Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Ms Anne is completely into our English oral exams right now. Be prepared, she says.

There's nothing wrong with holding a five-minute long conversation with a total stranger. *cough*

We practiced questioning and answering today.

One good question would be: if you could describe your Geography teacher with one word, what would it be?
My answer: Senile. 

That woman is completely, utterly, senile.

She thinks caribou get eaten by birds. But since when were there vultures in the Antarctic? I know one thing for sure, and that's that penguins don't eat reindeer.
I'm going to confront her tomorrow and claim that mark. What the hell, I'd say. Caribou don't eat plankton. They don't get eaten by whales either.
You're screwed up, 'cher. 

Sorry. Really am. But the truth is the truth. And the truth must be told.

She's retiring before PMB, I heard.
Our BM teacher is going for an operation sometime soon. 
Our Commerce and Maths teachers are going to give birth soon too.
We're going to be left by all our teachers before October, at this rate. 


Maybe they planned all this, you know. 
"Hey, let's get pregnant so we won't have to teach 3R anymore."
"Yeah, great idea!"

XD j/k.

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