Wednesday, July 09, 2008

History extra? Ew.

I'm supposed to be reading for this- sorry, these History tests we have tomorrow. 

"Please read chapters four five six from Form One syllabus and chapters one and two world war one only from Form Three, class."

I can still hear her voice ringing in my head. Yes, 'cher, I know I'm not studying, but will you please stop annoying me for a few seconds so I can get this over with?

I know it's a bad thing, we keep talking about teachers behind their backs. I'm sorry. 

But I just can't help it. The opportunity is there. I can't remember when there was a teacher this fun to imitate.

I don't have time to ramble on and on and on today. So I shall leave you here. 

Suspenseful, ain't it?

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