Friday, December 11, 2009


I've realised that the later I sleep, the earlier I tend to get up.

Slept away my entire afternoon though.

Had some really good dream about the hostel rooms having air-conditioning. We can dream on, man. I bet that's what my subconscious was trying to tell me.

Visited my uncle after lunch (the one who underwent a heart bypass a few days ago) with a few members of the family.

Children under twelve weren't allowed in, so we dropped my brother and cousin off at our other uncle's house (my mum has a lot of brothers).

Broke my heart to see my uncle just lying there, unable to do anything.

I mean, it sucks to see people so helpless and knowing you can't do much to help.


Thank God the operation succeeded though.

We're so fragile, it's depressing.

Take a look at those horror movies, freak accidents and natural disasters, and you're like, heck, those people sure died really easily. And then you realise, heck, that could've been me.

It's a scary thought.

Anyway, had to wait outside in the hospital lobby for a while, with my mum, cousin, and her dad. Drew faces on our masks to pass the time. Then played around with her DS.

Finished 'The Hobbit' last night. Started on LotR during breakfast, but I couldn't get past the prologue before my mum came and said we were going out.

Going off now. Need to dream about air-conditioned hostel rooms again (hopefully).


P.S. Just realised earlier on that Michael Jackson and Michael Bublé are both Michaels. Man, I lag.

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