Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Remedy.

I was surprised I didn't wake up with some sort of hangover this morning. Alcohol makes you do funny things. 

My dad and his squash buddies organised a dinner thing with their families. Since we already knew each other, it was no problem at all. I rediscovered the fun in living. 

Even though I may not have enough passion for music, Taekwondo, or care enough to study real hard and try my best, I know I love living life. It's what's fun-est.

My ex-swimming coach told more stupid jokes than I could count, and they were all hilarious. Seriously, I hadn't laughed like that since last Thursday when we told dumb F-word jokes and joked about Fazrul getting married to (Sir) Elton John.

So, back to this morning, I woke up not with a hangover, but with ESP, or extrasensory perception. I told my dad, "Dad, Nate's coming today."
Being a bit blur at the moment, he said, "What?"
"Nate's coming today."
"How do you know that?" he asked.
"Instinct," I replied. He gave me a weird look.

If he was thinking I was going loony (which I was and still am), it was proved wrong when my uncle's car came into view after lunch.
"Ha!" I yelled, pointing a finger at my dad.
"Wow," he exclaimed. "You're right!"

Hahah. Lunatic? You judge me.

Things I miss right now:

- My beloved. (I've been bugging my dad to bug his friend to get it back, but he's such a wuss. *shakes fist at man whom my guitar is with right now*)

- The good old(?) days in '07 when we didn't have to have extra classes almost every day. In fact, we didn't even have them.

- Training.

- My Sims.

- Reading recreational books and not just studying (or trying/trying to look as if I'm studying) 24/7.

- Not having homework.

My modem is in constant danger of being zapped by lightning these days. 

I remember back in January, when they (Brunei's Meteorological Centre) said the wet season was coming, it stayed dry.
And right after they said last month that the dry season was coming and we'd have to brace ourselves for the heat, it rained every night.
Then they changed their minds and told us we'd get the end of some typhoon, it dried up.
Now? They say the dry season really is coming. Try telling that to His Majesty the Sultan who's birthday party- sorry, celebration is being ruined by heavy rain. 

Pity those kids who're waiting for the fireworks tonight.

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