is Dead!, and I honestly couldn't be more in love with this band right now.

And it gets better. Wearing one of my MCR shirts and reading The Umbrella Academy and reading a bit of Chem, the romance is most definitely chemically mine.

Did Math today, and I think root approximation is pretty pointless because if we're allowed calculators to help us calculate points to decimal places, then we could just use the solve function of our GCs to make our lives oh so easier. But no, because if we could do that the Math department wouldn't really need to teach us anything anymore.

Oh well.

Then had Physics. Mr Yeo's finally back, after his two weeks of reservice. Made lame jokes about magnetism, and covered a part of the notes. Not looking forward to the test. Oh no.

Evolutionary Bio was fun, because it's Bio, and because Mr Soh's awesome. Ryan got owned, and then we covered stuff like genetic drift and stuff. Mmm Bio.

Oh, and some more nerdy pickup lines. Embrace the nerddom.

- You're so hot, you excite my electrons.

- If we're two sides to a reaction, we should calculate Ka so you'd be on top of me.

- I wish I were adenine so I'd be paired with U.

- If I'm a G-protein, you must be a GPCR, because you activate me.

- You know what they say, baby. Subduction leads to orogeny. How about we go back to my place and make the bedrock?

- I'm so attracted to you, they're going to have to call it a fifth fundamental force.

- According to the second law of thermodynamics, you're supposed to share your hotness with me.

- You must be a good benzene ring, because you're always pleasantly aromatic.

- You must be created by the Heavens; no amount of genetic drift would be able to achieve such perfection.

- You must mess up the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, because your alleles are out of this world.

- No genotype on earth could chart your beauty.

Okay, nerdy enough for tonight, and the poor people following me on Twitter have had to put up with way more.


P.S. Oh oh one more: My favourite element is Uranium, because I love U.

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