Saturday, December 05, 2009

Festive Comet.

I... have a dream.

And that dream, is not for racial equality in the world (not that I don't want racial equality, but I might get sued for plagiarism if it were in this here blog post), but to achieve something rather spectacular and grand though paled in comparison to racial equality.

And that, my dear readers, is to write and publish more blog posts than I did last year.

Or at least equal the number if I run out of things to talk about.

But definitely not less. Hell no.

All right, I should stop starting my sentences with conjunctions (but honestly, nobody cares).

Anyway, been spending the past few days being extremely unproductive and lazy.

Oh God, I can't even remember what I did two days ago. This is ridiculous.

I remember not being at home yesterday though. (If I sound like somebody who just woke up all hangover-ed in somebody else's house and is trying to recall drunk facts, do not judge me. I repeat: Do not judge me.)

Ignore me, I'm just trying to use lame jokes to fill in for my lack of content.

Talking to our new junior on Facebook now. Makes me think of last year. I definitely remember this time a year or so ago, when I was seriously reluctant to have to leave Brunei. I was an idiot.

Three hundred and sixty-five days later, it's all cool. And I'm cool with all that "it's-all-cool"-ness.

Singapore be fun.

(I still hate schoolwork, homework and tests though. Nothing can ever change that, unless I undergo some miraculous personality transformation. But we wouldn't want that, would we? ...Would we?)

Better go now. Will come back when I have more to talk (or type) about.


P.S. I've stopped listening again. I need to listen. I hate not listening.

P.P.S. I need to practice. Why have I not been practicing? I need "me" time.

P.P.P.S. Need to get my bike fixed. If not, a new bike will do just fine.

P.P.P.P.S. I can finally sleep on my right, after all those weeks. Nice.

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