Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Whoa, title says it all, I've just realised that this is my thousandth blog post (actually one's a draft, and it concerns Escher and I've been keeping it there as a memento, so it totally counts).

Yeah, nobody cares and I still write horrible posts that are "nothing, really", according to people who bother telling me that, but I can look back at an almost daily commentary of my life and things that have happened over the past almost-four years and I appreciate my own perseverance and love of my own thoughts. To those people who tell me I'm boring, I'm not making you read what I write, and I've come this far, so in your faces.

I'm probably boring because I don't come here to b*tch (pardon my language) about people who've made me angry, or to talk about my miserable feelings or to gossip juicily, or anything along those lines, and I know that's what makes most people tick. I don't want to reread my posts feeling all bitter and having to relive all the bitter moments of the past. Emotion is not the boss of me.

Anyway, it totally feels like a Sunday today, but it's not because it's a Wednesday and day two of our National Day school holidays. School resumes tomorrow, sadly, but I'm sure we'll manage. And besides, it's only two more schooldays until yet another weekend.

Went out with KT and Kelvin to watch Captain America: The First Avenger at Vivo, because it sucks to feel all restless cooped up in the hostel going stir crazy.

Despite what people might be saying about it being really bad, I thought it was quite all right. I enjoyed it, although the ending was a bit funky.

Totally liked how Chris Evans managed to make Steve Rogers such a likeable guy, and Captain America truly really admirable. He is, after all, the first Avenger.

What with Thor out earlier this year and Iron Man already a big name, The Avengers isn't going to be totally unfamiliar when it gets released in cinemas next year.

Okay, better go now.


P.S. Can't seem to organise thoughts tonight. In a total state of disarray.

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